EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Trakanon Raider
Actually impressed RI won something after their guild hemorrhaged dozens of players to cheat bans.

Kudos, guys!
It almost looked like in their latest gore video the zatan and that other tank almost keyboard turn and stand right ontop of each other.
Leonardo Dicaprio Reaction GIF by Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
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Canuckistani Terrorist
Think I'm gonna put this server on backburner for awhile. Was offline for 2 weeks after a storm fucked up neighbourhood lines/modem, and now I'm left with my dick in my hands as most of my guild is already mostly into VP and done with epics and a lot of people already into login>raid>logout mode.

Playing catchup when everyone burnt out from leveling and questing isn't a fucking fun time at all, especially during Kunark so I think my old ass will pass. I really can't fucking stand grouping with randos on these TLP's anymore, I'd just rather not play at all. Might just wait till the pre-velious wave to start back up again on Cleric/Necro.

Just gonna fuck around on Mischief for awhile, it's been nice and relaxed, like FV without the F2P players, and I never really did much stuff after OoW, maybe I'll get into it.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Think I'm gonna put this server on backburner for awhile. Was offline for 2 weeks after a storm fucked up neighbourhood lines/modem, and now I'm left with my dick in my hands as most of my guild is already mostly into VP and done with epics and a lot of people already into login>raid>logout mode.

Playing catchup when everyone burnt out from leveling and questing isn't a fucking fun time at all, especially during Kunark so I think my old ass will pass. I really can't fucking stand grouping with randos on these TLP's anymore, I'd just rather not play at all. Might just wait till the pre-velious wave to start back up again on Cleric/Necro.

Just gonna fuck around on Mischief for awhile, it's been nice and relaxed, like FV without the F2P players, and I never really did much stuff after OoW, maybe I'll get into it.

Its 4th of july, bonus xp time, and its still kunark with little else to do. You really aren't going to find any better time to return if you take a break now; it's only gonna get harder to find groups and level in the future.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I would say now is probably the best time to level and get caught up. Tons of completely decked out randoms leveling alts and personas due to the xp bonus.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
He said he hates pugs, which is understandable, but the problem is that leveling pre velious wont be better than now. People wont be less burned out, and the xp bonus now is solid. Cleric necro duo can climb fine without a group; yeah, you lack the nice group xp bonus, but thats offset by the 4th bonus, so that I would assume duoing during this holiday with a strong combo like that which can shred undead is probably superior to grouping without the 76% bonus.


Canuckistani Terrorist
Its 4th of july, bonus xp time, and its still kunark with little else to do. You really aren't going to find any better time to return if you take a break now; it's only gonna get harder to find groups and level in the future.
If it was just the XP, you be 100% right. It's more I just lost the drive, since by the time I hit 60, get keys, get epics to point i need help on fights, the "fun" guild phase is long over. For me the fun phase with a guild is when everyone is pushing to level, key, gear, run quests ect, and you finally start hitting the raid content. It's a big part of the reason I generally never consider joining one of the bigger TLP raid guilds. With a more casual guild I get a little of that old school EQ struggle feeling, but still get shit done, if that makes sense. Coming along late, and begging for help/groups, and getting loot by default just fucking sucks for me.

Why I was thinking of just waiting it out until a bit before Velious. I dunno, maybe I'll just level them this week anyway, cleric and necro both in 40's, not that hard of a push, just demotivated currently. I didn't even get to know anyone or really group with anyone in guild before my internet got fucked up, the handful of people I knew before seemed to have moved on.


TLP Idealist
If it was just the XP, you be 100% right. It's more I just lost the drive, since by the time I hit 60, get keys, get epics to point i need help on fights, the "fun" guild phase is long over. For me the fun phase with a guild is when everyone is pushing to level, key, gear, run quests ect, and you finally start hitting the raid content. It's a big part of the reason I generally never consider joining one of the bigger TLP raid guilds. With a more casual guild I get a little of that old school EQ struggle feeling, but still get shit done, if that makes sense. Coming along late, and begging for help/groups, and getting loot by default just fucking sucks for me.

Why I was thinking of just waiting it out until a bit before Velious. I dunno, maybe I'll just level them this week anyway, cleric and necro both in 40's, not that hard of a push, just demotivated currently. I didn't even get to know anyone or really group with anyone in guild before my internet got fucked up, the handful of people I knew before seemed to have moved on.
You’ll still get that fun phase with 25 more expansions after Kunark. You’ve got like 6 weeks til Velious so it’s sort of the perfect amount of time to level and do your stuff without being bored to death. Anyway, best of luck.
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Yeah Chardok was packed full last night. I got my shaman a few levels after work before having to head to bed.
I love Chardok. I think it’s 100% that nostalgic run through the Burnt Woods out back in early 2000 for me that seals the deal.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I’ve been busy with RL and getting 99% of the OW mobs and haven’t had time to post. I do believe the count is 417-3 at this point. You can check the math on that for me Zaide Zaide since I know you like to keep track.

The sheer amount of copium or just plain idiocy if you actually believe the things you say, is off the charts.
View attachment 535026
It takes less than 3 minute for someone to run from traks teeth to old seb. It’s quite sad that the average level of gameplay in faceless is so bad, that you think the only way RI is capable of doing things so fast is for us to be logged in zone or sitting on the char select screen. I’ll let you in on a little secret. Good organization leads to good response times. We don’t sit in zone unless it’s something like I’m logging off until the next spawn for reasons.

But hey, keep getting so many tier 1 mobs your monks have to go all in with their dkp to win some boots.

Ultimate Warrior Rip GIF by haydiroket (Mert Keskin)

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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>

I second that notion. There something that turns a monk into One Punch Man?

Not really. Tested it a bit myself and it's overrated, nothing to see here.

Not kidding.

You're still here? Go on, go. The movie's over.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So level 2 mages is the way to farm tower gear after getting the key?
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