EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Lol figures it was something overlooked. I wish persona switching, just switched out all gear to w/e was saved on the last time you were on w/e class you are switching to. And all that stuff just got stored into some new UI window(so you could still access it outside their specific persona). So it wouldn't take up bag/bank slots.
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Log Wizard
Lol figures it was something overlooked. I wish persona switching, just switched out all gear to w/e was saved on the last time you were on w/e class you are switching to. And all that stuff just got stored into some new UI window(so you could still access it outside their specific persona). So it wouldn't take up bag/bank slots.
At the Fippy Fest they said this is actually high up on their list. Having gearsets and set slots for that gear to go in/out of. They said it won't be soon, but they're working on it and it was one of the few things they said had high priority.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Again, show me the parse. Yea it's a bug and is gonna be fixed, but it didn't/doesn't matter.

It gets monks to be pretty close to competitive with wizards but that's about it.


Trakanon Raider
This is a new usage brought about by personas. Monks didn't have a way to equip such weapons before. You can equip the arrows because it matches the class restrictions. That's not the same as a monk equipping a mage epic or other higher damage item.

A little extra arrow damage doesn't compare to damage bonus from high damage weapons, either.

It's more relevant sure. It's not new. It's also not the only way to equip a yellow item. Items that give faction mods like Scalp of the Ghoul Lord also give benefits if they're yellow. Using yellow items isn't something new.

Persona also makes it so you can throw on a full set of Cleric Hate gear and use the illusion bug to run around as a Rogue in full purple plate armor. This isn't some hidden tech.

For those of you who don't know the Illusion bug
1. Equip visual armor
2. Cast illusion
3. Swap out visual armor
4. Click off illusion. You'll now appear to be wearing the gear you had on before you cast the illusion.


<Gold Donor>
Damage bonus uses delay? This was highest delay item I could find in my bags of junk.

At first I went looking for Mroon's Toy but it's only 70 delay.

Screenshot 2024-07-02 183257.png

Let's slay dragons!

Screenshot 2024-07-02 184137.png


Canuckistani Terrorist
You’ll still get that fun phase with 25 more expansions after Kunark. You’ve got like 6 weeks til Velious so it’s sort of the perfect amount of time to level and do your stuff without being bored to death. Anyway, best of luck.
Sorry, I'm turning into Bruce Willis, so sometimes (often) I have a hard time making my meaning clear. Missing out on the initial guild rush deflated my motivation is all I mean, that's a huge part of my TLP experience, I don't do these TLP often, I join a new guild each one, grow with guild, usually they dramaplode by Luclin/PoP, but whatever i have a little fun.

It was also Canada Day weekend, and that affected my mood. I'll get back to it when this hangover gone.

Drunk That 70S Show GIF by Peacock


Trakanon Raider
At the Fippy Fest they said this is actually high up on their list. Having gearsets and set slots for that gear to go in/out of. They said it won't be soon, but they're working on it and it was one of the few things they said had high priority.

Ill Be Back Jim Carrey GIF


TLP Idealist
Damage bonus uses delay? This was highest delay item I could find in my bags of junk.

At first I went looking for Mroon's Toy but it's only 70 delay.

View attachment 535213

Let's slay dragons!

View attachment 535216
If you use a two hander then the offhand won't swing so the optimal cheese here is to use a slow one hander that isn't normally available to Monks. Staff of the Wheel is the obvious choice but someone much smarter than me told me 1 hander damage bonus calculations are different so basically once you hit 50 delay it's all the same.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Again, show me the parse. Yea it's a bug and is gonna be fixed, but it didn't/doesn't matter.

It gets monks to be pretty close to competitive with wizards but that's about it.

Monk top fist dmg is 169 on a normal mob, and thus far we have hit 234 in our testing, top end using slow 1 handers not monk usable.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Best, non-epic/raid 1h for someone leveling a monk? That hammer Edaw posted?

Nope. Just go for the best ratio 1HBs you can find. Staff of Shielding is the popular one, but there are a bunch.

Don't use 2HB until 20+ when the damage cap lifts. Even then stick with your best ratio weaps.

Later, empty H2H takes the lead.