EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>

Anyone know what chat filter these messages are under? Gotta get them moved to the main combat window and looked all through the filters.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Sever kind of sucks. Revamped zones, persona teleporting, huge groups of boxers running around on /follow, krono, etc. It just isn't fun, nostalgic or immersive. TLPs have evolved into their own separate game that doesn't really feel like Everquest any more.
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Molten Core Raider
Sever kind of sucks. Revamped zones, persona teleporting, huge groups of boxers running around on /follow, krono, etc. It just isn't fun, nostalgic or immersive. TLPs have evolved into their own separate game that doesn't really feel like Everquest any more.
first time on a Tlp?
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TLP Idealist
Sever kind of sucks. Revamped zones, persona teleporting, huge groups of boxers running around on /follow, krono, etc. It just isn't fun, nostalgic or immersive. TLPs have evolved into their own separate game that doesn't really feel like Everquest any more.
Bruh that ain’t /follow
  • 2Worf
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Lord Nagafen Raider
It just shows how disconnected the developers are at the moment. All 1 of them. Imagine if they had someone, let’s call their role a community manager, and they scoured various forums such as this one and read what people were after. I imagine the PL crews help bring in what they want in the form of new KR sales so they are happy with what they’ve got.


Sever kind of sucks. Revamped zones, persona teleporting, huge groups of boxers running around on /follow, krono, etc. It just isn't fun, nostalgic or immersive. TLPs have evolved into their own separate game that doesn't really feel like Everquest any more.
I’m having a blast just playing personas. I got a 60 cleric and now a 45 wiz. My box is a 40 something bard. Just having fun grouping with friends and pugs too. Definitely the most fun I’ve had playing casually since EQmac.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Listening to the masses is always a good idea! /rolleyes
I can’t say it any better than Zaide can and he seems pretty well representative of the feelings that have been posted on here. Nothing wrong with listening to those opinions about the tower, tormax being DOA, etc.
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Tranny Chaser
I don't hate that the 25th anniversary server is a random loot pinata covered in tower cake frosting but the power/feature creep is real. Every TLP going forward is going to have the tradeskill depot, dragon's horde, personas, perks, Vaniki claimables, plus a little mystery grab bag of claim shit from prior expansions and special events plus all the old shit we don't even think about anymore like the merchant purchased melee augments, the white damage AA ranks, Origin, the extended target window and the threat meter. Heritage crates add a little. The Year of the Darkpaw click port items could show up in the store at a future time (if they ever leave in the first place). There's speculation that the tower, like most anniversary content is going to make a limited but annual appearance. There's a monetary incentive to include in each new expansion something the TLP recyclers will want access to. We're drinking from the fire house out here.

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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
It's not real EQ unless Bards are allowed to kite 100000000000 things at once.

Bard kiting 50+ mobs in Underfoot thru VOA is my fondest EQ memory. What a rush. I had a bard box and I'd just powerlevel my main to max AAs every expansion (along with anyone else I wanted to AA up) in Foundation, or later, City of Bronze. Few things match the rush of turning around to see 50+ mobs charging you and needing to time a short-range frontal cone AE so you can back the hell up.

Too bad it got nerfed. Can't even SK 2.0 swarm kite anymore, I don't think.
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TLP Idealist
I don't hate that the 25th anniversary server is a random loot pinata covered in tower cake frosting but the power/feature creep is real. Every TLP going forward is going to have the tradeskill depot, dragon's horde, personas, perks, Vaniki claimables, plus a little mystery grab bag of claim shit from prior expansions and special events plus all the old shit we don't even think about anymore like the merchant purchased melee augments, the white damage AA ranks, Origin, the extended target window and the threat meter. Heritage crates add a little. The Year of the Darkpaw click port items could show up in the store at a future time (if they ever leave in the first place). There's speculation that the tower, like most anniversary content is going to make a limited but annual appearance. There's a monetary incentive to include in each new expansion something the TLP recyclers will want access to. We're drinking from the fire house out here.

Nagafen never had a chance
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Tranny Chaser
There was a time when TLPs were adding things like MotM, nerfing Magician pets and removing shit like the faerie wand from the store for being too strong.


TLP Idealist
There was a time when TLPs were adding things like MotM, nerfing Magician pets and removing shit like the faerie wand from the store for being too strong.
That was the Prathun era. When he left the philosophy changed to accessibility.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
To be fair, mischief was a huge success, whether that was from just something new or just blanket accessibility to high end raiding gear. Obviously they thought it was the ease of being powerful aspect they thought was the secret sauce and they doubled down, with a little "its for 2 expansions, so it wont make a difference in the long run" thrown in.

Straight up assfucking itemization was definitely not the right move for the majority of the expansions the TLP crowd actually comes back for.


Karazhan Raider
Kunark itemization is so fucking trash anyways that I don’t care if tower fucks it up, but it does suck that it screws over a lot of velious drops.