EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
WTS - Gigantic Zweihander.

WTB - 10-slot bags, Painbringer, Mrylokar's Helm, Rubicite Arms, Scaled Hierophant hands/helm, sarnak war bow, Indicolite arms/pants/boots/bracer. Send any of the above over and message me with how much plat you want.
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<Gold Donor>
anyone have harmshield or shroud of undeath sitting in their banks for sale ?
Harmshield is researched. I sent you one.

Screenshot 2024-07-26 110051.png

Shroud of Undeath is drop only from Battle Master Ska`tu in Chardok.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Things that rustle my jimmies:

-PUGs where someone joins the group, actually plays for like 2 minutes, then goes afk for like 15.

-PUGs where people don't assist, so you have mob HP levels dropping in unison. Multiple mobs dying at the same time. Split DPS that's so even, it would make a Solteris raid proud.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Wonder what OoW would have been like if GoD and OoW had been one big expansion as intended. "Realms of Discord" would have been a good name for it.

Going off of the way GoD is set up, chances are OoW would have been a similar system of gated zones. The portal to Discord would have either been in Qvic (where they initially ported into our world IIRC) or Tacvi, beyond Tunat. Tacvi might have even been a bit later in the expansion, beyond the first couple OoW zones, or maybe it wouldn't have existed at all and was added as the GoD endzone after they decided to split it.

Much like Barindu, Kod'taz, and Qvic are kinda hub zones, Dranik's Scar would have probably been the next one after the Qvic/Inktuta/Txevu zone set. Then you've got the Sewer trial zones in DS that likely would have needed to be done to unlock the next set (like the Sewer trials in Barindu originally needed to be done along with Tipt and Vxed to unlock the next tier, early in development, IIRC).

The DS sewer trials always seemed like they were intended to be for something more important than just signet mobs being stashed in them. So after the DS sewer trials you unlock Harbinger's Spire, Bloodfields, Causeway, RCoD and have to do something in those to unlock WoS, with WoS being the next hub zone where you gotta do trials or raids in MPG, Tacvi, and RSS, which unlocks COA. Obviously some of these zones wouldn't have existed in this hypothetical (Tacvi and RSS strike me as the most likely to have been late additions to their respective expansions).

I don't know, something along those lines seems pretty likely for this hypothetical super-expansion. It would have been a similar size to PoP, perhaps a bit bigger, and had a vaguely similar flagging system with tiers. It was also supposed to have raised the level cap from 65 to 70, so you'd have that from the get-go. Instead we got half of it with no level raise and it roflstomped people into switching games.


Thank you, Santa!

Regime Regime are you HS keyed on your SK?
Yes I have the parts now thanks to Edaw. I need to get another key for the cleric.

Things that rustle my jimmies:

-PUGs where someone joins the group, actually plays for like 2 minutes, then goes afk for like 15.

That’s nothing

The other night in Karnors Castle, our tank replacement joins and immediately says

“Guys I’m not sure how long I’ll last…. I just ate an ounce of shrooms.”

Sterling Sterling It was almost as bad as playing with that bard puller that somehow pulled trak on our lvling group at Juggs.
  • 2Worf
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Blackwing Lair Raider
First time I've done the mage epic, he's quite a beefy boi. That 145 dmg hit each round doesn't seem right but I'll take it.


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WTF is a Raider?
<Gold Donor>
Question on Tower and Tokens: I have a level 60 with 20 timeless tokens. I go to the Miacallie merchant to see what I can buy and ... nothing. Literally not a thing in her inventory to buy. I even unchecked the "only see stuff you can use" button and still nothing. I had already converted the coins i had to alt currency so that isn't the issue. She just has nothing to sell to me. I check with my level 2 mage who just completed a mission, and there is junk for him to buy. But the level 60 sees nothing when he tries.
What the hell did I do wrong (now)?


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Question on Tower and Tokens: I have a level 60 with 20 timeless tokens. I go to the Miacallie merchant to see what I can buy and ... nothing. Literally not a thing in her inventory to buy. I even unchecked the "only see stuff you can use" button and still nothing. I had already converted the coins i had to alt currency so that isn't the issue. She just has nothing to sell to me. I check with my level 2 mage who just completed a mission, and there is junk for him to buy. But the level 60 sees nothing when he tries.
What the hell did I do wrong (now)?

The level 60 character needs to have the achievements for each of the tower rooms and that will unlock the gear. So if you used a baby character to do the keys and get the tokens, you'll have to do it again on the main char.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Been trying to get a brittle bone to drop from HS for a week now, i don't remember it being this rare. Anyone has one for sale so i can finish my skullcap?


The Scientific Shitlord
Finally got around to canceling subs. /salute EQ

POE, D4, WOW, FFXIV and DDO time for now. I will come back someday if they are still making fun servers like mischief/teek.


Vyemm Raider
Anyone have a fungi staff to sell? I have 9k, the pelt trade has been good to me

Found one
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Finally got around to canceling subs. /salute EQ

POE, D4, WOW, FFXIV and DDO time for now. I will come back someday if they are still making fun servers like mischief/teek.

I'll be here until Zaide Zaide kicks me out of the empire or I get banned. In the meantime, I'm all-in on this one.

It's great to finally be playing again, on a Mischief server no less.




Help Me No GIF by PatrickStarrr
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Finally got around to canceling subs. /salute EQ

POE, D4, WOW, FFXIV and DDO time for now. I will come back someday if they are still making fun servers like mischief/teek.


Your stuff…

Netflix Can I Have It GIF by Blown Away

Trading in Baja Blast

  • 1Worf
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Blackwing Lair Raider

As krono maintains it meteoric rise in price, I've been struggling with actually finding something worth farming, the value of anything outside of raid content drops have basically plummeted to not even worth the time it takes to sell them (HG/seafuries are about 1k/hr raw plat.) While it curently stands it requires 72 hours of nonstop hill giant farming to equal a single krono if the price of krono remains stagnate, which it rarely does.

Which basically boils down to, velious cant come soon enough to introduce items people actually want to buy.

18 days to go.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
As krono maintains it meteoric rise in price, I've been struggling with actually finding something worth farming, the value of anything outside of raid content drops have basically plummeted to not even worth the time it takes to sell them (HG/seafuries are about 1k/hr raw plat.) While it curently stands it requires 72 hours of nonstop hill giant farming to equal a single krono if the price of krono remains stagnate, which it rarely does.

Which basically boils down to, velious cant come soon enough to introduce items people actually want to buy.

18 days to go.

Yeah, there's almost no point in tunnelquesting at this time.

There was one server where I pulled in about 3kr / hr farming hill giants for a few days. Was in the third or fourth group to hit level 50, was playing either an ench or necro, and proceeded to go farm giants for about 2k plat per hour at level 50 when going full-tilt with almost no competition. Would turn around and buy kronos every couple hours. For 600 plat, then 700, then 800. After several days it got up to around 2500+ and then it stopped being worth the work fairly quickly, as I couldn't quite make 1 kr per hour with no competition and it'd decline precipitously as other farmers reached level 50 and funneled in. Several days after that and the farm wasn't worth it at all anymore. It's a brief window, and reliant on there being a large supply of kronos being sold to begin with (by people who don't care about offloading at a third or quarter of what they'll be worth two days later).

Even raid gear from VP isn't going for much now. Was trying to sell a couple things I don't need anymore and no buyers.

Negative. I might use it again someday, and I am a hoarder.

May want to cash out and convert to krono (if the items you have are worth that much). Cause bear in mind that pieces of equipment that are worth 1 krono now might be worth 1/200th of a krono in a few expansions if you do come back.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
This is just the way it is on mischief. Get some small man raids going if you want to farm for krono. Tradeskill items might not be that bad either since the mischief rules won't really increase the quantity of those, but they're boring as fuck to farm.
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