EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Karazhan Raider
Down to last fight for monk epic, too bad it’s impossible to do without retards stealing Xeno. Guess I’ll have to wait for next patch which supposedly fixes it.
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Molten Core Raider
Best single class for some easy power leveling: Druid for the heals and shields?

What guild is everyone playing in? I have two tag-alongs this go around that have never raided in EQ - but they're not idiots. Something like Faceless too much for them? Looking for something with 0% RA required (work travel). Any other guild recommendations, we'd need 8pm CST or later start time.

Buy some Kilva's Skin of Flame potions from your local shaman to help with the PL - they're a 30 point DS at level 60 that stacks with the druid one. Do the reverse strategy where you pull a ton of mobs on the level 60, wear them down with DS. Low level hits the mobs once and gets all credit for the kill.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Answer is druid, yeah. In this era gets a bit weaker if you're trying to thorn mobs past 35 or so, but chloro/HP/thorns/heals for low level buffs and just mass pulling on druid and having low level hit all mobs (preferably with a pb aoe - bard is ideal for this) is the way to go. Healing is good agro, so landing a good heal before having the low levels attack is helpful (sit a few times if you're not taking enough dmg to heal much).
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Answer is druid, yeah. In this era gets a bit weaker if you're trying to thorn mobs past 35 or so, but chloro/HP/thorns/heals for low level buffs and just mass pulling on druid and having low level hit all mobs (preferably with a pb aoe - bard is ideal for this) is the way to go. Healing is good agro, so landing a good heal before having the low levels attack is helpful (sit a few times if you're not taking enough dmg to heal much).

Use a druid + kilva skin to PL a bard

Then in later eras use the bard to PL everything else you want, with their 300 point DS or whatever it can get up to in the middle eras by stacking stuff

IIRC, and I could be wrong about this - if DSing yourself, Kilva's is pretty weak at low levels (short duration, low DS number) but Lava Potion works for full effect at level 1. Not player-made, mob-dropped, but I managed to get four of them in Sol A in a couple hours. I doubt that it'll save you more time than it takes to farm them, but if you're doing your leveling/PLing in Sol A anyway, or see them for sale, Lava Pots are pretty damn good.

The biggest brain play for low level PLing yourself is to get a Brazier of Elemental Summoning to summon a level 12 pet, give it a Polished Shai'Din Naginata (which makes it hit for like 75), get it druid and cleric buffs (or at least cleric buffs) and go to Oasis. With the weapon and buffs, that level 12 pet is about as strong as a level 20 mob. Especially if your character is capable of healing, then it can go even further. Oasis because the crocs don't add. Try using it in, say, Befallen or Unrest and it'll go great at first until you get a badly-placed level 18 necro or ghoul in the middle of a fight. Use the pet in Oasis, sic it on one foe at a time (two if regular caimans) and you can go 1-15 extremely fast with no issues at all. At 15 it slows way down so you'll need to lug it somewhere else, or just join an Unrest group.
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Toe Sucker
I always thought those pets were higher level than 12 lol, cool you can abuse their damage with those 2hers though, that also made me think of why people werent just doing that for their tower gear on any persona but i guess if you can just do it at lvl 2 on a mage it doesnt make sense to spend more on it

I should come back and lvl an alt/persona or finish the last 1.5 levels of my wizard zzz


<Bronze Donator>
Buy some Kilva's Skin of Flame potions from your local shaman to help with the PL - they're a 30 point DS at level 60 that stacks with the druid one. Do the reverse strategy where you pull a ton of mobs on the level 60, wear them down with DS. Low level hits the mobs once and gets all credit for the kill.

Answer is druid, yeah. In this era gets a bit weaker if you're trying to thorn mobs past 35 or so, but chloro/HP/thorns/heals for low level buffs and just mass pulling on druid and having low level hit all mobs (preferably with a pb aoe - bard is ideal for this) is the way to go. Healing is good agro, so landing a good heal before having the low levels attack is helpful (sit a few times if you're not taking enough dmg to heal much).

Use a druid + kilva skin to PL a bard

Then in later eras use the bard to PL everything else you want, with their 300 point DS or whatever it can get up to in the middle eras by stacking stuff

IIRC, and I could be wrong about this - if DSing yourself, Kilva's is pretty weak at low levels (short duration, low DS number) but Lava Potion works for full effect at level 1. Not player-made, mob-dropped, but I managed to get four of them in Sol A in a couple hours. I doubt that it'll save you more time than it takes to farm them, but if you're doing your leveling/PLing in Sol A anyway, or see them for sale, Lava Pots are pretty damn good.

The biggest brain play for low level PLing yourself is to get a Brazier of Elemental Summoning to summon a level 12 pet, give it a Polished Shai'Din Naginata (which makes it hit for like 75), get it druid and cleric buffs (or at least cleric buffs) and go to Oasis. With the weapon and buffs, that level 12 pet is about as strong as a level 20 mob. Especially if your character is capable of healing, then it can go even further. Oasis because the crocs don't add. Try using it in, say, Befallen or Unrest and it'll go great at first until you get a badly-placed level 18 necro or ghoul in the middle of a fight. Use the pet in Oasis, sic it on one foe at a time (two if regular caimans) and you can go 1-15 extremely fast with no issues at all. At 15 it slows way down so you'll need to lug it somewhere else, or just join an Unrest group.
Exactly the stuff I was looking for. Thanks fellas.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I always thought those pets were higher level than 12 lol, cool you can abuse their damage with those 2hers though, that also made me think of why people werent just doing that for their tower gear on any persona but i guess if you can just do it at lvl 2 on a mage it doesnt make sense to spend more on it

I should come back and lvl an alt/persona or finish the last 1.5 levels of my wizard zzz

No need to use a Brazier on Tower. A regular level 2 mage pet with buffs can deal with that. Or better yet, a level 1 tank class with buffs. Don't even need to use a mage. The mage thing was just from unbuffed groups sending their water pets in to solo the missions. All you need is an HP buff, DS, and regen on a level 1 ogre warrior or something.

Brazier pet is lost if your character dies, and unless you get greedy and train the pet with mobs, the most likely way to lose the pet is from the player getting run over by something. Tower AEs can be spotty (or were anyway) so I wouldn't risk it there.

I got a wizard most of the way to 60 myself, but they do NOT get groups (unless it's people I know already). Like at all. I soloed half of 54 by myself with the LFG tag on and never got anything. Could form a group myself but I didn't want the stress that day, and was curious to see how long it'd take to get invited to a PUG. At least they can solo. I assume people are just paying for PLs in the 50's.


Trakanon Raider
Can also use oil of fennin ro, can be purchased from zordak ragefire in sol b if you can find him up, cost about 1kpp for 4 charges but with obscene krono values it's not a lot at this stage, 4 charges of a pbaoe so you can increase chance of hitting everything with your low level.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Noob question. What's the difference between Kilva's Skin of Flame and Kilva's Blistering Flesh? Assuming the latter is significantly better, and the one you generally want to use for powerleveling. The former might be better at low levels if there's a duration cap involved?


<Gold Donor>
Noob question. What's the difference between Kilva's Skin of Flame and Kilva's Blistering Flesh? Assuming the latter is significantly better, and the one you generally want to use for powerleveling. The former might be better at low levels if there's a duration cap involved?
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>

More wondering what the two pots max out at and which one people use, out of curiosity. I can get/use both at 60 and find out, but it isn't something I need to know right this minute.

Didn't know they stacked with spell DS until the post earlier in this thread. That makes them really freakin' good, situationally.


<Gold Donor>
More wondering what the two pots max out at and which one people use, out of curiosity. I can get/use both at 60 and find out, but it isn't something I need to know right this minute.

Didn't know they stacked with spell DS until the post earlier in this thread. That makes them really freakin' good, situationally.
It's there in the spreadsheet.

Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 00-48-01 EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckb...png

Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 00-48-13 EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckb...png

@60 Flesh is 60/4 + 1 = 16
@60 Flame is 60/2 + 1 = 31


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I've done a bit of PL with my druid, sometimes the hardest part is finding a place that isn't already in use by someone else. The popular spots like Kurns, Unrest and Befallen are more often than not already camped.

If the good spots are taken, there's a hill near the druid circle in in North Karana that's almost always open and respawns fairly quickly, skeletons, zombies or ghouls. The large beetles that roam the zone also don't flee and don't have many HP so good targets for PL. Kerra Isle catmen also works but they give some faction hits.
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Trakanon Raider
Anyone elses Kr reimbursements paused?

looks like they've put the last few petitions from me on hold for now.

Amazing they haven't figured out how to stop it. Roughly 25% of the kr I receive in the tunnel on teek disappears.

it's only going to get worse in a few weeks when velious pops off.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
So how much of this disappearing krono nonsense is causing a rise in non-krono transactions using USD, btc etc?


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>

Made the most un-Shaman-like Shaman ever. Outside of the boots, nobody can even tell what class I am.


"I am in Disguise."
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Trakanon Raider
My brother and I have a 29 mage and 28 wizard that we want to get up to at least 50 this weekend. Anybody want to get a group going this weekend? Need a tank, healer, and CC.