EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Molten Core Raider
Ayo hold up. Looks to me like Foreverraiders got the first Yelinak, not you guys.

[Thu Aug 15 18:13:17 2024] Lord Yelinak has been defeated by a group of hardy adventurers! Please join us in congratulating Yeager along with everyone else who participated in this achievement!

Grats to Foreverraiders! Like I said, very diverse mix of guilds showed up on this expansion launch and that's pretty cool.

And the first CT... wasn't you guys either.

[Thu Aug 15 21:10:11 2024] Cazic-Thule has been defeated by a group of hardy adventurers! Please join us in congratulating Nits along with everyone else who participated in this achievement!
Grats to foreverraiders and what ever guild Nits is in!
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TLP Idealist
fake edit, but at what point are there fights that are actually challenging? Let's say on the level of an 'medium difficulty' WoW heroic boss where bringing people who can't do mechanics are a liability?
There are a few “sort of” difficult mobs sprinkled in. Vishimtar comes to mind as the first mob that requires you to turn your brain on. In DoDH Hatchet and Mayong can wipe a raid. In TSS Lethar 2 usually hurts some guilds.

Later on the big thing is that glyphs and vet AAs trivialize everything. There’s nothing you can’t dominate with some tank glyphs and an intensity burn for a long long long time on TLP.

Solteris Event 1 has a dps race mechanic built in and if you’re racing for server first you need to do it with the lowest number possible which can be pretty wild. If you go too early and blow your six hour cool downs but still fail you are totally fucked.


Log Wizard
Pillars of Arun was the only event I ever though was hard, up to VoA. And it was more about composition than anything in the end.


Molten Core Raider
Imagine caring about loot tiers on day 1 more than the thrill of conquering an expansion. Faceless hasn't cared about Kunark loot in about a month (outside of the odd Grey Suede or Mana Robe) because our alts alts are drowning in it. "AOW doesn't matter" lolol.

If loot tiers > all, then you lose on that metric, as Faceless has a higher loot per member ratio than you do, contrary to propaganda on here. If anyone from Faceless didn't get everything they wanted out of Kunark many .weeks ago, they probably either joined late or it was one of those couple of hot ticket items. It'll be the same thing with Velious when we collectively low-man NTOV 6-8 times in one night on a regular basis.

If your guild could have sniped Vulak competently, they absolutely would have, and would be parading the "Velious win" on here as we speak. So...

Wait, I'm arguing with hyperpartisan ideologues. Peace, back to work.

Big Regime, conqueror of East Wastes.

I'm seeing Alien in a couple hours, bro. Soon as I can get outta here
Know what mobs those drop from? Thanks for proving the point ;)


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Know what mobs those drop from? Thanks for proving the point ;)

I saw ri raiders without boots and crowns at the end of kunark too. So its not like everyone had all those hot ticket items anywhere. Also, unlike kunark where only a few items were top quality, velious has a few odd top items from lower tiers which may end up as bottlenecked as most t1, eg a few doze ones. Also, since kt and yeli can be done very very small numbers, being able to split efficiently is going to yield more t1 loot than the few ows per week. On other servers Id maybe agree, but with random loot and wimpy t1s, I just dont think ow loot is even close to as meaningful in velious as it was in kunark.

Which means ow killing is therefore more about bragging rights and dick waving. In that regard, qyc got a big ol win.


Trakanon Raider
Know what mobs those drop from? Thanks for proving the point ;)

Most of them drop from T2. KT and Yeli are super easy and painless to split and they make up 1/3 of T1 mobs. T2 has like 20 mobs and most of them require large trash clears and aren't something people wanna deep split.

There are about 10 Vulak items + AoW Ring that have real value. Tower gear really lowered the value of a lot of Vulak items. Example Valtron's going for half as much as Beldron's arms in my guild.
There are a few dozen T2 drops that have real value.


<Silver Donator>
So raid mobs are up in OW every day now in teek?

They really just decided fuck everything else and just have the most fucked up economy on all servers and roll with it.


I fucking love all the Michael Jordan of EverQuest talk when these TLPs come out.

Michael Jordan Lol GIF by ESPN
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I saw ri raiders without boots and crowns at the end of kunark too. So its not like everyone had all those hot ticket items anywhere. Also, unlike kunark where only a few items were top quality, velious has a few odd top items from lower tiers which may end up as bottlenecked as most t1, eg a few doze ones. Also, since kt and yeli can be done very very small numbers, being able to split efficiently is going to yield more t1 loot than the few ows per week. On other servers Id maybe agree, but with random loot and wimpy t1s, I just dont think ow loot is even close to as meaningful in velious as it was in kunark.

Which means ow killing is therefore more about bragging rights and dick waving. In that regard, qyc got a big ol win.

This is my opinion for the most part. There was a week in kunark where a lot of RI ate a ban(shocker, warps, bots, training do that), so they did no OW. That week of all OW kills barely added loot to compared to the overall weekly count. ANd Kunark had a lot more t1 targets(Sure more crappy loot, but I am talking just loot count overall).

Velious has just 6. 4 of which can be split hard. OW is fun on occasion if you are available, racing is fun(outside idiots who train you cause they dont want to lose), but mainly a bragging right thing.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Pillars of Arun was the only event I ever though was hard, up to VoA. And it was more about composition than anything in the end.

Pillars of Alra? It's pretty tough yeah. I think Underfoot has some tough fights too though. And Vyskudra in SoF, some parts of Solteris.


Toe Sucker
How did warder loot end up being? is it like mischief where sods and tinkerer masks will be plentiful?

thinking of resubbing today, kinda wanna lvl an alt/persona in all of velious zones


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Know what mobs those drop from? Thanks for proving the point ;)

So the criteria for success now is "everyone has a mana robe and grey suede boots" eh?

Unfortunately I think Pixel Pirates probably has both of us beat, again.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
This is my opinion for the most part. There was a week in kunark where a lot of RI ate a ban(shocker, warps, bots, training do that), so they did no OW. That week of all OW kills barely added loot to compared to the overall weekly count. ANd Kunark had a lot more t1 targets(Sure more crappy loot, but I am talking just loot count overall).

IIRC the week RI was suspended FF got something like 135 raid boss kills between OW and our normal raids, since OW was entirely uncontested that week and we kept finding mobs up just roaming around.

The week after that we didn't do too much OW and mostly just did our normal raids and we got like... 120 raid boss kills.

So ah...yeah, OW is small potatoes compared to what we pull in with our normal raids every week with 3 hours of actual work, which is why most of the time we don't bother with it that much. If we were actually hurting for loot on any level, like if our alt's alt wasn't geared, we'd probably need to chase OW mobs more.


Golden Knight of the Realm
There is only one guild everyone keeps talking about here, and its not Faceless or QYC or Rampage.

You need to get a girl mate.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
There is only one guild everyone keeps talking about here, and its not Faceless or QYC or Rampage.

You need to get a girl mate.

Pixel Pirates?

Good news, it's much easier to go on dates when you only have to raid 3 hours a week.


Golden Knight of the Realm
If you have to spend a ton of time and effort making posts, making propaganda podcasts, and desperately trying to convince people that its checkmate then its probably not checkmate.

You can try and setup this dichotomy between the two mutually exclusive ideas that you are achieving more success than everyone else around you, but you are just putting yourself in a position to have to convince someone that your side of the dichotomy is correct.

This is EQ. Checkmate does not exist unless you own 100% of what you AND everyone else wants.

This is why everyone who tries to say they are right will always be wrong.


<Bronze Donator>
What's the lowest level you can do the Warrior epic nowadays, now that personas are a thing? I'd love to rock an epic on a twink warrior for 59 levels.

Also, is there a formula or consensus for determining whether to go dual wield weapons vs. 2H for pure DPS while leveling?


Golden Knight of the Realm
What's the lowest level you can do the Warrior epic nowadays, now that personas are a thing? I'd love to rock an epic on a twink warrior for 59 levels.

Also, is there a formula or consensus for determining whether to go dual wield weapons vs. 2H for pure DPS while leveling?
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TLP Idealist
How did warder loot end up being? is it like mischief where sods and tinkerer masks will be plentiful?

thinking of resubbing today, kinda wanna lvl an alt/persona in all of velious zones
It was good, T2 loot overall is pretty strong. It does continue to drop just like Mischief. Velious is one of the few expansions where multiple tiers retain value. T3 has Dain Heads and ST keys, T2 has Shroud of Longevity, Lungi, SoD, Primals, Gnome and Dwarf Masks, a bunch of great visibles from ToV, Nev belt, Koi spear, all the Dozekar loot etc.

T1 loot has Vulak so that’s of course dope.
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