EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Karazhan Raider
What's the lowest level you can do the Warrior epic nowadays, now that personas are a thing? I'd love to rock an epic on a twink warrior for 59 levels.

Also, is there a formula or consensus for determining whether to go dual wield weapons vs. 2H for pure DPS while leveling?
Warrior epic is pretty trash, you’d be better off twinking normal drop gear. The red blade doesn’t even proc until level 50


<Bronze Donator>
Warrior epic is pretty trash, you’d be better off twinking normal drop gear. The red blade doesn’t even proc until level 50
Seeing the BoCs and SoDs already dropping considerably - I'll probably go that route, unless I'm better off with a raid 2H?
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Karazhan Raider
Depends on what you are doing, are you group tanking? Then you probably want that club that procs stun at level 1 and use that until level 50ish when the better weapons start to proc.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Don't use a 2h before level 20 (unless that was changed). There's a damage cap.
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<Bronze Donator>
Depends on what you are doing, are you group tanking? Then you probably want that club that procs stun at level 1 and use that until level 50ish when the better weapons start to proc.
Nah. This character will be a mega-twink, solo, maybe duo downtime alt. Just looking for max dps. In any group setting, I'll run the aggro 1hs.


Wouldn't you know. I came home from the pub tonight. I figured I'd log on for 5 min and try to nab a late-night krono with the 300k that's been sitting around forgotten on my trader for weeks. And wouldn't you know!

Shinyu spamming WTB for 230k. The same entity that spams WTB on level 1s every...30 sec...for 2 months straight now...

The same level 1s that I tried to report to Darkpaw through Daybreak Games Support for 2 months now. Guess how that went? Every report was closed and resolved, no matter how much detailed information and explanations I gave that this entity was buying krono with duped platinum for 2 months now. Darkpaw GMs have spent more time closing my petitions and censoring my forum posts than the time it would take to investigate this clown car plat duped account. I would tell you about the TLP forum posts I wrote on their official site, but those got deleted faster than a ranger tanking AOW.

Now there's not a shadow of a doubt this entity is buying krono with duped plat beyond the stupid reimbursement fiasco. We don't need to revisit how krono historically were around 30k-40k in Velious era on previous TLPs, which usually had 2 months of classic and 2 months of kunark beforehand (meaning they were 30k-40k in Velious on servers older than Teek).

Zaide says he doesn't think it's Darkpaw Games, because normal people don't risk their jobs for some "extra cheddar." But Zaide doesn't know how to think like a mother fucking smooth criminal. Zaide also didn't do the math on this shit.

Let's say Shinyu has been buying 50kr a day for 2 months. That's 60 days. @50kr per day that's 3,000kr in 2 months. Let's assume he undersells them on PA, ECtunnel, ebay, and wherever those dark elves be selling they Lucky Charms @9$ each. That's 27,000$ in 2 months, just from a Teek plat dupe.

Now extrapolate that across the entire year on just one server like Teek, and you can see we are talking about more money than the Executive Producer of Darkpaw Games makes in a year before taxes. That's not some extra cheddar. That's CHEESE baby. Cold hard cheese. Yummy delicious cheese. Tax free, fuck you IRS, screw-the-government cheese!

Now imagine said entity could dupe plat on other servers too. Let's pretend its 100kr a day for a year. That's a quarter of a million dollars a year from duping plat in a video game. You think that's not worth "risking" a stupid fucking desk job over? Get real.

I applaud it at this point. Servers so idiotic, even after 2 months everyone is shaking their heads going my gosh, jee golly!, I wonder where all this duped plat is coming from?! Like it takes Sherlock Holmes to solve this mystery. Darkpaw Games be turning their head the other way and censoring forum-talk about it like they got skin in the game.

So I challenge anybody on Teek. Try reporting or writing a forum post about Shinyu/Chengsim/Isellcheap/Qinrong/Kaitokid whatever random fuck name dudes spamming WTB on every 30 sec. He's not hard to find. He's online day and night doing it. But don't worry. It's just Asian PL plat. Those dudes be pulling millions of raw plat a day amirite. Watch how hard you are ignored, censored, and shut down. It's literally impossible to get the plat duper investigated. You'd think they were protecting the guy. /golfclap
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Trakanon Raider
Good job guys on such an awesome Velious opening!

I managed to get some time in game this past weekend and got the wizard to 55, so I can finally put my tower gear on.


Bronze Squire
Remember when Elfmom said he would stop posting and never come here again?

I do.
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Toe Sucker
Nah. This character will be a mega-twink, solo, maybe duo downtime alt. Just looking for max dps. In any group setting, I'll run the aggro 1hs.

This is what im gearing a ranger for now too lol
that whip looks kinda sick might need to get one
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
What's the lowest level you can do the Warrior epic nowadays, now that personas are a thing? I'd love to rock an epic on a twink warrior for 59 levels.

Also, is there a formula or consensus for determining whether to go dual wield weapons vs. 2H for pure DPS while leveling?

Personas totally change the game. It's crazy how much epic stuff you can do on the wrong class (sometimes all of an epic) and then persona to the proper class and use it. So as long as it's a persona of your main, you can get most (all?) epics at level 1.

If it's a box, that's different, and every class has a different level they can get an epic at. The devs didn't have all the flags and tools that they had later on for Epic 1.5 and 2.0. The Kunark epics seem to only be limited by faction* and level. For example it's level 50 to do some of the bard epic turnins and 36 to do the final turnin. So you can have a 50+ character do pretty much all of the epic and then hand the last few items to a 36 bard who can hand them in. I messed up by having my bard loot some nodrop items rather than my main, so I gotta wait till bard is 50 to actually get the epic even though the quest is done.

* - In a persona situation, the faction requirements are usually either Truespirit or the initial guildmaster robe turn-in, weirdly enough. So have a 60 character with decent Truespirit (and an unfinished epic) and they can knock off a few of the others. Check your Overflow Items for guildmaster robes for your other personas and have the 60 character hand those in to the appropriate GMs. Human is a good choice for the 60 character's race since they can be (almost, no shaman) any class and you won't have to worry about KOS cities. Grats, you can now do any epic you want and use it on a level 1 persona. As for Truespirit, you can do the Peg Leg thing which requires going from Freeport to Butcherblock and charming a wolf, and that'll get you 100 Truespirit which is enough to do most quests.

For the second question, it depends on what weapons you have. If you've got two really strong 1H weapons, dual-wield is better DPS. If you've got one really strong 2H, then use that. It can go either way really. I prefer dual-wield myself because it looks cool. Dual-wield is also better for aggro, so if you want aggro, go with that. Also, 2H is useless before level 20 except for skillups. Weapons have their damage capped until level 20, as in, 2HS will max out at like 24 per hit while 1H is maxing at like, 19 or something. Doesn't matter if the 2H is actually 3x as strong as the 1H. 1H will pretty much always do more damage pre-20.

After 20 they lift the cap (somewhat) and 2H suddenly does huge damage. I think at 30 they lift the cap the rest of the way because I remember there being another jump there. But either way, at 20 you get a big jump for 2H and it becomes viable. I remember back in 2004 running a TStaff on a twink monk and going from hitting for low 20's to hitting for 70 when I dinged 21. It was a pretty awesome moment and that's how I found out there was a cap.
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<Bronze Donator>
Personas totally change the game. It's crazy how much epic stuff you can do on the wrong class (sometimes all of an epic) and then persona to the proper class and use it. So as long as it's a persona of your main, you can get most (all?) epics at level 1.

If it's a box, that's different, and every class has a different level they can get an epic at. The devs didn't have all the flags and tools that they had later on for Epic 1.5 and 2.0. The Kunark epics seem to only be limited by faction* and level. For example it's level 50 to do some of the bard epic turnins and 36 to do the final turnin. So you can have a 50+ character do pretty much all of the epic and then hand the last few items to a 36 bard who can hand them in. I messed up by having my bard loot some nodrop items rather than my main, so I gotta wait till bard is 50 to actually get the epic even though the quest is done.

* - In a persona situation, the faction requirements are usually either Truespirit or the initial guildmaster robe turn-in, weirdly enough. So have a 60 character with decent Truespirit (and an unfinished epic) and they can knock off a few of the others. Check your Overflow Items for guildmaster robes for your other personas and have the 60 character hand those in to the appropriate GMs. Human is a good choice for the 60 character's race since they can be (almost, no shaman) any class and you won't have to worry about KOS cities. Grats, you can now do any epic you want and use it on a level 1 persona. As for Truespirit, you can do the Peg Leg thing which requires going from Freeport to Butcherblock and charming a wolf, and that'll get you 100 Truespirit which is enough to do most quests.

For the second question, it depends on what weapons you have. If you've got two really strong 1H weapons, dual-wield is better DPS. If you've got one really strong 2H, then use that. It can go either way really. I prefer dual-wield myself because it looks cool. Dual-wield is also better for aggro, so if you want aggro, go with that. Also, 2H is useless before level 20 except for skillups. Weapons have their damage capped until level 20, as in, 2HS will max out at like 24 per hit while 1H is maxing at like, 19 or something. Doesn't matter if the 2H is actually 3x as strong as the 1H. 1H will pretty much always do more damage pre-20.

After 20 they lift the cap (somewhat) and 2H suddenly does huge damage. I think at 30 they lift the cap the rest of the way because I remember there being another jump there. But either way, at 20 you get a big jump for 2H and it becomes viable. I remember back in 2004 running a TStaff on a twink monk and going from hitting for low 20's to hitting for 70 when I dinged 21. It was a pretty awesome moment and that's how I found out there was a cap.
Awesome, good information to know. Much appreciated.


Toe Sucker
lol planned on soloing on my ranger but ran into bigor in the same spot so we grouped to 23ish
that whip procs a shit load, pretty neat item
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<Bronze Donator>
Can you still transfer characters inbetween accounts? I know I did it on... Agnarr? Phinny? Idk. Something about just having to have the names match or something?

When it comes to these TLPs I feel like I dump almost all of my prior EQ knowledge immediately and have to regain it every 3 or so years...


Tranny Chaser
Can you still transfer characters inbetween accounts? I know I did it on... Agnarr? Phinny? Idk. Something about just having to have the names match or something?

When it comes to these TLPs I feel like I dump almost all of my prior EQ knowledge immediately and have to regain it every 3 or so years...

No, that service was permanently discontinued.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Their reasoning is that the person who knew how to do account transfers quit and no one knows how to do them now. I find it hard to believe JChan doesn’t know how and can’t teach someone.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
A fun bit of server drama last night, some raw meat for the drama-hounds because not much has been goin' on lately. It was Faceless' day off but we were keeping an eye on Thylex to potentially call an audible.

Strong showing from Qeynos Yacht Club getting six of NTOV's T2 targets. RI got two T2 targets in the zone, which according to their mathematicians comes out to 50% of the mobs. Lady Nev was one of the two and counts as five dragons in annoyance so I get it.

Back on track, Thylex spawned at an inopportune time and we decided to go for it anyway. Zone then turned into a Mexican Standoff(tm) between FF and RI, and nobody wanted to leave Vulak's room to go beat up Lord Kriezenn. Realizing RI would sit there literally all night waiting for us to kill Kriezenn, finally Faceless reached the consensus of "fuck it let's just do it". We went and got Kriezenn down with what could be spared (go go warrior DPS), then also took out the big dog in a hardcore DPS race. We were at a disadvantage with some key folks diverted to Kriezenn but we pulled it off. GG lads.

Around 120 people each in zone from both guilds, after midnight on a weekday no less. I'll say this, the server would sure be boring as hell without competition.

Also, there is no truth to the baseless rumors that Toasty is on steroids.
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Trakanon Raider
I'm telling you T2 Loot > T1 Loot. Bunch of boxers like below everywhere. They all wanna kill Tormax/Yeli. None of them wanna fuck with AoEs that actually need to be dodged or mobs like Vyemm. Garn's being sold for single digit Krono week 1. Platinum Tear the most valuable drop on the server.
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