EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Molten Core Raider
It's WILD. Tons of evidence against him. Idc if it was a fitzgerald that is making the claim. Everyone needs to be held to the same level when accused of something on there. When DK gets accused of something, it gets shoved under the rug. yeah, a fitzgerald accused him, BUT it is legit based off the mounds of evidence.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The other extreme of degeneracy in video games.

Glad I dont care one iota about all that nonsense or even go to that site.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I assume this is what at least half the people in EQ look like

Probably, and if they don't, they will after another few years of this shit.

It's crazy how every time DPG games tries to "Fix AEing" they end up making it more toxic. AE plers used to go to unused zones like Mistmoore and the Deep. Now that AE is capped at 30 they go to the Highest ZEM zones like Sol A/B, Guk, Chardok and Velks.

All they have to do to curb AE PLing is limit PB AOEs to 6 targets, the same way they nerfed Vainglorious Shout a few years ago so my Bard couldn't PL my main's AAs anymore.

Why they nerfed the Bard shout and Mage beams and left PBs unlimited is beyond me.


Karazhan Raider
It seemed pretty likely that richgirl was also richgirlys, like every single time richgirlys stood there and then logged off richgirl logged in a minute later. Which is all super weird because he does give away krono and plat pretty frequently too, but I guess it’s very small potatoes compared to the actual casino.


Karazhan Raider
Unrelated to the drama, do PoG mobs drop the ancient tarnished shit on this server? Need to get a plate bp and gives me something to kill while bored.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Unrelated to the drama, do PoG mobs drop the ancient tarnished shit on this server? Need to get a plate bp and gives me something to kill while bored.
Yup, they do (at at least did on Mischief). With a single group you can kill almost everything in the zone, too.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Nerfing aeing and pling will just drive people to other avenues and lead to more and more degenerate ways of plvling and less and less access to fun tools for typical players. No thanks.

If you want to get rid of the plvlers you have to ban (not suspend, ban) the accounts of people who pay to have themselves leveled by plvlers. Note, I did not say to ban the plvlers. I said ban the people being plvled. Only then will you kill the market, when nobody is willing to pay for such a risky service.

If you arent willing to do that, then plvling will continue, as people continue to be willing to pay for it to continue.

Personally idgaf. Plvling is fine by me. I just wish theyd spam general chats less. Theres plenty of space if you arent dead set on the like 4 zones they use. Just level somewhere else. Meanwhile, having accounts leveled helps people skip the worst tedium and enjoy the end game. I also dont really mind small man kronolords who stick to dz raids; more raid loot on the market is good for buyers.
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Tranny Chaser
If you want to get rid of PLing than rework the exp system such that the demand for that service is limited. This would also include substantially buffing solo exp such that it was no longer tragic.


Canuckistani Terrorist
Just do the 50 heroics when Kunark/Velious hits. It's basically planar gear you can replace early as kunark, with a mount you can't use till Luclin. A vocal minority will piss and moan about it, but no one will really care. 50+ is generally pretty easy, as people have a tendency to group longer I find to finish that stretch off. I can't see a huge market for 50+, but i likely underestimate people on that one.

EQ has been pimped out for years, no sense being shy when it would help the game.


Toe Sucker
lmao i saw this post on reddit, these dudes look and sound exactly how i thought they would

also got a shaman to 60; wtb almost all 50+ shaman spells minus: canni 4, bear, focus of spirit
lmk on Enigma or on here w/e
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Molten Core Raider
it's not a TLP until the Fitzgeralds show up

All that I can understand is that it appears Diamondkrono didn't send the cash for a 41 krono transaction in a timely manner, and the twins freaked out, threatened him a bunch, and then argued on the amount to be sent. After that it's a crusade to expose the guy. It seems like Diamondkrono 'starts' to say in one of the chopped up videos that the payment method wasn't going through, but he actually wants to pay, or at least send the krono back, but not sure if it happened because the twins went into their burn phase on the guy.

Gotta love em. Wish they would stream themselves flushing trash down the hotel toilet again


TLP Idealist
Whenever you lose a camp to some guy with 24 boxes just watch those videos and you will feell better.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Is this some sort of twist/subversion story arc where the Fitzgerald twins become the protagonists?!

These random loot servers really are a different ballgame.
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Trakanon Raider
Nerfing aeing and pling will just drive people to other avenues and lead to more and more degenerate ways of plvling and less and less access to fun tools for typical players. No thanks.

If you want to get rid of the plvlers you have to ban (not suspend, ban) the accounts of people who pay to have themselves leveled by plvlers. Note, I did not say to ban the plvlers. I said ban the people being plvled. Only then will you kill the market, when nobody is willing to pay for such a risky service.

If you arent willing to do that, then plvling will continue, as people continue to be willing to pay for it to continue.

Personally idgaf. Plvling is fine by me. I just wish theyd spam general chats less. Theres plenty of space if you arent dead set on the like 4 zones they use. Just level somewhere else. Meanwhile, having accounts leveled helps people skip the worst tedium and enjoy the end game. I also dont really mind small man kronolords who stick to dz raids; more raid loot on the market is good for buyers.

The main problem with professional PLers is they just give zero fucks about the rest of the playerbase because they got bills to pay.

Unironically the best way to get rid of the plague of professional PLers would be to reverse the nerfs on color stuns. The main reason AoE plers exist is most people can no longer PL themselves or their friends. Back on Phinny people would just form guild groups to AoE PL their own boxes/returning players. Now that you need 6-7 chanters to AoE most people can't PL their own alts. If they undid the nerfs most people would just go back to PLing their own alts, which would massively reduce the demand for PLing and make 90% of the plers disappear. It would also incentize people to go back to AoEing in zones like The Deep/Hole which have tons of mobs but low XP per mob, instead of the zones like Chardok which have lower mob counts but higher XP per mob.
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Trakanon Raider
This is why I have honestly gotten to the point where I ignore a large portion of the player base in game and just stick to my friends. There's just so much scum in the game these days. This is also why I don't deal in krono. I know it keeps me from being able to buy anything big in game, but I just plain don't care to be part of the bullshit. If I can't earn what I need in a group or raid, then I just don't get it. It doesn't impede my sleep at night because in the end, its just a fucking game.
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