EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Golden Baronet of the Realm
A lot of this arguing assumes plvlers SHOULD be banned. I think they provide a service that people happily pay for, and allow people to get more enjoyment out of the game. The only solution I think would be good is to remove the horrific process they're helping people to skip.

When relaxed truebox hits there is a decent chance I pay someone to plvl a box or two. Why? Because I have no fucking interest in doing the level grind on alts and the time involved just so they can play with my current main. Id be happy to pay for something like a heroic level boost instead, or have a fellowship type deal funnel xp to the new alts, something, but in their absence? I have no qualms about using plvlers. Who cares.


Log Wizard
was it rajaah doing all the epics, how much of the shaman one can you skip or cheese with personas?
None of it. You do the opposite and DO the shaman epic to cheese OTHER epics. And even then it only goes to amiable with True Spirit.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
So, get to 60 in 12 hours, rather than 3 days, but, that just means you have that much more time to wait for the opening of the next expansion.

Only reason to PL is if you need a character right now for raid or guild shenanigans. A normal character you play is something you're better off actually playing so you don't suck dick at that class when people are depending on you at 60. Good players are already at a premium on Teek because there are so many others who come off like they've never done any of this before.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Ah word i had it backwards then lmao ty
guess i'll start that shit now then

Doing the epics with personas is a lot of fun because you can skip a good amount of them if you play your cards right (aforementioned TS faction) and you can do an epic with a level 60 character and then use it on a level 1 persona.

Protip: Look in your /itemoverflow window and you should have a bunch of guild notes from your different personas. Those give large chunks of faction. So your "epic" persona can go around handing those in to get the faction needed for other class epics. For example I've got a 60 gnome wizard for epics (due to ease of getting around and gnomes being a fairly neutral race) and have yet to run into any faction issues. Was able to do most of the ranger epic on said 60 wizard by handing in the ranger guild note from the overflow window, gonna put the epic on a level 25-30 ranger one of these weeks when I get around to the rest. It's cool stuff.

I've got 2 class epics mostly-done at this point (SK, ranger) and 2 more finished (wizard, bard) and it was surprising how little work all of that took. Only issue really is stuff like Venril Sathir's Remains and Marl Kastane where I don't have time to sit in their goddamn rooms. Never finished the epic on my main (SK) as of yet because I have better weapons and it just alienated me too much. Besides, Greenmist is the real SK epic and the one I did before any of the other epics.
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<Bronze Donator>
Some drama with the kingpin of krono sales supposedly.

"During our call he was drunk and his buddy was ODing in a chair in their RV. I have photos and videos of the entire call."

Ah, shit, that's who I buy my kronos from... I thought it was some backwoods British chick and her partner.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ah, shit, that's who I buy my kronos from... I thought it was some backwoods British chick and her partner.
Yeah everytime I bought from him or her a year ago or so the PayPal name was Leticia or something. Never had a problem either thankfully.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You guys arguing about how to combat the PLers/botters are missing the bigger picture.

Those guys are the *real* customers of current EQ. All those hundreds of accounts they run are paid in krono, which someplace and somewhere was 20$ paid to Daybreak, to say nothing of the boomers and EQ dads opening their wallets to pay for items/PL etc.

They will never actually do any real damage to them because it would ruin them financially.

If not actual customers, they're at least the catalyst for a lot of krono sales and Daybreak keeps them going.

The changes to enc stuns made it only viable to do mass PL if it is heavily botted (entirely as predicted here when the changes were announced). I have my doubts about the platinum inflation on Teek too, it definitely drives up demand for krono because it's the only way to store value in-game. Almost nobody will sell you anything really good for plat on this server.

If anything, the real EQ boomers are the ones proudly proclaiming how many PL'ers they have put on ignore while complaining about being LFG at level 52 for hours. I may even have been one of them some years ago. Get with the times, the game has moved on and it's now a micro-transaction game. You pay or you suffer.


Toe Sucker
Doing the epics with personas is a lot of fun because you can skip a good amount of them if you play your cards right (aforementioned TS faction) and you can do an epic with a level 60 character and then use it on a level 1 persona.

Protip: Look in your /itemoverflow window and you should have a bunch of guild notes from your different personas. Those give large chunks of faction. So your "epic" persona can go around handing those in to get the faction needed for other class epics. For example I've got a 60 gnome wizard for epics (due to ease of getting around and gnomes being a fairly neutral race) and have yet to run into any faction issues. Was able to do most of the ranger epic on said 60 wizard by handing in the ranger guild note from the overflow window, gonna put the epic on a level 25-30 ranger one of these weeks when I get around to the rest. It's cool stuff.

I've got 2 class epics mostly-done at this point (SK, ranger) and 2 more finished (wizard, bard) and it was surprising how little work all of that took. Only issue really is stuff like Venril Sathir's Remains and Marl Kastane where I don't have time to sit in their goddamn rooms. Never finished the epic on my main (SK) as of yet because I have better weapons and it just alienated me too much. Besides, Greenmist is the real SK epic and the one I did before any of the other epics.
sk epic is whack as fuck but i think its not so bad on teek? that one mob having a multi day respawn that you need to hand into like 5 times when i did it on test many moons ago


surely this cunt wont bug out this time, nothing showed up for like 50 minutes last night lol
edit: ayyy they're spawning
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Trakanon Raider
If anyone have Shaman Spell: Ancient Feral Avatar to give or sell, let me know. In-game name is Gromok.

Last spell left to collect.


Log Wizard
Took me 58 minutes to do mine. P99 Wiki says some shit like 28 minutes. Definitely a "wait, is this broken or bad?" quest. Don't worry, it's just bad!


Vyemm Raider
I had a brief interaction with that guy (Diamond Krono) and he definitely seemed unhinged and paranoid. He was for sure trying to scam me because he wanted me to deliver the krono I was selling first instead of him sending the money first. I also noticed a lot of feedback padding between him and other supposed sellers.
Nah trust me DK is legit. I've done thousand+ dollar deals with him multiple times and he has hooked me up considerably, many times giving me more money than I even asked for. It's understandable to be paranoid on the internet. DK is one of very very few people I will ever go 1st with on a trade. I'll say he's a bit of a strange one but as far as being trustworthy, he's pretty up there.


any of the top 10 traders on the tunnel with 0 negative feedbacks had to do 1000s of transactions flawlessly to have 500 or more positive reviews. a lot better than paying twice as much from shitpaw games, who flake and have your krono disappear and reimburse you with plat anyway. state of the game and such. year of darkpaw indeed
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