EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
You guys are talking about different parses. There are like 4-6 mobs per day lol why are we focusing on this one parse? Who even cares?

Cherry-picking things from our parses or DKP site seems to be all these people have.

Bro this is factually not true.

I usually stay far away from this stupid drama bait but every time you come in here it's to post the actual opposite of reality and it makes my fuckin eye twitch

Pretty sure I've never once posted "the exact opposite of reality" in this thread. Also I'm not sure what your point even is. We had more SKs on one fight? Yeah? Should we lower our SK number to have the same number as you for "fairness" or something? Lmao. Would you like for us to also hold hoop casts? Maybe we can not use rain spells too. Like yerm yerm said, post the number of hoop casts per guild and don't cherry pick.

BTW, here's Tormax. 72 people in each raid AFAIK. Faceless won this by 150k damage, and had six more SKs. On our side non-SKs didn't hoop. Even if ALL of our SKs hooped and NONE of yours did, remove that hypothetical hoop damage from our total and we still won by around 98k damage.


But I'm sure I fabricated all of this in my quest to post the opposite of reality. Carry on, cultist.

Old Man Potter

Trakanon Raider
It doesn't matter. In a week Hoops will be back, they'll just cost more to get but it doesn't matter when a krono is 500k.

Did they remove Lynuga from the game?

I'd like to know the name of the dev who is behind this.

Are they seriously going to "fix" this quest and make the hoops more expensive? I'm not sure how they can do this without destroying the mechanic completely.

If Darkpaw nerfs this, its going to be a shitstorm. That fact that they took the time to do nerf and ignored thousands of serious bugs is going to come back to bite them in the ass.

I've done this quest for 25 years and I never used it for raiding or other shenanigans. I just like the stats of the earring.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
If you did the quest for 25 years, you'll remember that it used to only rarely give a hoop. Then they changed it to bounce the ruby back most of the time, so you can sit with the lore items and just get 1 hoop per 1 ruby. Making it work like it originally did would constitute more of a "fix" than a "nerf" really, and the end result is that people doing sweaty hoop shit have to spend a lot more now, which is a really good thing with the state of plat and the economy.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What yerm said, if they "Fix" it, it will just require a lot more rubies to finally get a hoop , instead of just 1.

The rate they fix things though, it will be done "soon" and by then people wont care anymore.

I care far more about them changing the camp to get OOC regen. Would slow down raids a lot.

Hoops can diaf for all I care.

Old Man Potter

Trakanon Raider
If you did the quest for 25 years, you'll remember that it used to only rarely give a hoop. Then they changed it to bounce the ruby back most of the time, so you can sit with the lore items and just get 1 hoop per 1 ruby. Making it work like it originally did would constitute more of a "fix" than a "nerf" really, and the end result is that people doing sweaty hoop shit have to spend a lot more now, which is a really good thing with the state of plat and the economy.

This is true. The hoop was rare enough back then. When they changed the mechanics, you could get the hoop but you still had to pay 393 plat to get one. Ruby 131p x 3 = 393p.

I don't know how they will "fix" this without breaking the mechanic that returns lore items. Darkpaw and their forum sycophants always complain they have no time to work on things. So if they justify spending hours to fix it, they are negating their top go-to excuse not to do anything about other issues.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Not sure it takes hours to fix. If a quest has multiple rewards and at least one isnt lore, it still eats the quest item right? So, add a rusty mace to the reward pool. Done.
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Tranny Chaser
It's really not like we need to preserve the sanctity of the item. Give it a different effect, add a 60 second recast, whatever. The entire history of its use is skeezy.


TLP Idealist
It's really not like we need to preserve the sanctity of the item. Give it a different effect, add a 60 second recast, whatever. The entire history of its use is skeezy.
What about on SSF Paladins? It's pretty fun for casuals :)
  • 1Mother of God
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Nerfing items sucks. Taking away cool toys is bad; who cares if sweaty nerds make it meta to race with.

Have motm cause spirit tap to double the threat of anyone who lands it when the mob is below 90%, and be immune to its damage when under 10%. Nerfs could be fun!
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Old Man Potter

Trakanon Raider
And they surely don't play TLPs.

Let's be honest, 5 random people picked out of a phone book would do a better job than the current dev team. There's a Department of Motor Vehicle vibe emanating from the current team that pisses me off. They know they've got jobs for life, and you can tell they stopped giving a damn.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
The devs do put out some fun stuff at times, and the cs team seems better than ever in terms of individual issues. The problem is that the game is rotten, so it doesn't matter. Most people cheat. Every competitive guild relies on cheating. The random loot free trade, which was a fun thing, has led to group and low raid content being useless so the server is full of plvlers and hacking boxers grinding out easy loot pools. Is that the devs fault, directly? I blame management. There is no spine at the company. Most people cheat because everyone cheats, not because they NEED to do it. Id wager the majority of people cheating would agree to never cheat if it magically meant nobody else could either. Actually ban paying customers, not suspensions, and ban associated accounts. Did some person let a guild member log them in and that led to their suspension? Fuck them, read the tos. Did your loot get taken away because you tracked a mob with a fd monk? Get fucked. Did your kronos vanish because you bought them from a 3rd party? Eat shit. Did your character get moved to the prison server where all cheaters are transfered to and nobody can leave? Enjoy playing with other degens.

None of this will happen, and no amount of programming work ethic will make up for it.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
On another note, what's going on with the recent freakoffs? It can't be lack of desire, since this loot is significantly better than the kunark loot was and that had videos and shit talking. Get your shit together. Also, Luclin is coming, is RI gonna try to get aten first? You guys have most of the selo michael jordans, so the skill is there. I have off work, this may be the only expac launch I can make on teek, will be a shame if its noncompetitive.