EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Bronze Squire
In theory you would want to root for RI... Underdog guild trying to take out an empire, rebels without a cause, antiestablishment going against the man.

But in reality, it's just a clown show with poor leadership and even worse shit talking.

Sad times.


Trakanon Raider
Time for some red meat for people who like drama-bait, need to address some disinfo.

Kind of funny to see RI members spreading propaganda ingame that Faceless "started" the class zerg meta, when RI was the one that turned their raids into Wizard zergs first and we just responded by doing it better and shutting them out.

I mean, they bragged about doing this very thing by posting this shot in one of their videos before we even started doing it. That video was in August:

View attachment 548276

Bragging about something until it backfires, then crying seems to be their MO. I'm sure they're planning to do another class zerg for Luclin with Rangers and think that it'll work. They probably have a whole plan drawn up of showing up to OW AHRs with 72 Rangers to KS them (while we do all the tanking, healing, etc, you know, the actual execution), followed by posting stupid "blot out the sun" memes from 300. That won't work either.

Then you've got them falsely claiming we're undergeared when we've taken in significantly more loot-per-person and RI has people like Himlop waddling around talking smack to people while having classic planar gear in a bunch of slots.

Which isn't even getting into all the weird griefing shit RI does instead of just competing. They'll spend an hour doing weird-ass shit like dropping a Vindi on us during AOW prep and Natimbi-ing out, then come back and train some more mobs, then lose the actual AOW race. Is the goal to annoy us? I'm not sure if Vindi even accomplishes that much, it's more like a "right, anyway" moment.

View attachment 548283

Teek has been a real embarrassment for RI to say the least, mostly on a behavioral level but also on a "getting repeatedly dumpstered" level. If Faceless is a bad player zerg like you claim, then you've been going about 1 for 10 against a bad player zerg and I'm not sure what that says about you.

Me sitting over here on a wizard main thinking of how hard it is going to be to get an experience group in Luclin with all those boxed wizards in the world...

  • 3Worf
Reactions: 2 users


TLP Idealist
In theory you would want to root for RI... Underdog guild trying to take out an empire, rebels without a cause, antiestablishment going against the man.

But in reality, it's just a clown show with poor leadership and even worse shit talking.

Sad times.
  • 2Worf
  • 2Weird Boner
  • 1Double Worf
Reactions: 6 users


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
All those wizards...that's a long list of people who will quit during PoP.

Majority of the population will quit during this time, wizard or not. Its when all the people who play TLPs just do launch >> pop, and also its 4 months of plane of time for this server, so its going to be extra spicy that last 1-2 months.