Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
It's also the cheapest and easiest route for a team that can barely push out a limited expansion each year.
Yes. Very often. Sorry for the late response bud. I check these forums pretty rarely.Has ri actually done any of the vaniki stuff for people in prep for the server?
Popping over to Vaniki to mess with a competing guild doing achievements is so absolutely on brand for them it hurts. On Oakwynd they were doing a pick of Frontier Mountains for an Angry Goblin and someone else got the turn in before them. They went on to spend the next half hour kiting and high sunning the thing until the quest turn in timer ran out so they could steal the kill. They made a video celebrating their achievement and a bunch of people ate a suspension over it.
And they loved it. Not the suspension of course (kiting someone's turn in mob until the loot lock timer runs out is against the rules obvioiusly) but the half hour of grab ass and the kill. Vicious lights up like a Christmas tree during these kinds of squabbles. For him a beautiful goddamn disaster where his people come out on top is better than a hundred server first kills. If you're all about glorious clusterfucks where the entire guild stops what it's doing to take a shit in someone else's cornflakes and then cheer for whose log is the biggest than RI is the guild for you. If you think getting enough people suspended over one Angry Goblin that it hinders your guild's ability to raid for a week is about the dumbest fucking call you've ever seen than seek membership elsewhere.
They did get the Angry Goblin spawn timer changed though so we all owe them a debt of gratitude.
Got one for not getting kicked for being afk and not getting caught by the afk kick systems?Note: this is for AHK V 2.0
In case anyone might want to use AHK for training up skills via key toggles.
Red box with 1 next to it is to activate/deactivate (toggle) the AHK macro. Red box with 2 next to it is the keys it will keep pressing in a loop till it gets toggled off.
! = Alt
^ = Ctrl
+ = Shift
View attachment 529405
Can download these via --> AHK Macros ( These are for Monks, but once you see the macro, very easy to edit it in notepad for anything else! )
NopeGot one for not getting kicked for being afk and not getting caught by the afk kick systems?
I haven't played in a few TLPS but they created custom afk kick code because the queues are so bad. It's a double edged problem because people don't want to log out because the queue is hours and hours and hours, and the queue doesn't lessen because nobody wants to log out.Nope. Was not aware of that? Would not doing those abilities mean your character is active? Unless you mean you want afk and not do anything? Can do /sit and then /stand macro?
Does moving a step back and then a step forward avoid the kick system? Can write a macro to press forward for a 10th of a second and then back for another 10th of a second?
Can write one to hit enter and type out a /say message and then hit enter.if that would help?
Speaking of Queue - the remote PC software I was using is.. well, defunct. I dont know what happened to it, but money wasted I guess.I haven't played in a few TLPS but they created custom afk kick code because the queues are so bad. It's a double edged problem because people don't want to log out because the queue is hours and hours and hours, and the queue doesn't lessen because nobody wants to log out.
I don't know what the modern trick is to stay in game, or if there even is one that doesn't get you in trouble.
I feel bad for doing that shit when queues are so bad but it's a doggy dogg world. I'll probably just have to face the queue because I don't have drugs to stay up 24 hours like others.
God the queue is gonna be soooooo, so bad.
but it's a doggy dogg world.
It should take place in the Sixteenth chapel. It would be truly mind bottling.If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.
It's locked to 85+, so there's that stopping you...I keep hearing about Timeless Tokens being account-bound and how there's a chance people can spend them on Teek for OP stuff.
Well, it doesn't look like they're account-bound. That said, if Tides of Time IS on Teek at launch, there isn't anything stopping people from forming a group at 60 and doing the quests on there and getting OP gear. I seriously doubt it will be there though.
Just going around making things up, we will see what the status is come 22nd!It's locked to 85+, so there's that stopping you...
It's locked to 85+, so there's that stopping you...
It's going to be on Teek. The tower is going to be on Teek day 1. I would bet krono on it.What's locked to 85, the gear?
The gear's roughly VT-level so no way it's in on Teek. If anything, the ornamentations might be purchasable but that's probably it. To avoid exploits they're better off just removing the ToT zone.
The second post is hilarious. Everything he said is probably spot-on, too. Only thing he forgot (not that it matters for Teek) is mentioning that Beastlords aren't competition for leather because they're too busy bidding up Monk H2H weapons that the Monks have been waiting weeks to see drop.
This video like most things depends on context. The guy in question was no innocent and when RI popped a pick for the turn in he picked and warped over for it. Everyone chooses how far theyd go.
It's going to be on Teek. The tower is going to be on Teek day 1. I would bet krono on it.
Those spawns are specific to the person with the quest, so competition wouldnt be a thing. But level 60 is more important than those things, just because in that era specifically, Level > Stats. So its worth it for you to keep grinding it out and just do it in your spare time.If I had any real krono to bet I would take you up on that because I don't see how it's workable.
If it is, then it sounds like everybody needs to hit this at level 55 if that's the req level for the gear. As in "drop everything and go do this at 55". Gonna be fun trying to do the Lavastorm quest with the ground spawns if a zillion other people are trying to do it. Took me a few minutes even as the only person in the zone.
Also I gotta correct myself, I said the slow-proccing belt is the best belt on Vaniki. Aside from the 3 or so classes it doesn't apply to, the real best belt is the 64k plat conflag belt that procs a 5k DD on damage spells. That one blows away the competition.
The more interesting part of the story is that RI was willing to spend a half hour fighting over it, make a video of the whole thing and get like 15 people a vacation for engaging in an activity they 100% knew was directly against the rules - fucking with a turn-in mob so long it goes FFA and jacking the quest loot.
RI usually plays on servers with very little actual competition and still goes balls-deep with their sweatiness. I'm kind of impressed. It'll be interesting to see how they do against major competition.