EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Golden Baronet of the Realm
A few years a go they released a server that was challenging. It was called Vaniki. No one played on it. Mischief 2 Electric Boogaloo has free VT loot and ten times the players.

Let's be fair here, not one person rolled on this server because of the tower, and I doubt anyone would quit over it if they removed it.
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TLP Idealist
FWIW Vaniki would have also been far more popular if it had a classic launch. When they referenced GoD launch in the announcement 90% of the TLP player base probably just skipped to the next paragraph.
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Silver Squire
I haven't played EQ much since around 2000 or so. Are the TLP's just like old EQ where soloing was pretty rough outside of a few classes who could manage it well?


Trakanon Raider
Teek is going to probably be the easiest TLP server yet considering the new persona system being added, anniversary tower gear, free trade, and random loot. On top of that, it is quite literally the most populated server in TLP history at this point.

I'm kind of hoping that even though the first three expansions will be easy mode compared to previous TLPs, maybe people will have enough investment in to the server, due to the popularity of the server and ease of building out alternate personas (due to all the gear), to take this server to Live with a very healthy population. It would be nice to see a TLP server make it to Live with a population on the level of FV.


Canuckistani Terrorist
Gonna do another round, since I'm finally catching one at start again. Been years now. Pain in the ass to find a CoS, but finally found one cheap. I just can't necro without one.

Fucking swear every TLP popping a XP pot causes the random group to be tired and everyone needs to log. EVERY FUCKING TIME.

Gonna do a box, but haven't decided, shammy worked real well before, but cleric is really tempting.


Trakanon Raider
It’s not that they make an already easy game easier, it’s that 5 whole slots just got nuked from orbit. Hundreds or thousands of items may as well not exist because the tower gear is better than any other item in its slot for every single class and the fact that it’s a guaranteed and easy grab means it has a pretty negative impact on the economy too.

Imagine a Kunark where you can’t even sell a Hiero cloak.
At least Hiero is still good for twinks, but yeah this is my main issue with the whole thing. As I've said before I'm personally done caring about out of era, or classic purity, or store items, or what the fuck ever, but the game is simply less exciting when there are less slots available for dopamine hits.
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The Karenist Karen
<Silver Donator>
I haven't played EQ much since around 2000 or so. Are the TLP's just like old EQ where soloing was pretty rough outside of a few classes who could manage it well?

EverQuest is free to play on some servers now, Agnarr might be a good fit for you. Recommend you explore classes and the TLP experience there. Modern players span everything from traditional single pc / single character playstyle ... to sophisticated multiple pc / +vm / +scripted / +accounts / +characters.


Trakanon Raider
At least Hiero is still good for twinks, but yeah this is my main issue with the whole thing. As I've said before I'm personally done caring about out of era, or classic purity, or store items, or what the fuck ever, but the game is simply less exciting when there are less slots available for dopamine hits.
The real tragedy here is that by allowing these items to be used out of era, they have effectively removed some inventory slots from being part of the game meta for the first handful of expansions of the server.

There's only a few things that EverQuest progression is based on... Levels, Gear, and AAs. Out of those three things, gear is the biggest part of the meta. It is what drives people to keep playing. Take away the gear progression, and the game falls flat.
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Trakanon Raider
I think the items are bad for game balance purposes, but I think everyone saying they are bad for server health are dead wrong. The one singular lesson, going back to the first AoC server (Phinigel) to today, is every change that has made the TLP game more casual friendly and easier, has been popular (Random / Bonus loot, faster XP, easier keying, melee augs in Classic, AoC). Changes that make the TLP game harder (removing pre-Luclin Spell Foci, nerfing VT skips, "challenge" TLPs etc), have almost always been unpopular.
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
A few years a go they released a server that was challenging. It was called Vaniki. No one played on it. Mischief 2 Electric Boogaloo has free VT loot and ten times the players.
Another challenging server is pretty much the only TLP I'd consider playing on. I get enough of facerolling EQ content on live.

Vaniki was too extreme though. I don't want to fight possibly unkillable bosses with dumbass strategies. I would just want a TLP experience with some teeth. It's been discussed ad nauseam but all it really needs is faster respawns and no dumbass loot pinatas like double loot or tower horseshit. I'd be super interested in a TLP that had level / AA gates/delays and a relaxed or removed gear requirements, so you'd generally be fighting mobs higher than you're supposed to.
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Tranny Chaser
The basic Vaniki gimmick of being able to ignore levels in regards to resists and to be able to land charm/fear/stun at ten levels above each spell's normal cap was really interesting. Double loot had a bunch of neat interactions with quests in addition to general farming. Setting challenges and giving unique rewards for them was good. I agree the Gates of Discord start mortally wounded the server at the starting gates. Classic but having a vastly accelerated unlock timer would have been much more popular. Throw in some more thought given to the challenges themselves and it could have been something. Even if it wasn't a big hit it could have been something people really spoke about highly then when another similar server is made years later everyone piles on.

Instead it's the place people get WW ports and food flasks from.
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Canuckistani Terrorist
Doesn't this just effectively make it so raiders can just sell/twink alts most of those slots? I was kinda hoping that would be the result honestly, plenty of cheaper alt gear to have fun with. Should really remove the lvl req on items, I'd love the chance to run an alt around at lvl 5 with VT/EP gear.

Have to get to 55 to use the good stuff, it effectively makes raids quicker, less slots to work towards, more time dicking around with rest of game or logging off if you just raid, and the raid usefullness of the lvl 65 items fades by OoW to pre-raid gear. I really don't see a big issue having a more relaxed start to the server, and as a bonus maybe more people will stick around and not burnout as some of the gear grind is relaxed.

2002 me calling yall crazy while he spends months keeping max raid attendance just to be able to buy a few upgrades and dropped spells.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I haven't played EQ much since around 2000 or so. Are the TLP's just like old EQ where soloing was pretty rough outside of a few classes who could manage it well?

Some classes still solo better than others, but the group experience bonus is now so large that grouping will be faster experience.


Toe Sucker
It wouldn't be as bad if the statlines were similiar to what the charm is, but even then like zaide said it just removes half the equipment slots in the game for the next 6 months
if they were smarter they would disable them, but we all know they wouldnt do that lol

Is the tower content actually piss easy to get these?
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
For anyone looking to get the CoS, named gorilla in Timorous Deep is a chill AFK camp and it spawns often without a lot of competition. Halara is the name, I think.
3 spawn points on the island.
1 at main igloos, 1 on the mountain, 1 near a boat on the beach.
"a hulking golra" is the PH. 9 min respawn. lvl 35 or so on PH, 40 on the name.

It seems to be a little more rare of a spawn than the Droga mobs imo.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Pain in the ass to find a CoS, but finally found one cheap. I just can't necro without one.
After 2 days trying to farm one, another necro gave me a CoS for free.
He said he "doesn't see any value in it" since he already had a Ring of Stealthy Travel.

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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
A few years a go they released a server that was challenging. It was called Vaniki. No one played on it. Mischief 2 Electric Boogaloo has free VT loot and ten times the players.

Yep. Stuff was a huge challenge on Vaniki and it was lots of fun, but most people noped out. So this server being easymode is kind of whatever.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
FWIW Vaniki would have also been far more popular if it had a classic launch. When they referenced GoD launch in the announcement 90% of the TLP player base probably just skipped to the next paragraph.

It might as well have been classic launch too, since opening at level 40 with GoD unlocked was quite pointless. All it did was cause us to waste a few hundred man-hours camping Ssra Temple at level 40 for keys that turned out to not be needed.