EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


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<Gold Donor>
I haven't played EQ much since around 2000 or so. Are the TLP's just like old EQ where soloing was pretty rough outside of a few classes who could manage it well?

It's easier to solo in general, but soloing gives basically no EXP from like level 3 onward unless you fight yellow cons, which most classes can't solo.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Another challenging server is pretty much the only TLP I'd consider playing on. I get enough of facerolling EQ content on live.

Vaniki was too extreme though. I don't want to fight possibly unkillable bosses with dumbass strategies. I would just want a TLP experience with some teeth. It's been discussed ad nauseam but all it really needs is faster respawns and no dumbass loot pinatas like double loot or tower horseshit. I'd be super interested in a TLP that had level / AA gates/delays and a relaxed or removed gear requirements, so you'd generally be fighting mobs higher than you're supposed to.

Possibly we were just young and bad, but when I remember EQ being hard, I want to say we didn't have:
  1. Super relaxed AC/ATK tables
  2. Reagent free symbols
  3. Monk fist changes
  4. Spell reworks (almost always to the upside)
  5. Potions
I'm not convinced the resists are materially different, but maybe? I think even during the launch of Combine the game was significantly closer to classic difficulty than now. It's currently extremely forgiving. I do remember there was some resist change that was patched in because we suddenly had an impossible time slowing Temple of Veeshan stuff during Combine.

Other things that aren't gameplay related would be:
  1. Maps
  2. Light radius
  3. 3rd person
  4. Target rings
  5. Cycle nearest enemy
I would be happy to play on a server with the first list closer to classic, but I'm not sure if I'd could play on an EQ that revises the second list.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Possibly we were just young and bad, but when I remember EQ being hard, I want to say we didn't have:
  1. Super relaxed AC/ATK tables
  2. Reagent free symbols
  3. Monk fist changes
  4. Spell reworks (almost always to the upside)
  5. Potions
I'm not convinced the resists are materially different, but maybe? I think even during the launch of Combine the game was significantly closer to classic difficulty than now. It's currently extremely forgiving. I do remember there was some resist change that was patched in because we suddenly had an impossible time slowing Temple of Veeshan stuff during Combine.

Other things that aren't gameplay related would be:
  1. Maps
  2. Light radius
  3. 3rd person
  4. Target rings
  5. Cycle nearest enemy
I would be happy to play on a server with the first list closer to classic, but I'm not sure if I'd could play on an EQ that revises the second list.
Yeah I wouldn't want a lot of the things that made EQ feel hard. Most of that was ignorance and a casual mindset, which is impossible to recover. I'd want something different that provides a level of difficulty a few ticks higher than what we have in TLP, using existing systems.

The other comments about popularity are right, people generally want things to be easier. But I think they're also somewhat overstated. Difficulty "done right" would be popular, but "done right" is not easy for the current team to accomplish.


Trakanon Raider
After 2 days trying to farm one, another necro gave me a CoS for free.
He said he "doesn't see any value in it" since he already had a Ring of Stealthy Travel.

View attachment 530825
People squirelled them away on Mischief thinking they would be worth money after they stopped dropping. They weren't for the simple fact that Random Loot and Free Trade makes it so that what is generally considered very rare items end up being very common items that everybody has at least one of if not many.

It takes people a while to realize it, but they will get there just like we did on Mischief.

This is quite literally the server where every other monk will have SoDs. Alt monks will have SoDs. It's a hell of a lot of fun. Enjoy the best experience you will ever have on a TLP server. :)


Golden Knight of the Realm
Rajaah Rajaah were you the one complaining about tiny UI issues? Have you seen this reddit post?

I just messed around with that $7 Lossless Scaling program and it seems to work nicely. You can scale your EQ window without having to change your entire desktop resolution.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Rajaah Rajaah were you the one complaining about tiny UI issues? Have you seen this reddit post?

I just messed around with that $7 Lossless Scaling program and it seems to work nicely. You can scale your EQ window without having to change your entire desktop resolution.

Yeah, but I solved it before launch. I think what I did was change the desktop resolution to a lower level which made EQ scale down to something readable rather than a massive field of view with tiny text windows.

3 spawn points on the island.
1 at main igloos, 1 on the mountain, 1 near a boat on the beach.
"a hulking golra" is the PH. 9 min respawn. lvl 35 or so on PH, 40 on the name.

It seems to be a little more rare of a spawn than the Droga mobs imo.

Well, the secret's out now. Went there last night and took out a few PHes, no named. Camped, popped back on this morning, there were people sitting on every spawn point (in one case, a group of people). Jebus. The search for a CoS continues!


Trakanon Raider
It's easier to solo in general, but soloing gives basically no EXP from like level 3 onward unless you fight yellow cons, which most classes can't solo.
I like soloing a lot because it allows me to push the limits on what I can and can't do. It's exciting to live through an encounter that you probably shouldn't have. Sadly, the experience gain from soloing is just horrible. If it wasn't for the super low exp gain from soloing, I probably would solo a hell of a lot more in EQ.


<Gold Donor>
I still haven't found a use for personas that an alt or box doesn't better fill. Granted I've only played Oakwynd and Teek while they were active, so the 'all the loot on one dude' thing is a wash. Outside of early game origin fucking, is the only real perk not needing to flag boxes through pop? As they stand, it just saves you the time of handing all your tradeable gear between toons.

EQ is easy and Vaniki was the best server because it lead to you doing the only shit that is hard in EQ. Small / underman shit that you shouldn't be doing because it's way out of your level range. Crawling around Ferubi at 50 brought back more old school EQ feelings than I got from any emu server or just replaying Classic->PoP for the 20th time like some 40 year old autist.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I still haven't found a use for personas that an alt or box doesn't better fill.

It's a cool idea for people like me who prefer to play one character and mess around with other classes while still feeling like it "matters" (i.e. that I'm gaining something overall on that one character). I vastly prefer it over an alt. A box is still better since it's always better to have a second character present.

Only thing I don't like about personas is having to lug around everyone's gear. Better have a bunch of WR bags or a main with high str.

Haven't actually played one past 5 yet, only using them as warp zones right now to get places quick. At level 5 you can bind a persona in one spot and have their origin be somewhere else, thus creating two warp zones on one persona. For example I have a level 5 Qeynos paladin who can origin to Qeynos (to go to Hole) or die to Halas (to go to Vox). Classes with gate don't need to do the die part.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
People squirelled them away on Mischief thinking they would be worth money after they stopped dropping. They weren't for the simple fact that Random Loot and Free Trade makes it so that what is generally considered very rare items end up being very common items that everybody has at least one of if not many.

It takes people a while to realize it, but they will get there just like we did on Mischief.

This is quite literally the server where every other monk will have SoDs. Alt monks will have SoDs. It's a hell of a lot of fun. Enjoy the best experience you will ever have on a TLP server. :)
That wasn't why the smartest people were squirreling them away.

Come a later expansion you used to be able to turn in CoS and a few other things that could be farmed on Mischief (like Sleeper 1.0 drops) for nobles that you could sell for plat that you could then convert to krono. I knew a guy who did that on Mangler and he made hundreds of krono pretty easily (and that's just from CoS, since obviously the Sleeper drops weren't farmable).

I'm fairly sure the people who were smart enough to do it on Mischief got it patched out in some fashion because the information had gone too wide by then. Though, the irony is that with all the plat dupes and excess plat in the system, it was actually probably more lucrative on others servers than Mischief while it still worked (since the Mischief krono plat price was so high).
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Kaesora is a good place to find them as well. Can usually find a named up and most there have a chance to drop it.


Log Wizard
They probably need to add rec levels to the Tower Gear and scale them better and that would fix the problems. The issue is they did the CORRECT thing for this type of gear where the level is a low requirement whereas the gear is a high stat value. Most games add in stuff like this and you get some item that's beat by like 4-5 in-era items and you go "wtf is this for?" They did the smart thing and made it so these items are worth equipping in era, but didn't scale the gear with recommmended levels as they should have to make them competitive instead of defacto BiS. If at <60 this gear was 50/50 or 65/65 HEM it would've still been BIS in a few slots but competitive with raid drops and super drops like heiro cloak. But then in luclin/velious high end it'd be out of fashion again except for the augs.

What's interesting is if you played a TLP with focus effects in classic (pre-mangler) as a caster you're not even getting the same amount of power. You're not getting mana pres which is a competitive 10% more max mana, you're not getting 10-15% more damage, you're not getting spell haste. Even with these items outside of tanks and maybe necros/shaman people aren't even necessarily at their strongest in a TLP. Kind of funny that way.

We should just all be thankful they didn't add weapons to the tower with 1.0 ratios or shit like haste augs.



Canuckistani Terrorist
Noticed a item that ports to Ro every 30min on store, seems damn useful for an Iksar for the price. Haven't used it yet, it doesn't pop you in the middle of a bunch of KoS guards, right?


Trakanon Raider
Noticed a item that ports to Ro every 30min on store, seems damn useful for an Iksar for the price. Haven't used it yet, it doesn't pop you in the middle of a bunch of KoS guards, right?
No, it puts you right by the South Ro zoneline in a fairly safe spot
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Vp has some classic vids like the grisvok train from back in the day. Hopefully the content continues here!


TLP Idealist
>Lose every mob for 9 days straight
>Get one kill
>Make a whole video about it
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Molten Core Raider
>Lose every mob for 9 days straight
>Get one kill
>Make a whole video about it
Vid title suggests it's their first showing to dps race. That true? I was wondering what happened right after this kill - surely there was other stuff in window.

If this really is the first time they showed up, and they won 1/1 attempts, that's something. Curious minds want to know
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