EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Trakanon Raider
Vid title suggests it's their first showing to dps race. That true? I was wondering what happened right after this kill - surely there was other stuff in window.
Not sure what that means. Any target you don't show up for you lose by default. OW guilds lose anytime another guild gets loot, doesn't matter if you "showed up" or not. That has been the governing rule of EQ since 1999.


Trakanon Raider
That wasn't why the smartest people were squirreling them away.

Come a later expansion you used to be able to turn in CoS and a few other things that could be farmed on Mischief (like Sleeper 1.0 drops) for nobles that you could sell for plat that you could then convert to krono. I knew a guy who did that on Mangler and he made hundreds of krono pretty easily (and that's just from CoS, since obviously the Sleeper drops weren't farmable).

I'm fairly sure the people who were smart enough to do it on Mischief got it patched out in some fashion because the information had gone too wide by then. Though, the irony is that with all the plat dupes and excess plat in the system, it was actually probably more lucrative on others servers than Mischief while it still worked (since the Mischief krono plat price was so high).
Wow didn't know that. I was holding on to them to sell later on >.<


<Gold Donor>
Not sure what that means. Any target you don't show up for you lose by default. OW guilds lose anytime another guild gets loot, doesn't matter if you "showed up" or not. That has been the governing rule of EQ since 1999.
Showing up for a race and losing is infinitely worse than not showing up at all.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Not sure what that means. Any target you don't show up for you lose by default. OW guilds lose anytime another guild gets loot, doesn't matter if you "showed up" or not. That has been the governing rule of EQ since 1999.
You don't get to tell them when to raid.

You should stick to exploiting the economy with duped plat my guy.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ah the drama inciters who hide behind puppet forum accounts. With good ol conspiracy thrown in. EQ TLP brings the best people together.


Molten Core Raider
Ah the drama inciters who hide behind puppet forum accounts. With good ol conspiracy thrown in. EQ TLP brings the best people together.

I wish I had a better explanation for my low post count. I just started lurking one day, and the years kept going by
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Trakanon Raider
Showing up for a race and losing is infinitely worse than not showing up at all.
It isn't, actually. Amtrak lost DPS races to us all the time on Selo and it was fine for them, they still won a lot too. You realize when you do more than a couple TLPs that that is how OW raiding works. It is always more respectable to at least show up and try. This rhetoric is like Fippy / Ragefire era thinking, when a guild would lose like 1 DPS race and then basically stop functioning. Modern TLP guilds are far less invested, other than people who still think it is 2011. There's been lots of guilds doing OW shit every TLP. There is only one group that makes videos about it and memes, because they think it is 2011 still.
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Trakanon Raider
Should really remove the lvl req on items, I'd love the chance to run an alt around at lvl 5 with VT/EP gear.
Considering they recently ADDED level requirements to shit that didn't have it for 15 years, I'm betting this is out of the question. These weapons used to have no level requirement and proc'd at level 1. Coral mace and its equivalents had recommended levels, but the proc still worked. Coral Mace was sooo fun because it had a massive, massive proc rate mod and it was nearly unresistable. So it was actually fun to play a twinked melee cleric. They nerfed this sometime after Mischief launched. Imbeciles.



<Gold Donor>
It isn't, actually. Amtrak lost DPS races to us all the time on Selo and it was fine for them, they still won a lot too. You realize when you do more than a couple TLPs that that is how OW raiding works. It is always more respectable to at least show up and try. This rhetoric is like Fippy / Ragefire era thinking, when a guild would lose like 1 DPS race and then basically stop functioning. Modern TLP guilds are far less invested, other than people who still think it is 2011. There's been lots of guilds doing OW shit every TLP. There is only one group that makes videos about it and memes, because they think it is 2011 still.
I wasn't asking. It is infinitely more embarrassing to show effort for something and fail than to show zero effort and have the same outcome. This is just a human thing, it supersedes the game.

Maybe you can position yourself as the 'thorn in the side' of another guild or something and try to convince people to keep showing up and losing races, but morale will take a hit and you'll find it harder to mobilize full numbers if you lose every race.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Considering they recently ADDED level requirements to shit that didn't have it for 15 years, I'm betting this is out of the question. These weapons used to have no level requirement and proc'd at level 1. Coral mace and its equivalents had recommended levels, but the proc still worked. Coral Mace was sooo fun because it had a massive, massive proc rate mod and it was nearly unresistable. So it was actually fun to play a twinked melee cleric. They nerfed this sometime after Mischief launched. Imbeciles.

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On live servers, strongest item I know of that's equippable by level 1 and can be traded is Fabled Water Dragon Shield, dropped by Fabled Faydedar, which is something like 200 or 250 HEM.

There's probably something else I don't know about, especially if you count notrade items. But as far as I know, the single strongest item you can hand a level 1 character is that shield. It isn't in until whenever Fabled is, though.


Trakanon Raider
I wasn't asking. It is infinitely more embarrassing to show effort for something and fail than to show zero effort and have the same outcome. This is just a human thing, it supersedes the game.

Maybe you can position yourself as the 'thorn in the side' of another guild or something and try to convince people to keep showing up and losing races, but morale will take a hit and you'll find it harder to mobilize full numbers if you lose every race.
When was the last time you actually played a TLP? I can assure you it just doesn't work that way. If your information is coming from these forums, where I think only a few people who really involve themselves in these guilds posts, you just aren't working with correct intel.

OW TLP stuff in this era is literally like a 2 minute time investment. The stakes just aren't nearly as high as you are talking about, which is why I wonder if you're operating from Fippy / Ragefire era mentality. Back then OW mobs spawned much less frequently, dropped less loot, and there were no DZ. On Mischief a lot of OW targets eventually weren't even touched by real guilds, box crews would do them--because the loot and stakes are just so low value.

You're perceiving OW contests in this era as a much bigger impact event than the actual TLP player base experiences them as, think of them as like a pitch in a baseball game, a small part of the process, they aren't comparable to the whole game or even a complete inning in the game.

Also trying to portray the guild that has killed every meaningful OW spawn for 7 days as being the "thorn in the side" for losing a single OW Sev, which spawned whilst we were already fighting Big Bee in Sky, and only tried to gate to after Bee died on the off chance RI fumbled, is silly dawg.


Canuckistani Terrorist
Considering they recently ADDED level requirements to shit that didn't have it for 15 years, I'm betting this is out of the question. These weapons used to have no level requirement and proc'd at level 1. Coral mace and its equivalents had recommended levels, but the proc still worked. Coral Mace was sooo fun because it had a massive, massive proc rate mod and it was nearly unresistable. So it was actually fun to play a twinked melee cleric. They nerfed this sometime after Mischief launched. Imbeciles.

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That's lame, I think I still have a variety of them on FV I used for alts until i got bored of it. There is a 1hs for druid from VP, clicky DD, or a proc not 100% sure, that was basically a 30ish druid nuke. Just vaporize everything for 20+ levels. I kinda assumed it would still be a thing, and I could eventually make some crazy twinks combined with the persona thing.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I wasn't asking. It is infinitely more embarrassing to show effort for something and fail than to show zero effort and have the same outcome. This is just a human thing, it supersedes the game.

Maybe you can position yourself as the 'thorn in the side' of another guild or something and try to convince people to keep showing up and losing races, but morale will take a hit and you'll find it harder to mobilize full numbers if you lose every race.

Relentless mobilized faster on that Severilous, this is true. From the video it looks like they outnumbered Faceless by about 4:1 or 5:1, which isn't much of a DPS race, but they did mobilize fast. They were lucky to catch one because Faceless was in the middle of fighting another OW mob at the time. I realize you have to take the wins where you can get them, but for days we were wondering if Relentless had moved to Tormax.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That's lame, I think I still have a variety of them on FV I used for alts until i got bored of it. There is a 1hs for druid from VP, clicky DD, or a proc not 100% sure, that was basically a 30ish druid nuke. Just vaporize everything for 20+ levels. I kinda assumed it would still be a thing, and I could eventually make some crazy twinks combined with the persona thing.

This was why vaniki was fun to mess around on. Put super OP gear on a level 1. Shit that procs 5k DDs and you just ran around 1 shotting things for 60 levels(as far as I went).


Trakanon Raider
Relentless mobilized faster on that Severilous, this is true. From the video it looks like they outnumbered Faceless by about 4:1 or 5:1, which isn't much of a DPS race, but they did mobilize fast. They were lucky to catch one because Faceless was in the middle of fighting another OW mob at the time. I realize you have to take the wins where you can get them, but for days we were wondering if Relentless had moved to Tormax.
I was raiding on live when it went down (I actually still run a live guild as my main EQ thing), but my understanding is both guilds were actually in PoSKy OW when Sev spawned. Faceless was on Bee Island just doing a clear up to get people keyed etc, RI was I believe on Spiroc island (maybe doing a Spiroc lord farm, I dunno), Faceless had just engaged Bee when it popped, RI was able to just jump off instantly and start porting from Freeport.

It is genuinely hilarious it is getting talked about so much, the # of times I've lost an OW target on a TLP because something spawned while I was fighting something else is quite a bit. It is a very common occurrence now that the bosses respawn so quickly, most of Kunark is almost perpetually in window now, and nothing takes more than a couple minutes to kill. Unless you start actually dividing your raid into static separate forces socking each spawn, you're never going to be everywhere at once. But I get it, there is a subsection of the TLP population, mostly concentrated in one guild, that grew up on Fippy era YouTube videos and is cringe-obsessed with trying to recreate those memories.


<Gold Donor>
When was the last time you actually played a TLP? I can assure you it just doesn't work that way. If your information is coming from these forums, where I think only a few people who really involve themselves in these guilds posts, you just aren't working with correct intel.
I've played (almost) every TLP since Aradune, and never played on Fippy/Ragefire. I skipped Mischief since I was still active on Aradune. I saw an occurrence of guilds losing races and delegating themselves to DZ guilds on Aradune and Oakwynd, so it's not just a throwback to a bygone era.

Also, none of this comes from forum posts. It comes from 15 years of leading a WoW guild and having to manage human expectations every week. Morale is a hugely important currency and I'd be suspicious of any leadership who doesn't understand that. Sending your dudes into a gristmill over and over to fail is going to tank your morale and affect attendance, particularly for batphones. People aren't going to drop what they are doing to log into shitty EQ when a batphone goes out if they expect that it's just going to be another L.

Also trying to portray the guild that has killed every meaningful OW spawn for 7 days as being the "thorn in the side" for losing a single OW Sev, which spawned whilst we were already fighting Big Bee in Sky, and only tried to gate to after Bee died on the off chance RI fumbled, is silly dawg.
I wasn't talking about RI or Faceless. I was saying the only way to keep up morale while being a loser guild who can't win a DPS race would be to try and portray yourself as being a nuisance to the dominant guild. I think a lot of people cope that way when they get outplayed, so leadership (if they're smart) would fan that flame.

Relentless mobilized faster on that Severilous, this is true.
Mobilization is 90% of the practical OW race. Can you get more tards to look in the same direction faster than your opponent.
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