Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'd say you want 3 dual wields (or genji glove). Two is enough, but three is optimal.

Anyone who doesn't have at least one Cecil, Refia, and minimum two Zidane or Gilgamesh, don't miss out before this banner closes. Tomorrow's the last day of people's choice.
For this even I'm wishing I had 5 (i've got 3). I'll be getting up to 6 I think.


Vyemm Raider
He will have a decent damage light elemental sword from the event

How is a new player (read: account reroller) going to farm enough currency to get the sword if they're F2P?

More like Rainbow Lightning, Luneth, Queen, Delita, DKC.....................
Actually... at least the latter four have salvageable TMR. Lightning has nothing going for her.
//Not talking as a new player.

Does Aurora Scarf work with countering?


Golden Squire
I have no idea what the currency requirements are going to be for the new Mog King event, but typically they are in the 10k range. If memory serves me correctly, ADV typically gives around 80 before bonuses and costs 8 NRG. These events give decent rank XP, so there will be a lot of "free" NRG refills from levelling up. A fresh account would probably need to go through some story content first to get a little bit of gear and rank. I'm assuming they would reroll to pull a good *5 unit and use a whale friend companion to finish at least Intangir. At that point ADV should be a cake walk and possibly PRO. Use the first 500-2000 mog king currency to get more summon tickets to get bonus units and boom! You'll be farming up orbs quick. I typically farm PRO with 3-4 bonus units including companion and have no trouble getting all the items I want. Granted, higher rank = more NRG = more runs per day.

edit: I forgot about the Ifrit raid orbs too. That should also give a nice boost to rank XP and faster levels. Make sure to take full advantage of this 3rd resource. I would also recommend clearing the colosseum for gear/items. Lots of good options to get caught up for re-rolled accounts right now.
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Trakanon Raider
Does Aurora Scarf work with countering?

Dual wield and bonus hits do not work with counters. It's just a single counterattack with the mainhand weapon.

You can proc a counter for every attack though, so if Ifrit hits your Snow 7 times in a round, Snow can potentially hit Ifrit back 7 times with counters.


Trakanon Raider
if mainhand is twin lance does it double up?

Twin Lance, Aurora Scarf, Yun's passive, etc, all of those "double normal attacks" are the same effect, and none of them stack.

The most normal attacks you can get per round is 4, using any of the +hit effects and dual wield.

Still doesn't work with counters though :)


Silver Knight of the Realm
Use the first 500-2000 mog king currency to get more summon tickets to get bonus units and boom! You'll be farming up orbs quick.

i tried doing that on the last FF0 banner, the entire banner doing 1/2 pulls and using the 1st 2 sets of tickets, not 1 ff0 unit


Trakanon Raider
Pulled my 2nd Chizuru from todays Daily summon. I was going to keep pulling for a 4th dual wield just in case, but I think I'm going to stop while I'm ahead on this banner. 3 should be enough for most content, and I'll probably get an Abel or two trying for Tidus later.


Golden Squire
i tried doing that on the last FF0 banner, the entire banner doing 1/2 pulls and using the 1st 2 sets of tickets, not 1 ff0 unit
Bummer. I guess the bonus unit rate up is really not that great. You should have at least gotten 1-2 *3 bonus units with that many pulls. Even 10+1 pulls do not guarantee bonus/banner units. I've seen plenty of videos of that happening. I only managed to pull 2 (50%) bonus units between my dailies and ticket pulls. We'll see what happens for tomorrow. In any case, there will be tons of Orlandeau's to choose from as bonus companions.

Kind of bummed I missed out on a ton of TM farming NRG last night. I ranked up right before the maintenance time and only managed to burn 20 NRG before it went down. At least I was able to use up my raid orbs first. Genji Gloves at 43%. TM farming will go on hold until I farm all of the Mog King items I want.

So, who is the next super-hyped unit going to be?
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Probably Eileen. She's actually kinda meh before enhancements because she can't chain, but post-enhancements she's stronger than Orlandu. That's a loooooooooong ways off though. Will be a lot of Tidus hype too but he can't chain for shit before or after enhancements and his imperil is tied to his LB.


Golden Squire
Probably Eileen. She's actually kinda meh before enhancements because she can't chain, but post-enhancements she's stronger than Orlandu. That's a loooooooooong ways off though. Will be a lot of Tidus hype too but he can't chain for shit before or after enhancements and his imperil is tied to his LB.
So you're saying I have a while to build my lapis pool back up. Do you think they'll squeeze in any lapis drains between now and the 1 year anniversary (late May/June)? Seems like every 2-3 events they throw in a really good or decent *5 on a banner.


Trakanon Raider
The dragon quest event may be a lapis drain. It has some amazing TM's, and there's a 125 atk non-elemental greatsword reward from currency during the event, which is a must have for everyone. It was priced at 125,000 currency in japan, which means in global it's going to probably be 1.5 million or something retarded. Basically, you're going to want a full team of synergy units for that event, and only +50% units may not be enough.


Golden Squire
So Mog King farm (next two weeks), one shot (1 week), next story content (1 week), then probably DQ collaboration. So probably should not go all in for Orlandeau if you want to get some pulls in for DQ event to get that sword.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Or just spend money. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

My video card died last night. I thought it started speaking in tongues but turns out it's so old that Aramaic is just it's native language. Thankfully my native video can run MEMU, I was half expecting it wouldn't.


Golden Squire
My video card died last night. I thought it started speaking in tongues but turns out it's so old that Aramaic is just it's native language. Thankfully my native video can run MEMU, I was half expecting it wouldn't.
Worse case the emulator should support software rendering, which is not ideal and uses a lot of CPU power (not really an issue with modern architectures). I doubt FFBE is very taxing in the graphics department since a lot of the effects can be disabled.


Vyemm Raider
Pulled my second Noctis today off a random ticket I threw at the Player's Choice banner as a last hurrah lol.

Now I can start saving again for Rikku.
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Golden Squire
Pulled my second Noctis today off a random ticket I threw at the Player's Choice banner as a last hurrah lol.

Now I can start saving again for Rikku.
Grats! Seeing these kinds of posts always makes me want to throw one last ticket/summon at a banner before it ends. FYI, it's NEVER worked out. Must resist the urge...


God is dead
Grats! Seeing these kinds of posts always makes me want to throw one last ticket/summon at a banner before it ends. FYI, it's NEVER worked out. Must resist the urge...

It's all luck anyhow.

Took me 12 10+1 to get my Noctis last Friday. Randomly did a 10+1 on Tuesday and pulled an Emperor.