Following this Asmon thing has been hilarious. Some gems from the clinically insane over at resetera:
I am not watching the stream, cus frankly I am in no need to watch another straight white dude playing this game. There are a lot of smaller Queer or POC streamers that I can support on twitch playing this game.
It’s amazing just how quick some users on Era will swoop in to defend the absolute worst kind of people. Fuck Asmongold and his nasty as community. And no, when you continue to cultivate and profit off toxic assholes I don’t think pretending to “change” doesn’t actually amount to munch, regardless if it’s a “persona” you (continue to) put on.
Fuck ‘em
Dude uses SJW unironically and voted for Trump
If that's not enough to convince you then there's nothing to talk about
If you watch him you're part of the problem