Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Trakanon Raider
You get +100% XP on jobs that aren't your highest level job too, so if you boost one job you'll get double XP for other jobs.
I have +420% XP on alt jobs at the moment, takes only a few hours to get new ones from 1-50.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Lalafel are canonically Dwarves. You can unlock beard helmets for them at lv79.
Nope. Nopity nope. Those... things... are not dwarves. No way, no how. (yes, I know how all the First keep "normal" names vs the ones used in the Source)

I watched Qwazii's video on the hilarious thread on the origins of the Lalafels, and I agree with reddit for this one: they are giant mutated popotos. That's the only explanation that makes sense.
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Trakanon Raider
So having not played an MMO since my EQ2/Rift/Vanguard/Conan/WHO days, (8+ Years). I have been pretty into FF14, Picked up endwalker right before sales stopped and jumped into savage raiding. Having never played an MMO in 8+ years, Savage raiding has been really fun. It's crazy how different the mechanics/fights are and even all the boss fights during MSQ/Dungeons were super fun.

Sadly my static fell apart over inability to finish P3S, so I went and finally beat it the same day it fell apart via party finder. Being a Boomer Millennial at first I thought maybe I was the bad one causing my static to wipe, and although I am not great at dps yet with my WHM, I can get the mechanics down and was able to progress way past my static was able.

Anyways been really enjoying this given it's my first MMO in so long, the QOL things like Duty/Party Finder, and just so much other stuff makes the game seem so much less grindy and annoying than MMO's from my past. I also am a big FFX/FF7 fan so I did enjoy the JRPG/Storyline but I can see how annoying it could be for those who hate storyline, I def think they could still trim 30% of the quests/length as there are a lot of quests that don't really do much for the MSQ and just seem like filler without adding much to the larger story. (i.e Picking up shit in Stormblood).

Anyways FF14 is good.
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<Bronze Donator>
As ... ... mentioned earlier, Palace of the Dead is probably the best way to get a feel of your class's lategame ability rotations without actually getting to the endgame
Doesn't really work for newbies. In this game you play the job, not the class. Unless you are an asshole of course, and play an archer in level 50+ content.

Sadly, job crystals don't magically appear in PotD. To add insult to injury, your PotD "save" is when you start at level 1, so even if you got your hand on a job crystal you need to redo your "save game."

But no, just simple and valid questions which have been answered by the majority of posters already. Thank you.
Let's not pretend that your very long and elaborate posts about combat comparing it with "mystic quest back on snes" were "simple and valid questions," and not being passive aggressive about you not enjoying it at your level, while everyone else basically told you the answer to your "questions": level 50 to 60.
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<Gold Donor>
couple of questions:

What are commendations? are they like a currency or some sort of badge, like a thumbs up from people i've grouped with? can people see them and do they do anything?

beast gauge? So i finally unlocked warrior and I can see the skills I will eventually get and some of them cost beast gauge, but the tutorial screen just says its the icon that shows you whether emnity buff is on or not? does this become a resource later that I fill and spend?


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
couple of questions:

What are commendations? are they like a currency or some sort of badge, like a thumbs up from people i've grouped with? can people see them and do they do anything?

beast gauge? So i finally unlocked warrior and I can see the skills I will eventually get and some of them cost beast gauge, but the tutorial screen just says its the icon that shows you whether emnity buff is on or not? does this become a resource later that I fill and spend?

Yes, many jobs get a gauge/resource around 30ish and this’ll expand more as you level up. Samurai get combo stickers and then a gen and spend resource, dancers get a step timer then a feather storage and then their own gen and spend, DRG will get a blood timer and then eyes later on, etc.

Commendations are essentially a thumbs up, yeah. I don’t think you can spend them anywhere but there is an achievement that rewards a mount after earning a bunch.


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
couple of questions:

What are commendations? are they like a currency or some sort of badge, like a thumbs up from people i've grouped with? can people see them and do they do anything?

beast gauge? So i finally unlocked warrior and I can see the skills I will eventually get and some of them cost beast gauge, but the tutorial screen just says its the icon that shows you whether emnity buff is on or not? does this become a resource later that I fill and spend?

500 and 3000 will net you a mount. You also need 1500 if you want to become a combat mentor to access the novice network and mentor roulette. At the end of dungeons and trials you have the option to commend someone. You should always do it - you even get an XP bonus if you commend I think it's 3 people per week and complete that weekly challenge.

You'll get a big pop up on your screen when it happens but yes, every class gets a gauge or two with different resources they will need to track.


Trakanon Raider
Stray thought - even though I thought Endwalker story was pretty dog, the hear… feel… think… resolution was really very good / cool. I still think about it from time to time 2 months (almost) later.


<Gold Donor>
well I'm running all these dungeons for the first time and so i'm watching the cinematics, and by the time the cut scene is over i'm all alone in the instance and in the party. I didn't realize I even had any until I was trying to figure out where the seals were for the mount quest and clicked on that tab, but apparently every time i've partied someone gave me 1.

So beast gauge, the icon on my screen is like a grey shield thing, that is filled with Red when I turn on the tank button. Does that become the gauge that fills up and is spent or is the resource gauge a different UI element?

Also tonight I learned that you can force feed your chicken and make it change colors so i pretty much just did that.


Golden Knight of the Realm
The gauge will have more elements that will appear:


Also you have this skill KB.png, it is an anti-KB that slow ennemies, use it on big pulls if you didn't yet. (Checked, it is level 32 so may be you don't have it yet).
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Buzzfeed Editor
well I'm running all these dungeons for the first time and so i'm watching the cinematics, and by the time the cut scene is over i'm all alone in the instance and in the party. I didn't realize I even had any until I was trying to figure out where the seals were for the mount quest and clicked on that tab, but apparently every time i've partied someone gave me 1.

Do you still have a sprout by your nameplate? Back when I played parties would usually wait till the sprouts start moving before starting because they'd have that cutscene icon on their names while they were still watching it.

If you didn't have the sprout that means you were just afk or fucking around so they'd start pulling.


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
Do you still have a sprout by your nameplate? Back when I played parties would usually wait till the sprouts start moving before starting because they'd have that cutscene icon on their names while they were still watching it.

If you didn't have the sprout that means you were just afk or fucking around so they'd start pulling.

He was talking about them leaving the instance during the boss death cutscene.
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<Gold Donor>
The best way to get commendations is to be the last one to leave because people just dump them on who is left vs who is good. Also, be the tank.
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Potato del Grande
The gauge will have more elements that will appear:

View attachment 397305

Also you have this skill View attachment 397307, it is an anti-KB that slow ennemies, use it on big pulls if you didn't yet. (Checked, it is level 32 so may be you don't have it yet).
Arms length? Never used it and I have three max level tanks lmao. It has a slow!?

Usually I just pop sprint to get to the next pack without taking damage.

Also HOLY FUCK Warriors get their short tank cooldown at lv56 and it's heals you 100% of the damage you deal gor a few seconds WHAT THE FUCK. Pop that and 100% crit and you are in godmode. I knew Warrior had good healing but this ability is insane and it's a 15 second cooldown too!?
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FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
Arms length? Never used it and I have three max level tanks lmao. It has a slow!?

Usually I just pop sprint to get to the next pack without taking damage.

Also HOLY FUCK Warriors get their short tank cooldown at lv56 and it's heals you 100% of the damage you deal gor a few seconds WHAT THE FUCK. Pop that and 100% crit and you are in godmode. I knew Warrior had good healing but this ability is insane and it's a 15 second cooldown too!?

It's an attack slow, not a movement slow. Use it on big trash pulls and you'll take 20% less damage.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah Arm's Length is VERY good against trash mobs, the attack slow lasts a fair bit and reduces their dmg output a ton(unless it's caster mobs then it doesn't do shit I think). Doesn't work on bosses(besides maybe some very low lvl ones in ARR) so for these it's only for kb immunity, which is still very good, but for trash it's an excelent cooldown. Reprisal is pretty ok too a lot of tanks don't use it but it's a 1min cd for 10s of 10% dmg reduction, combine with something else and it works very well.