Sleep is also as essential strat in Baldesion Arsenal to deal with some of the nastier npcs in there. They ask that you bring Death to deal with those specifically once they are slept.
In dungeons you want to be pulling 2 packs at a time and aoeing them down, sprint between the packs and tank cooldowns are used when you pick up the second pack so that you don't die. I did this in Sastasha yesterday so you can absolutley do this from the start as long as your gear is above or equal to the level of the dungeon.It's interesting reading about skills ill eventually have or skills that i already have that i will eventually use, but when? Are they only used in raiding, or will i eventually use them in higher level party dungeons? Like an estimate, around what level will i need to start using defensive cooldowns?
Well that's kinda hard since its my first time in any of these dungeons. I am just following someone who knows where to go and when we get to a room i pull aggro on everything.If you're tanking, you want to be using them when you can so you can pull bigger in dungeons. Low level is actually harder than higher level just because nobody has any buttons to press. The design of the pre-SB dungeons also has way more trash per wall, which can get hairy.
In general, most non rotation abilities will be situational stuff in group/higher end content. MSQ is literally just walking between NPCs and reading a digital novel.
What level are you and what level is your highest unlocked dungeon?Well that's kinda hard since its my first time in any of these dungeons. I am just following someone who knows where to go and when we get to a room i pull aggro on everything.
The first 4 newbie dungeons didn't really have many adds, like a hallway/room with a pack or 2 then miniboss/boss. When do dungeons start having lots of adds? And is there a site with maps so i can familiarize myself with pulls before hand?
You should have more dungeons unlocked, there's 6 at that level and a 7th at 32. No wonder you are annoyed if you only have the first 4 and they scale you down to around lv20.I'm 31, i have the first 4 newbie dungeons unlocked? I also found that palace of the dead thing someone was talking about in this thread but I didnt go in it.
Yeah so you need to level another class (or two) to soak up the MSQ exp, which is a huge advantage over older players who played through before the MSQ exp was guys really should start a brand new character so you experience the game as it stands currentlyGuess what, you get no skills for like 30 levels. and you level past the MSQ quick. Hence my questions in this thread.
per all the new player guides/recommendations in this thread I have avoided every single quest other than the MSQ and the class quests. Even avoided most of the blue ones except the mount (which the game tells you is required to complete ARR MSQ). I have done every dungeon/trial that the MSQ has given me exactly 1 time as required to advance the story. I avoid every open world mob that doesn't aggro me and now that I have a mount I pretty much avoid every open world mob. I am doing as little as possible to gain experience outside of doing the MSQ. I did a few fates in the early levels (around level 5) only because the MSQ had me go to places where fates were spawned and forced me to fight them anyway.
There is no such thing as a non-congested realm. There are full realms which don't allow you to create new characters on *at all*, such as all of Aether and most of Primal and Crystal, and there are like 5 servers where you can create a character. Guess this is new since they reopened sales, the earlier guides said you could still make a character on congested servers if you did it at off hours but that is no longer the case.
Of course the game doesn't tell you that you can't actually make a character on that data center/server until after you've already created your character. Luckily the game makes you save your character creation choices so it wasn't a huge PITA to choose a different data center and start over, but I did have to google what servers allow you to create characters on, and in the process of doing so found a site that described the player base of each server, which was really lucky because I was about to roll on the *heavy erotic furry roleplay* server.
Trust me I am doing absolutely nothing to "rush" leveling. I have the flower next to my name for being a new player which I guess gives me an exp bonus, but my level is 100% how the game is currently tuned. my MSQ is 23, and my actual level is 32.
All I did last night was unlock the Warrior class and get bummed out that it didn't actually change anything, I dont get my first warrior skill until 35. And I learned about changing my chickens color:
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