Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
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- 13,843
Character Progression of EQ1 from Classic to around PoP.
Dear god no. AA points turned the game into an eternal grind that you could never catch up with
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Character Progression of EQ1 from Classic to around PoP.
Thematically yes poison mauradon wing, i meant size and time, about 15 minutes and maybe 40 mobs. Its definitely a starter dungeon but more complex than the first 3 newbie dungeons which were 8 mobs and a boss.It's the same as WoW where the original dungeons are fairly complex then all the expansion dungeons are variations on hallways.
There's a bunch of stuff like that up and including the lv47 dungeon Aurum Vale.
That being said the lv89 dungeon The Dead Ends is my favourite thing in the game right now.
Not sure I'd compare Toto-Rak to Ragefire Chasm though, which is just groups of mobs, I would compare it to the posion Mauradon wing maybe.
everybody hates Toto-rak.I did the first i guess you would call real dungeon last night. The 23 dungeon in the msq where you fight the spider to save the flying onion lady?
Queue pops and we are all sprouts. We were all deleveled to 27 since its +4 but clearly all of us were new. I ask if anyone knows where to go and 1 dps claims they think they do. So we follow this guy (we took a wrong turn once but mostly he knew where to go).
Lots of hallways with adds so i try to pull atleast 2packs to aoe but its only me and 1 other melee fighting and he doesn't have any aoe. All along these hallways are things we gotta stop and click to unlock gates so the other dps is clicking those and the healer is just autofollowing? Not dpsing and not healing. I ended up actually using my tank cooldowns and my self heal combo (which is single target rotation ability and slowing down our clear time) cause the healer only casts spells to heal the party after the fights not during.
A full 2/3 of this dungeon hallways have that tar pits shit that slows your movement speed and because ive got no healer we ended up just fighting 1 pack at a time.
On last boss 1 dps dies from standing in the telegraphs and i end the fight at 10% before the healer casts any heals. Im the only one taking damage in the party so i know im holding threat fine. The post boss fight cut scene is super short (story cut scene plays after you leave the dungeon) so i got a chance to look at the commendation menu.
Overall about ragefire chasm complexity and length but made difficult due to effectively 2 manning the dungeon with grandma playing healer and the other dps lagging behind from having to click shit all along the way.
I've been holding off posting my review/thoughts on the game and comparisons to other games because to me class design/combat is the most integral component to game design and I still won't know until 50-60 levels of tutorial are complete, but so far this is black desert but story gated.
I think you are trolling a little bit lol, are we realy going to have multiple page discussions for each level you gain?I've been holding off posting my review/thoughts on the game and comparisons to other games because to me class design/combat is the most integral component to game design and I still won't know until 50-60 levels of tutorial are complete, but so far this is black desert but story gated.
nah i was responding to the last 2 pages were people were talking about the game in general and comparing it and features they'd like to see, vs various other games, like, EQ, WoW, etc. I don't really get the WoW comparisons other than comparing the reigning champ on decline vs the next big thing. I get that the game has a lot of new players who came from the WoW exodus, so naturally people will compare the two but they are nothing alike. as a FFXIV newbie experiencing this game for the first time, who has played pretty much every MMO around, i see bits and pieces of a lot of games in this one, and as audacious as it sounds, the closest comparison i'm seeing is black desert, even ignoring the asian weaboo shit.I think you are trolling a little bit lol, are we realy going to have multiple page discussions for each level you gain?
Which zone are you upto?I unfortunately bit the bullet and bought the expansion..
Main side quest is as boring as ever. Feels like someone gets paid to find ways to drag out what little story they have. Go here, go there, go here, go there, talk to x, talk to x again, talk to x another time. How do make 45 mins of content last for 8 hours.
Zones are devoid of human life. Outside hubs, good luck meeting another player. XI had soul, XIV just feels artificial. I'd cross more people while camping Stormfeather for days on end than I do running around in Endwalker areas.
What's the point of exploring anyway? Am I going to find a named with a rare drop? A dungeon to explore? Nah, that shit's all instanced now.
I think the only part of MMO left in this is the O, it feels neither massively nor multiplayer - except when you queue up to do duties with strangers who don't seem to have a keyboard or the ability to type. YMMV.
Queue fanboys in 3..2..
There's a mix of filler, OK and great storylines in every expansion.welp up to mid 40s now and it seems the MSQ is finally catching up to my level, now at MSQ 40. died for the first time in the Titan trial. Seems like there is no death penalty or anything, to be expected.
full sprout group, we wiped twice actually. first time everyone ran to the red and got knocked off the pillar. 2nd time same dps got knocked off again and the healer idk just didnt heal us after that smash down aoe, we all died to damage when he did the jump again. 3rd time the same damn dps gets knocked off again by running in to the red. But healer healed us and we 3 manned him.
So the way I understand it its ARR >> post ARR questline >>HS >> post HS quests >> SB >> Post SB quests >> SH >> Post SH quests >> EW ?
I'm nearing the end of ARR. At what point does this amazing story become good? HS? or is it one of the later expansions? I'm not trolling. Everyone says the story is tits, I believe you, just when does that actually start?
Great, come back after you do "Final Steps of Faith" in the post Heavensward content at lv60.ill hold my comments until then.
As I said earlier in the thread, at one point, one the twins compliments you for being such a good nodder. Builds neck muscle.going to be honest getting pretty sick of all this nodding. That's all I do, run menial errand, and nod.