Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Potato del Grande
is that in your opinion the best questline? or the first "good" one? or just like an example of good story I should expect from HW and beyond?
Stop asking the same questions over and over again and go play Heavensward - "Final Steps of Faith" is the finale.

Uninstall if you don't like that raid boss.


<Gold Donor>
As I said earlier in the thread, at one point, one the twins compliments you for being such a good nodder. Builds neck muscle.
to be fair I mostly skim this thread looking for answers to my newbie questions. people start talking about story or plot or throwing out random acronyms like i'm supposed to know what that means and it's all greek to me.
"just wait til your level 78 in the underdark caverns of qpertq and W#E and PEB and you use your bqelip crystal to save qe'li'oq'brbbq from the fart monsters" and i'm like, "dude i'm level 14, i'm just asking why i only have 2 abilities on my hot bar and theres a 2.5s GCD between them?"
I dont even know all the class abreviations yet, outside the basic ones. ppl in my guild keep using them and I have to look them up to figure out what they are talking about.
Stop asking the same questions over and over again and go play Heavensward - "Final Steps of Faith" is the finale.

Uninstall if you don't like that raid boss.
getting offended when I was asking an honest question? again, I never asked any questions about the story. I'm legitimately asking your opinion about that quest.

You guys may keep interjecting with story shit to avoid answering my questions about combat, but see above, I didn't ask and didn't read those responses.

edit: come to think of it, I seem to recall saying something to the effect of "Shut the fuck up about the story I don't care about the story i'm only asking about combat mechanics". now you all seemed to interpret this as "I never care about story in games and never will care about FF14 story" when what I actually meant and kept reiterating is "I'm not asking about the story, i'm only asking about combat, specific combat mechanics. stop telling me about the story." So yeah, I never asked these questions before. I'm only asking now because i'm approaching the end of ARR and am now interested in this mythical story I keep hearing about. Specifically, when does it start?
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Potato del Grande
to be fair I mostly skim this thread looking for answers to my newbie questions. people start talking about story or plot or throwing out random acronyms like i'm supposed to know what that means and it's all greek to me.
"just wait til your level 78 in the underdark caverns of qpertq and W#E and PEB and you use your bqelip crystal to save qe'li'oq'brbbq from the fart monsters" and i'm like, "dude i'm level 14, i'm just asking why i only have 2 abilities on my hot bar and theres a 2.5s GCD between them?"
I dont even know all the class abreviations yet, outside the basic ones. ppl in my guild keep using them and I have to look them up to figure out what they are talking about.

getting offended when I was asking an honest question? again, I never asked any questions about the story. I'm legitimately asking your opinion about that quest.

You guys may keep interjecting with story shit to avoid answering my questions about combat, but see above, I didn't ask and didn't read those responses.

edit: come to think of it, I seem to recall saying something to the effect of "Shut the fuck up about the story I don't care about the story i'm only asking about combat mechanics". now you all seemed to interpret this as "I never care about story in games and never will care about FF14 story" when what I actually meant and kept reiterating is "I'm not asking about the story, i'm only asking about combat, specific combat mechanics. stop telling me about the story." So yeah, I never asked these questions before. I'm only asking now because i'm approaching the end of ARR and am now interested in this mythical story I keep hearing about. Specifically, when does it start?
No you just keep asking the same stuff and now you say that you only skim read posts while posting walls of text yourself.

Lv50-60. Go.


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
It’s already started. Seriously, just go play something else. Not offended or anything but every post you have made has just been passive aggressive as shit and it’s kind of annoying. I don’t think you’re going to magically like the combat at higher levels just because there’s more buttons. You’re asking questions that can’t be answered, like at what exact moment does the story start? What exact moment does combat get good? No one can answer this because it’s an opinion.

The story has already started but it being good yet is obviously an opinion. There are small callbacks already in stuff you have done. I don’t mind the ARR story (the one you’re currently doing) but I think it drags in many places (the Titan quest line probably being one of the biggest complaints from basically everyone, it is stupid). I think it gets more interesting in the intermission between ARR and Heavensward with HW being a wonderful story experience.

I have no idea when combat will start getting fun. I don’t play a warrior so I don’t know what they have in their kit. What someone considers a “full kit” is opinion too. I imagine most melee classes have their 2 combos and a couple of off cooldown buttons by 50 but it’s still going to be simple and maybe with some gaps. I can only speak to this as a Dragoon and because skills have changed over time, what I had at 50 and what a newer player has at 50 are probably pretty different.

tldr; don’t slog through this shit if you’re miserable; there’s no exact answer when combat will go from not fun to fun; the story has already started and it gets interesting to people at different times if at all. There’s so much other stuff to play these day that if you’re not enjoying it, seriously just try something else. I love the game, I think it’s fun, I think the combat for my jobs are satisfying, etc. but I’m not going to try to shove the game down someone’s throat.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Not to mention that you're being so fucking negative about the whole thing that I don't think there's any fucking way it could satisfy you at this point.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I unfortunately bit the bullet and bought the expansion..

Main side quest is as boring as ever. Feels like someone gets paid to find ways to drag out what little story they have. Go here, go there, go here, go there, talk to x, talk to x again, talk to x another time. How do make 45 mins of content last for 8 hours.

Zones are devoid of human life. Outside hubs, good luck meeting another player. XI had soul, XIV just feels artificial. I'd cross more people while camping Stormfeather for days on end than I do running around in Endwalker areas.

What's the point of exploring anyway? Am I going to find a named with a rare drop? A dungeon to explore? Nah, that shit's all instanced now.

I think the only part of MMO left in this is the O, it feels neither massively nor multiplayer - except when you queue up to do duties with strangers who don't seem to have a keyboard or the ability to type. YMMV.

Queue fanboys in 3..2..

Well given that virtually everyone is done the MSQ already and most of their farming for 6.1 that they can currently do, plus they still have 3 instances per EW zone that will go away shortly...I'm not surprised there aren't many people in any one instance of an EW zone.


<Gold Donor>
wow you guys sure are defensive, projecting much? You know what they say, the things that hurt you the most are those things which you know to be true...

I'm not being negative, trust me you will know when I shit on a game. There's a laundry list of faults with this game so far, i haven't said one word about them. I'm sorry if legitimate questions from a new player happen to highlight glaring faults with your beloved catgirl emulator, but you are the one reading in to things.

The thing I can't wrap my head around, is this is the improved game, like the game came out and somehow it was worse than this, so bad that they took it offline and reworked a bunch of shit and then this is what they released.

you keep saying its a story game, its the story, the story gets better. cool man I'm still playing it, holding out hope. looking forward to that actually. But the story becoming good after several expansions does not justify the gameplay or new player experience or the story you are forced to play through now by design because you can't skip the MSQ, everything is locked behind it.

Imagine for a moment you meet a guy who loves RPGs and plays them for the stories. planescape, baldurs gate, mass effect, elder scrolls, etc etc he's played them all. But he's lived all his life out in the boonies and he's never had internet, until today. He comes up to you, an experienced MMO player and asks "Hey man I really only play these things for the story, what MMO should I play?"

The correct answer is: Star Wars: The Old Republic, by a country mile. It's not even close. If you tell him "FF14" then you are a fucking liar and a piece of shit and that guy will hate you for the rest of his life. I can't judge the story that eventually comes in the expansions after slogging through 100hrs in the base game because i'm still slogging through ARR, but that's the point. You can't skip it, you have to endure the slog.

SW:TOR wanted to be a WoW killer, ended up being universally accepted as the greatest single player MMO ever released, and they just leaned in to that. Everything they release continues to focus on expanding the story experience and streamlining older content so that you can experience it solo in story mode. That is a story MMO, and it's what I'll judge FF14s story by whenever this story actually starts getting good.
  • 2Moron
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Potato del Grande
wow you guys sure are defensive, projecting much? You know what they say, the things that hurt you the most are those things which you know to be true...

I'm not being negative, trust me you will know when I shit on a game. There's a laundry list of faults with this game so far, i haven't said one word about them. I'm sorry if legitimate questions from a new player happen to highlight glaring faults with your beloved catgirl emulator, but you are the one reading in to things.

The thing I can't wrap my head around, is this is the improved game, like the game came out and somehow it was worse than this, so bad that they took it offline and reworked a bunch of shit and then this is what they released.

you keep saying its a story game, its the story, the story gets better. cool man I'm still playing it, holding out hope. looking forward to that actually. But the story becoming good after several expansions does not justify the gameplay or new player experience or the story you are forced to play through now by design because you can't skip the MSQ, everything is locked behind it.

Imagine for a moment you meet a guy who loves RPGs and plays them for the stories. planescape, baldurs gate, mass effect, elder scrolls, etc etc he's played them all. But he's lived all his life out in the boonies and he's never had internet, until today. He comes up to you, an experienced MMO player and asks "Hey man I really only play these things for the story, what MMO should I play?"

The correct answer is: Star Wars: The Old Republic, by a country mile. It's not even close. If you tell him "FF14" then you are a fucking liar and a piece of shit and that guy will hate you for the rest of his life. I can't judge the story that eventually comes in the expansions after slogging through 100hrs in the base game because i'm still slogging through ARR, but that's the point. You can't skip it, you have to endure the slog.

SW:TOR wanted to be a WoW killer, ended up being universally accepted as the greatest single player MMO ever released, and they just leaned in to that. Everything they release continues to focus on expanding the story experience and streamlining older content so that you can experience it solo in story mode. That is a story MMO, and it's what I'll judge FF14s story by whenever this story actually starts getting good.
You sure sound like a positive person....
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FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
wow you guys sure are defensive, projecting much? You know what they say, the things that hurt you the most are those things which you know to be true...

I'm not being negative, trust me you will know when I shit on a game. There's a laundry list of faults with this game so far, i haven't said one word about them. I'm sorry if legitimate questions from a new player happen to highlight glaring faults with your beloved catgirl emulator, but you are the one reading in to things.

The thing I can't wrap my head around, is this is the improved game, like the game came out and somehow it was worse than this, so bad that they took it offline and reworked a bunch of shit and then this is what they released.

you keep saying its a story game, its the story, the story gets better. cool man I'm still playing it, holding out hope. looking forward to that actually. But the story becoming good after several expansions does not justify the gameplay or new player experience or the story you are forced to play through now by design because you can't skip the MSQ, everything is locked behind it.

Imagine for a moment you meet a guy who loves RPGs and plays them for the stories. planescape, baldurs gate, mass effect, elder scrolls, etc etc he's played them all. But he's lived all his life out in the boonies and he's never had internet, until today. He comes up to you, an experienced MMO player and asks "Hey man I really only play these things for the story, what MMO should I play?"

The correct answer is: Star Wars: The Old Republic, by a country mile. It's not even close. If you tell him "FF14" then you are a fucking liar and a piece of shit and that guy will hate you for the rest of his life. I can't judge the story that eventually comes in the expansions after slogging through 100hrs in the base game because i'm still slogging through ARR, but that's the point. You can't skip it, you have to endure the slog.

SW:TOR wanted to be a WoW killer, ended up being universally accepted as the greatest single player MMO ever released, and they just leaned in to that. Everything they release continues to focus on expanding the story experience and streamlining older content so that you can experience it solo in story mode. That is a story MMO, and it's what I'll judge FF14s story by whenever this story actually starts getting good.

I played every single class on both sides to max level in SWToR and not one of the stories comes even close to Heavensward, Shadowbringers, or Endwalker.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
SWTOR was enjoyable, but I have to agree it doesn't rise to the same level storywise. It was also very class dependent in terms of your experience until they jettisoned that later on.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
You keep bitching endlessly about ARR when we've all repeatedly conceded that ARR kinda sucks and is probably the single worst thing about FF14. ARR made me lose interest in the game once and it was almost 2 years before I felt any urge to try it again. Chris admitted that he quit twice and I think he said at least one of them was because of ARR.

We fucking get it, ARR is bad and having it be the inescapable opening experience of FF14 is terrible for new player retention.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
a story game, its the story, the story gets better. cool man I'm still playing it, holding out hope. looking forward to that actually. But the story becoming good after several expansions does not justify the gameplay or new player experience or the story you are forced to play through now by design because you can't skip the MSQ, everything is locked behind it.

Imagine for a moment you meet a guy who loves RPGs and plays them for the stories. planescape, baldurs gate, mass effect, elder scrolls, etc etc he's played them all. But he's lived all his life out in the boonies and he's never had internet, until today. He comes up to you, an experienced MMO player and asks "Hey man I really only play these things for the story, what MMO should I play?"
I get what you're saying with this. If you're looking for an interesting/compelling story, FFXIV isn't it.

The story for XIV is good for a JRPG or an MMO. It's not something along the lines of BG (why the fuck did I say Runescape? Jesus.) or Arcanum (that Steampunk RPG), but it's something that's a step above your typical MMO-fare.

If you're an anime geek or enjoy what's basically a bunch of archetypes (plus you, the silent protagonist), you're gonna enjoy XIV.

I find that "the story" is immensely overhyped. It's enjoyable, in a Marvel Comics movie kinda way, but it's not this incredibly well-written piece of work.

ARR is by far the worst, but if you don't dig anime/JRPG themed shit, your feelings aren't going to change. What most people mean by 'it gets better' is that a lot of the tedium isn't around and the narrative is a lot more streamlined.
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Molten Core Raider
After you finish the main ARR storyline (Castrum Meridium and Praetorium), there are like a 100 quests before Heavensward begins and it was a pretty awful experience including the crystal tower raids. I wouldn't blame anyone for dropping the game at that point (or any of the subsequent end of expansion quest chains where you're no longer level capped).
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
SW:TOR wanted to be a WoW killer, ended up being universally accepted as the greatest single player MMO ever released, and they just leaned in to that. Everything they release continues to focus on expanding the story experience and streamlining older content so that you can experience it solo in story mode. That is a story MMO, and it's what I'll judge FF14s story by whenever this story actually starts getting good.

The fuck did I just read? Imperial Agent story and Sith Warrior story were pretty decent. Stood out among the 8 class stories on SWTOR

They don't come close to majority of 14's main story. ARR is a rough slog until you get near end of it...but a lot of that dry lore/story telling really gets paid off further down the line.
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<Gold Donor>
To put it in capeshit terms, it's like forcing someone to watch 20+ hours of Thor 2 so they can watch Winter Soldier, Ragnarok, Infinity War, etc. People who say "it's not that bad" are either retarded or looking back at it after having already liked the game. It's a time capsule of how bad things were back then and 100% should be skipped, except for the fact that then your level is all wackadoo. If you hit 50, it's worth the money to skip to Heavensward and watch a youtube video summarizing the rest of ARR and 2.x quests. The video will probably make a lot more sense too.
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<Gold Donor>
finished the ARR now in the post ARR pre HW MSQ. Actually MSQ caught up and surpassed my actual level, hit the last quest in MSQ and was 49.5. Had to do a duty roulette and a hunt quest to hit 50 and continue. Since everything gets deleveled in MSQ anyway, there's really no point in skipping every bit of EXP outside of MSQ and class quests, I would suggest doing the daily leveling roulette so you dont hit road blocks like I did, or just doing fates that you happen to come across.

At level 50 after doing the last class quest I finally felt like I had the warrior base kit and had a feel for the class. Also went ahead and unlocked samurai so I started with all of his skills from 1-50. This is how the game should start you off btw, well maybe give you like 5 skills and then add 1 per level or 2 until you are level 10. There's really no excuse for starting you with 1 single skill and then drip feeding you 1 per 5 levels until 50. The difference in gameplay is night and day (not between samurai and warrior, they are pretty similar, i mean having skill options and not).


Potato del Grande
finished the ARR now in the post ARR pre HW MSQ. Actually MSQ caught up and surpassed my actual level, hit the last quest in MSQ and was 49.5. Had to do a duty roulette and a hunt quest to hit 50 and continue. Since everything gets deleveled in MSQ anyway, there's really no point in skipping every bit of EXP outside of MSQ and class quests, I would suggest doing the daily leveling roulette so you dont hit road blocks like I did, or just doing fates that you happen to come across.

At level 50 after doing the last class quest I finally felt like I had the warrior base kit and had a feel for the class. Also went ahead and unlocked samurai so I started with all of his skills from 1-50. This is how the game should start you off btw, well maybe give you like 5 skills and then add 1 per level or 2 until you are level 10. There's really no excuse for starting you with 1 single skill and then drip feeding you 1 per 5 levels until 50. The difference in gameplay is night and day (not between samurai and warrior, they are pretty similar, i mean having skill options and not).
You can expect another difference of that magnitude in class feel and mechanics as you approach max level.

Melee classes all have the same core gameplay and start to diverge with special mechanics 50+. Go unlock Red Mage (also starts at 50, I think it's in Ul'dah) to experience something totally different.

The MSQ between expansions either tie up loose ends or have an additional ending, then sets up the next expansion. So anything in Coerthas now is going to set up the Heavensward story.

You'll also need to play the Crystal Tower 24 man raid series to access Heavensward, it seems like a side story at first but together with the optional 8 man raids in Heavensward and Stormblood they set up the Shadowbringers story.
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