Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Goonsquad Officer
yea i don't think it's that the dialogue is poorly translated or translates strange. i think that it doesn't sound like humans are saying it. it sounds nintendo filler.

i do think plenty of scenes have better dialogue than others. but early on it's kind of oof.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Endwalker was just really garbage (spoiler'd just in case but the story is bad so you're fine to read this now with no real loss) -
bad filler zones + vaguely interesting setup into Zodiark dying at level 84 after Zenos breaks the final unbreakable seal by hitting it really hard with his sword, memory deletion, time travel, some random plan to go TO THE MOON masterminded by Hydaelyn for some reason even though she knows Meteion is singing from the end of the universe and can reach anywhere / has destroyed the rest of the universe. But don't worry, we can resist Meteion with our NEW MYSTERIOUS POWER which they obviously pulled out of their ass for this expansion only (and yea yea I know limit break exists but them having this planned when they made limit break is about as likely as the wc3 devs coming up with the jailer). Then to add insult to injury they do even more dumb shit at the end with your party all dying except what's this 30 minutes later they magically come back to life again because of the power of friendship or something.

Complete trash barely papered over with some COOL MOMENTS that are fun if you don't think too much - the best of which is the hear / feel / think redux imo.

Also, have you done moogle beast tribe Chris Chris ? It's not bad.
Gah, trying really hard not to fanboy sperg but this take really triggered me. Ew had a monumental task of tying up a decade long storyline where the writers changed and there had to have been multiple lore revisions and retcons along the way. The plot was super complex and convoluted and they definitely did not know where they were going for a long time (maybe not even up until shadowbringers, honestly).

in this frame of reference it’s absolutely amazing they put together a narrative that wraps up so many plot points in a ‘sensible’ (within the context of jrpg backdrop) manner for the masses yet also sneaks in a quite a few Easter egg throwbacks for the lore weebs, and also absolutely NAILS some of the new characters added in ew (like venat). It’s actually incredible the extent to which they pulled this off. And to top it off they throw in some sophomoric philosophy which may eyeroll for some jaded westerners but is very impressive by jap standards

It’s never easy to pull off a return of the Jedi or a godfather 3. Empire strikes back is always gonna be better.

Endwalker had an absolutely monumental task and the fact that it is even up there with shadowbringers (and some people think it’s better but that’s a dumb take IMO) speaks to the brilliance of ishikawa. If she was writing for an anime series I’m sure they would be some of the best
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Goonsquad Officer
Gah, trying really hard not to fanboy sperg but this take really triggered me. Ew had a monumental task of tying up a decade long storyline where the writers changed and there had to have been multiple lore revisions and retcons along the way.
I've literally never seen another instance of a video game having 6 releases (1.0, 2.0, HW, SB, SHB, EW) with one long story ark and the story makes any kind of coherance at the end. no other series that happens over so many years. mass effect shit in its own mouth on the third game then commit suicide on it's fourth. it's striking that FF14 pulled it off and it's an mmo format. maybe thats the only format that works becuase you have no financial reason to keep up continuity, steadily improve quality, maintain the same sort of storytelling etc in any other genre.


Potato del Grande
I've literally never seen another instance of a video game having 6 releases (1.0, 2.0, HW, SB, SHB, EW) with one long story ark and the story makes any kind of coherance at the end. no other series that happens over so many years. mass effect shit in its own mouth on the third game then commit suicide on it's fourth. it's striking that FF14 pulled it off and it's an mmo format. maybe thats the only format that works becuase you have no financial reason to keep up continuity, steadily improve quality, maintain the same sort of storytelling etc in any other genre.
It's like the spiderman movie where it makes older plot points better retroactivly.

They somehow even made fucking Zenos work by the end.


Trakanon Raider
Also helps that you have mostly, (I think I'm not too sure on this point) all the writers are from when the actual rebuild of 14 into ARR, I'm betting they had it planned out really nice, but probably not expecting the kind of reception they have gotten.. keeping any game running that long and also continually adding new sub's over the years is just an amazing point all in itself.


Goonsquad Officer
I presume they tweaked their story based on fan reaction or realizing they were getting ready to pants on head. but it does seem like they had plans they kind of focused on.


Mr. Poopybutthole
the next expansion is probably going to be a disaster as far as player satisfaction goes. We're gonna go from literally saving all of creation to bumming around on some previously unexplored continent (probably Meracydia).

Hopefully after the next expansion bombs they'll spice things up with shard hopping again, maybe revive that subplot about restoring the Thirteenth.


Trakanon Raider
Whatever place we go too, I'm sure that ya the next expansion will be alot of backstory.

I don't think it's gonna be shard hopping either , probably Mercydia, or the New World which is supposedly suppose to be like the US, a "Young" part of the world, but the Hyurs from there are like crazy aether manipulators...


Potato del Grande
It's going to be a nice self contained story like Heavensward with a few plot threads leading on.

I loved the sense of exploration in Heavensward, leaving Ishgard to go into an untamed wilderness. Meracydia would be the same thing.

It's not going to be ARR levels of semi boring.


<Gold Donor>
You got legacy movement turned on?

What does the backwards (D) key do for you? Slow walk backwards or 180 turn and normal run?
Fuck no. I played around with that for 2 seconds and then noped out right away.

And before anyone tries to convince me otherwise no, i will not used their legacy movement. Im not 8 years old and this isnt the first video game ive ever played. There is no scenario where im going to override 30+ years of muscle memory and logical thought to save the 0 seconds it takes to move my mouse 0.1 mm to the left or right to spin the camera around.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Legacy movement i just used when trying to run palace of dead solo on a machinist since it makes kiting easier
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<Gold Donor>
Oh god, you are going to be fun to play with if you can't run backwards out of aoe and knockback.
If you are the type of person who cant move out of an aoe without enabling an option to completely disassociate your camera controls from your movement controls then i wouldn't want to play with you either.

Ignoring how dumbed down this games combat is so its playable by 90 year olds on a console using a toaster as a controller, the only challenge thus far is being teamed up with said mouth breathers using controls like this. The same people who mouseclick their abilities and kb turn to move.
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Potato del Grande
If you are the type of person who cant move out of an aoe without enabling an option to completely disassociate your camera controls from your movement controls then i wouldn't want to play with you either.

Ignoring how dumbed down this games combat is so its playable by 90 year olds on a console using a toaster as a controller, the only challenge thus far is being teamed up with said mouth breathers using controls like this. The same people who mouseclick their abilities and kb turn to move.
You are a keyboard turner compared to my movement setup, I also have every ability keybound.

Good luck when you hit the harder trials later on...


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
I was anti-legacy movement as well until I discovered that not only can you run out faster with S, but that Legacy movement completely negates the need to be facing the NPC you want to hit with abilities.

It really opens up freedom of movement. If you don't use legacy movement, either you are going to a) get "you need to be facing that npc" errors a lot or b) have auto-face on, which means sometimes you are going to be forced to move in ways you didn't want to automatically, which can very easily get you killed.

It also allows you to simply tap S to turn around to avoid attacks where you need to look away, and you don't even have to face back again after, since you don't need to be facing what you are hitting to hit it with abilities. It is the objectively superior control scheme, and if you don't use it, you are gimping yourself.
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<Gold Donor>
I honestly don't think ive ever pressed the s key in any game.

Do you guys not use mouse look or something? This is clearly a setting for controllers to let them approximate kb/mouse.
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FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
I honestly don't think ive ever pressed the s key in any game.

Do you guys not use mouse look or something? This is clearly a setting for controllers to let them approximate kb/mouse.

You'd think that, but every serious player uses legacy movement. It offers tangible benefits that cannot be ignored. Not needing to face NPCS to use skills on them is massive.

Ever had issues with facing or having your character move without your input when using overpower? that would never happen again.