Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


<WoW Guild Officer>
It feels like they really need to dump the positionals. I know is a relic of days gone, but each time I see a big boss that is off the side of the arena and only has a frontal hitbox I just sigh inside. Perhaps those bosses are set to specifically ignore the positional mechanics and all, but its just... why? Sure, its a way for skilled played to be +1 gooder, but with a lot of the movement and outside the arena bosses, it just feels outdated.

If you see a hitbox that looks like this:


Then you need to hit positionals. Notice the open section at the back of the boss circle.

If you see a hitbox that looks like this:


With a fully enclosed circle, then all your positionals will get their full effect whether you are in position or not. That also applies to hitboxes that look like this:


Commonly known as wall bosses. You will get full effect on these.

Unless you were talking about a different kind of boss that is outside the arena.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Only time I ever bother with positionals is when I use the true north ability which makes them activate regardless as to where you are standing lol


Trakanon Raider
If you see a hitbox that looks like this:

Then you need to hit positionals. Notice the open section at the back of the boss circle.

If you see a hitbox that looks like this:

With a fully enclosed circle, then all your positionals will get their full effect whether you are in position or not. That also applies to hitboxes that look like this:

Commonly known as wall bosses. You will get full effect on these.

Unless you were talking about a different kind of boss that is outside the arena.
Nah, I was talking about wall bosses. Since some of them appear to have the facing marker and the '90deg left and right' marker on them, I didn't realize they didn't require positionals.

This is my bad.


<Silver Donator>
Nah, I was talking about wall bosses. Since some of them appear to have the facing marker and the '90deg left and right' marker on them, I didn't realize they didn't require positionals.

This is my bad.
I think some of the old dungeon bosses don't have omni directional hitboxes, like in ARR and shit, but yeah for the most part anything since like SB works that way where they have no positionals if they're on the side of the arena by design. Also everything in deep dungeons and I think a bunch of eureka is omnidirectional regardless.

Personally I find positionals pretty fun and they're one of the things that's added to the rotation for melee which I think is fine and isn't much different than having to stand still for casts and slide cast to dodge stuff efficiently and such. Every since they nerfed MNK positionals, most classes don't require many of them, and if you position properly between the flank and back indicator it's only a single step to hit whichever. Then you just use True North in times where you can't hit them and it kinda works out. You probably still miss a few but it's not that bad especially since they separated buff/ressource effects from positionals so now you just lose potency(used to be you would hit your dot with the wrong positional, no dot applied kind of shit).


<WoW Guild Officer>
How much is soju in Japan? Had a few bottles a few weeks ago and ..apparently 4 was too many. Really enjoy it but man its expensive as fuck in TN.

I think it might be cheap? No idea, isn't Soju korean? I personally have have never had it. Love me a chu-hai though.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I think some of the old dungeon bosses don't have omni directional hitboxes, like in ARR and shit, but yeah for the most part anything since like SB works that way where they have no positionals if they're on the side of the arena by design. Also everything in deep dungeons and I think a bunch of eureka is omnidirectional regardless.

Personally I find positionals pretty fun and they're one of the things that's added to the rotation for melee which I think is fine and isn't much different than having to stand still for casts and slide cast to dodge stuff efficiently and such. Every since they nerfed MNK positionals, most classes don't require many of them, and if you position properly between the flank and back indicator it's only a single step to hit whichever. Then you just use True North in times where you can't hit them and it kinda works out. You probably still miss a few but it's not that bad especially since they separated buff/ressource effects from positionals so now you just lose potency(used to be you would hit your dot with the wrong positional, no dot applied kind of shit).

My problem with positionals is that I have a hard enough time with just the rotation, I don't have enough brainpower to think about positionals at the same time.


<Silver Donator>
I think it might be cheap? No idea, isn't Soju korean? I personally have have never had it. Love me a chu-hai though.
Yeah its Korean. Brought it up because I saw the s'mores package written in hangul. Highly recommend if you can find it at a good price.


Golden Knight of the Realm
My prefered job is ninja, only back/side positionals, but i like it. Not really punishing when you don't do it, but it add something else to think about when you know the rotation and skills well enough to adapt to what is happening, and there is true north.Positionals are only annoying when you are learning a job.
When i don't feel like making any effort, i play MCH anyway, it is trivial (no, not SMN, this is too far in the retarded easy even when i am half awake 😂)