but at least they give you a healer LB3 for when people inevitably fuck up Absolute Authority. I have no idea who the fuck thought it was a good idea to put a Savage/Grand Cross like mechanic in a story mode, but I don't have the patience for this shit anymore, especially for something that's going to be popping in DF. People can call me a casual if they want; I don't care.
Patch notes and class changes are up.
Umbral Soul (BLM) - Now grants Umbral Ice III, 3 Umbral Hearts, and restores 10,000 MP when used while outside of combat.
Doesn't fix the problem that Flare Star is pointless .. for what it takes to achieve it it's not worth it.
I wouldn't say it's pointless. BLM did have room for an extra spell in it's fire rotation and it does have a higher potency. You will activate flare star regardless if you are playing optimally.
The problem is that it just feels like more of the same. It's exactly the same as Despair except you cast it 2nd last instead of last in your rotation. It's not a fresh new interesting ability like other classes got.
They destroyed BLM "flexibility" for a 400 potency DD ..
Ya so worth it.
Xeno has a 30s "cooldown" though. Also Flare Star is a fire spell so it benefits from Astral Fire III so it's technically 720 potency(80% bonus)
Right I guess but ultimately Flare Star is part of the main rotation so makes sense it does less damage. It is very disappointing as an ability and feels like the RDM "and you get another finisher after your finisher" thing that happened in EW, but worse cause the RDM one is instant cast, better looking and does actually big damage.If you are rolling thru a fight the 30s timer on Xeno is faster then the timer vs Flare Star. At least Xeno/Foul build up when I am in either Fire/Ice phase.
Right I guess but ultimately Flare Star is part of the main rotation so makes sense it does less damage. It is very disappointing as an ability and feels like the RDM "and you get another finisher after your finisher" thing that happened in EW, but worse cause the RDM one is instant cast, better looking and does actually big damage.
Ultimately I don't care much for BLM changes, it's one of the first class I leveled to get rid of my casting gear since I leveled PCT first and I'm likely not touching it until next expansion. Honestly feels like there's no reason to play it over PCT, PCT is just easier to play without any constraints and also has some party utility(10% shield and heal every 2mins).
The heal is also better, it's 200 potency per tick, for 3 ticks(ticks are 3s each, duration is 9s) so 600 potency total. I think the important part is it starts healing right away, the old one was ass cause it only healed after the whole duration, and by that time a healer probably threw some random single target oGCD at you, but now they might see 2 ticks and not bother. Also better if you need healing before the hit, you'll be able to top yourself off a bit before a big hit which can save you if you were low.What the fuck is with the mega Samurai nerfs???? Worst of all, they super nerfed the self heal - 500 to 200 and now its a regen instead of a full heal.
edit: Ah, just noticed we have perma double midare now. I guess that explains it lol
Detailing on the new tomestone gear is nice - tanks get the Tulali guard armor it seems
Apparently it's more damage to just skip the High Fire in fire, so you go High Fire to go from ice to fire, then directly flare flare flarestar(then high bliz > freeze > loop)I guess I missed the memo on BLM AOE. Is it not High Fire 2 twice, triple cast, flare, flare, flare star, manafont, triple cast, flare, flare, flare star, high blizzard 2, freeze, rinse repeat without the triple casts? And cast thunder in each ice/fire phase?
Browsing around Reddit it seems there’s something janky with transpose and not getting Umbral hearts, I guess to go faster into and back to fire?
I didn’t play BLM much last expansion, mostly healed.
What the fuck is with the mega Samurai nerfs???? Worst of all, they super nerfed the self heal - 500 to 200 and now its a regen instead of a full heal.
edit: Ah, just noticed we have perma double midare now. I guess that explains it lol
Detailing on the new tomestone gear is nice - tanks get the Tulali guard armor it seems
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