General Gaming News and Discussion


Potato del Grande
I grew up with a Commodore 64. For a while, the only games I would get were the ones I typed in from 6 pages of pure machine code from COMPUTE magazine(below).

My grandmother was the only non-poors, she would be the peripheral and game buyer so when a salesman talked her out of the 1541 Disk Drive because it was 'just for word processing', it was the first time I thought about murder as a child :p

Saving up as a kid for a Genesis definitely taught me to respect money a lot.

That's insane. Had a Commodore 64 in 1991 because we were too poor for a NES and at least could put cassette tapes into it to play Bubble Bobble, Rainbow Island and New Zealand Story. Was also some horrific difficulty Yogi Bear and Popeye games I remember, but maybe it's just because I was 5 years old.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I'm trying to think back to the C64 days and I keep wondering how the hell did me and my friends learn to copy games and where did we find the Turbo tapes etc. Was it all just bought used and someone got the shit needed in the package?

There was no internet guides to teach you. Maybe a computer magazine had a guide if you were lucky.

We are so spoiled now with Youtube guides teaching you exactly everything you need.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
I had a vic 20 before the 64 came out. I had a casette tape player to record stuff and load from. But there was still a lot of games if you wanted you typed them in. The brother of the owner of the company my dad worked for had connections in the PC world and eventually helped Compaq in their suite against IBM ushering in the compatible era. Anyway he gave my dad a PC about the second year they were out. Dad had no idea so it became mine. Two floppy drives then the neighbor who was a CEO of the utility co cop liberated a 5mb hard drive for me to use.

When I had the Vic 20 I use a converted teletype modem to get online, 110 baud, not 110k but 110 baud. You could read about 10x faster than it could display text, maybe more.


Potato del Grande
problem was clearly female led design, and the real lesson that needs to be learned from this 300 million dollar whoopsie is women should never, ever, ever be in charge of making video games.

We all know the psychology here, lego did a famous study we're all familiar with: men want to embody and play as characters, women want to insert themselves as the characters.

so when a room full of womyn/DEI/Trannies/Soyboys insert themselves into the game and character design so that they feel "represented" in the game, no man will want to play it. Males want to be Batman or Master Chief or UltraMarines we don't wanna be some tub of lard DEI tranny.

This game can only sell to womyn/trannies/soyboys and that audience does not exist.

I'd also add that women don't self reflect as much as men so they don't know what they want. They'll make this shit then not play it.

Most popular game for girls at my school is... Genshin Impact with appealing character designs. Most popular reading material is... Manga made by mostly men in an extreme meritocracy with the occasional big boob perv moment.

Black boys want to be Goku or Spiderman.

I'm beginning to think that they know that there is no "modern audience" for this and it's all an attempt to socially engineer changes in the actual audience.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Or you know you could admit that you are a woman and have no clue how the male mind thinks and what we identify with.

All of game "journalism" is captured, game has nothing but stellar/outstanding reviews, it wasn't out long enough for negative experiences to have spread in non-traditional channels (ie word of mouth), it had tons of fucking marketing, like 200% saturation vs other games, say compared to say Black Myth Wukong which gets non-stop hate and criticism from the gaming "press" despite selling 18 million copies.

The problem isn't that the game was bad, bad launch timing, launched into a crowded market, etc etc bullshit excuses you wanna make for the game.

The problem is MEN DID NOT BUY IT. We don't even know that it was bad because we didn't buy it, we never played it. We took 1 look at the character models and noped the fuck out of it. We didn't even know it was an arena shooter. We wrote it off without a seconds thought because in the very real, very primal caveman brain of ours which says "we don't identify with any of this shit, I don't wanna run around as a tub of lard"

This game sold less copies than Asheron's Call 2 did.

Honestly the game could have been the best thing since sliced bread and we never would have known and the game would of failed just as quickly and got deleted in the same 2 weeks with full refunds, men were never going to fucking play it and any fucking game studios that puts women in charge of anything, especially character models, deserve to fail just as fucking hard and just as fucking fast.

You have to remember that Mist Mist thinks that Horizon Zero Dawn is the platinum standard of game design, down to the character models.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I'm trying to think back to the C64 days and I keep wondering how the hell did me and my friends learn to copy games and where did we find the Turbo tapes etc. Was it all just bought used and someone got the shit needed in the package?

There was no internet guides to teach you. Maybe a computer magazine had a guide if you were lucky.

We are so spoiled now with Youtube guides teaching you exactly everything you need.
My mom divorced my real dad when I was like 2 and she whored around for 3-4 years. She dated this one lawyer that had a Commodore 64 and he gave me all his old games when he was done with them. I remember loving the hell out of that dude at that age. He gave me some kind of War / Tank game that you moved around in polygons on top of all the other ones (Pitfall etc.). At least thats what it looked like. I could never figure out how to get the game to work, but the box and and all the shit looked cool af. I was also.. like 4-5. So looking back, not all that interesting. But the Commodore 64 was the shit when I was that little. Mom thought I was some kind of genius because I figured out how to use it all on my own. Surprisingly, my mother has the thing wrapped up in storage and Im super curious if it even still works at this point.

My grandmother took up the mantle on getting Nintendo shit for me and got me started on RPG's. I still know the lawyer, and he's loaded. But my stepdad did alright, especially for dealing with two kids that wasnt his.
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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Yie Ar Kung Fu and some space game are the two I remember playing the most. Space one was first person and I know you shot other ships and an asteroid, pretty sure it was only 2 colors. Can’t remember much else.


<Gold Donor>
Nobody bought it lol. It shouldn't have had a box price, no one should have had to buy it.

You think it failed because of something specifically to do with "men" and not every other overriding factor that was wrong with it.

If someone made a hero shooter that was somehow mostly aimed at women, who knows, it might do well? It would at least be a differentiator in a crowded market. (For instance, I only ever hear of women playing Dead by Daylight. I know zero men who play that game.)

This was aimed at nobody. It was very fucking bad on many levels, where you're just focused on one.
Yes, I already said men did not buy it. Men = the ENTIRE FUCKING MARKET. There is no tranny/tub girl/DEI/Womyns Market for video games. There is no "Modern Audience" for any fucking media, movies, TV, Video games, doesn't matter. If you do not appeal to men your project fails, period. how many billions of dollars and franchises have to be ruined for cunts like you do get it through your stupid head? This game is hardly the only failure this year.

It wouldn't have mattered one fucking bit if it were F2P, men where never going to play it and it would have shut down just as quickly. it's concurrent users would have still been under 1k.

We know 100% that it failed because it did not appeal to men, this isn't even up for debate.

What do you mean, "If" someone made a shooter that was mostly aimed at women? THEY JUST DID THIS MIST. IT WAS CALLED CONCORD. IT FAILED, SPECTACULARLY.

Character design is fucking simple it was mastered back in the 16 fucking bit era, as soon as we could differentiate what pixel was what, we knew how to design characters. Only retarded alphabet people like you want to come around and try and reinvent the wheel.

- If it's an IP, then be faithful to the IP. If i'm playing Batman let me play batman. I don't want some fucking twitch code to download a special edition barbie batman with a neon pink suit who shoots rainbow butterflies instead of batarangs.

- If its original then you make everything the ideal version of itself. Some big honking gigachad main dude, some long hair skinny big tittied girl, a badass robot. some masculine animal hybrid like gorilla man or crocobot or some shit, some mysterious gun slinger wide brimmed hat with a trench coat, etc. This shit ain't fucking hard. Really easy, have men design all the characters. While you are at it, have men design the entire game.

Both men and women prefer male designs. Video games are escapism, nobody wants to play a fucking 300 lb fucking tub of lard in their free time, especially if they are a 300 lb tub of lard in real life. Men cannot identify with it, and women do not want to compare themselves with it, see the similarities between themselves irl and the obviously "ugly" character, which their brains can't help but to do. Women would much rather play the beautiful big titty cheerleader characters and relish in the validation they receive from other players or the game itself.

It's not even a sexist thing, Men play female characters to, if they are the protagonist, its part of the story, or the character is appealing. We've been doing this happily since triangle tittied laura croft. It doesn't bother us.


You know what does bother us? This shit. What the fuck is this?

You don't get it. You think "Social sciences are irreproducible bullshit" except that they are infinitely reproducible and conclusive as fuck. Here's another researched, peer reviewed and well understood study: Do you know that straight men find gay scenes, male kissing, dong's, etc in media to be as repulsive as a wriggling mass of maggots? It absolutely disgusts us, triggers our gag reflex, makes us uncomfortable as fuck. If you took a horror film and replaced every gore scene with 2 dudes kissing the CT Scan of a man's brain while watching it would be identical. We cannot identify with it, it's "other". It's bad. man no like it.

The same shit applies here. Concord failed EXCLUSIVELY because men could not identify with any of the characters, they all varied between "gay" and "repulsive" and thus MEN could not play it. I'm sure it was also a terrible game with lots of shitty features and all that jazz, but again, MEN never even bothered to play it to discover these bad features, so you cannot claim that this is why it failed. It failed solely due to some faggot tranny and all female design meetings decided they wanted representation in video games and designed all the characters to look like themselves.

Edit: TLDR: Character design is easy and everyone with half a brain knows this. It's simple, "either I want to be it, or I want to fuck it" Applies to both men and women. Nobody wants to be any of the concord characters and obviously nobody wants to fuck any of them either.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
You think "Social sciences are irreproducible bullshit" except that they are infinitely reproducible and conclusive as fuck.
Well, you just invalidated everything you said. Everyone now knows it's all p-hacking, fictitious data, nonsense samples of 18 college kids at an elite school, that no one replicates studies, peer review is all made up, etc. Social psychology in particular is one big sham. And pointing this out is usually the "based" position so idk what the fuck you're even talking about.

Also, women watch way more scripted TV and non-scripted reality TV than men. Men only catch up in TV viewing because of sports.

You did somehow stumble closer to the truth at the end though. Concord failed in part because it was unappealing to EVERYONE, even the people who it was trying to appeal to. But the decision to launch with a box price remains what sealed the deal. They could have launched with no box price, and made you buy skins to make the characters not ugly as fuck. Holding the player hostage is a good business strat if you actually make a good game.
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Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
There was no internet guides to teach you. Maybe a computer magazine had a guide if you were lucky.
I remember being overly excited when I found a complete guidebook to all Infocom games in a shop while being on vacation in the UK.
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Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Yes, I already said men did not buy it. Men = the ENTIRE FUCKING MARKET. There is no tranny/tub girl/DEI/Womyns Market for video games. There is no "Modern Audience" for any fucking media, movies, TV, Video games, doesn't matter. If you do not appeal to men your project fails, period. how many billions of dollars and franchises have to be ruined for cunts like you do get it through your stupid head? This game is hardly the only failure this year.

To be fair: there are games that do appeal primarily to women. But they're not in any game genre that even appeals to men. While you'll find women playing "men's" games or vice-versa, almost every game is majorly male or female. And that's where all those DidntEarnIt people fail: their progressive mindset says "every human is identical and interchangeable", and they insist on making games for "minorities" in a male genre. And when it fails, it's always the not-a-customer's fault!
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<Gold Donor>
While I don't disagree with that video from what I saw of it it's really hard to get on board when it starts off as an advertisement for some snake oil pill or whatever the fuck that was, I skipped passed it.

And of course Mist continues her delusional tirade of stupid. I would say you're starting to get close but your female brain won't allow you to concede points or admit you are wrong.

First you blame marketing, then bad design, then whatever bullshit, each point you bring up has been thoroughly refuted and proven incorrect, leaving only my original statement. And boy, you sure are getting close!


you've convinced yourself there is some theoretical "Modern Audience" and somehow this game both failed to appeal to men as well as the "Modern Audience". That is where you are mistaken. This game 100% did appeal to your "modern audience," this game is a fat lesbian tranny lovers dream. The problem is that modern audience is 900 fucking people. Your imaginary audience doesn't exist, and whatever bridge they live under, they aren't playing video games, much less shooters, under there. they are crying about misgendering and oppression and free palestine and 41%ing themselves but what they aren't doing is playing video games, buying video games, or giving a shit about video games.

Here let me break it down for you ok?

The only market for shooters is Men, Concord did not appeal to men, thus concord failed.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
No one played Concord when it was free open beta meanwhile Deadlock is pushing over 100k while in an invite only alpha. Just Mist things as always
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Concord failed EXCLUSIVELY because men could not identify with any of the characters, they all varied between "gay" and "repulsive" and thus MEN could not play it.
Not to disagree exactly because it's probably just an academic point, but men don't generally need to identify with a character to have fun. However, I think men can instinctively tell when something is a threat, and when games get steered down this path, I think it feels disgusting/repulsive because the lizard-brain picks up on the fact that whoever designed this wants you dead. I don't even think the characters are that bad, if considered in isolation, but there's more at work that just that. If this game were made by gay men and filled with gay characters but was an actual honest attempt at making a good game instead of a propaganda showpiece, it still would have sold more copies to straight men.

If someone made a hero shooter that was somehow mostly aimed at women, who knows, it might do well?
Legit questions because I have no idea: What's the best selling game that was specifically built for women? What % of game sales are to women buying for themselves? (as opposed to buying as gifts)

clearly DEI
Probably execs throwing a shitfit because of Concord and demanding that their DEI people be fired out of a cannon and their "improvements" be reworked. (lol just kidding, they're probably convinced that Concord failed because just wasn't "inclusive" enough)


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Legit questions because I have no idea: What's the best selling game that was specifically built for women?
idk, Probably Stardew or Animal Crossing: NH. (Not counting mobile games because mobile games aren't games.)
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Gotta be Sims, by a huge margin.
Well yeah but that's more over the length of the series. I was thinking individual titles.

AC:NH is like the 12th bestselling video game of all time and no version of The Sims is not in the top 40.