Dabamf said:
Your story about the "come have sex with me" text is fake because women do not speak like that. They deal in euphemisms/
I completely disagree, and the reason I disagree is because I have observed the complete opposite. A HB9 I briefly dated would say things, in front of my friends, like "If you aren"t nice to me I"m totally not going to suck your cock tonight." You just can"t makeup a false fact about women and then say I"m lying because of something you invented. I"ve been with a lot of girls that did not use any euphemisms for anything. I"m really surprised you try to say all girls are the same - they aren"t even remotely!
Anyway, if I was lying, I would have said I went over and fucked her, but I didn"t, I stayed at the bar. You have to understand the context, she was an auditor for funeral homes (??) that came in to town for 2 nights every 3 months. That"s the exact kind of woman who just wants to get fucked. - It"s ironic that you accuse me of lying about a weak little text message the woman sent. We were sitting there last night just talking about all the crazy sex stuff that"s happened to us over the years, and how usually it"s not even worth telling the stories because no one ever believes them.
Dabamf said:
Now, as far as the mystery business...the gimics he pulls are going to work magically on women who are either dumb or who have very weak senses of reality. But there are tons of different so-called PUAs (pickup artists) who have very different styles and very different ideas.
I don"t consider his ideas gimmicks. A lot of it seems like applied psychology. I"ve been able to use a lot of his ideas in every day life, in conversations, etc. Back in November/December I was picking up this good looking Indian surgery student and I used all his IOI stuff in the conversation that netted me a date with her.
I think some of his stuff is gay, like carrying around a bag of magic tricks. But his peacocking thing works, but down here you"d get beat up for it probably if you looked like him. The idea of the lock in prop is brilliant too. And just knowing how to handle opening a large mixed set is great, AMOGing ideas, stacked canned material, the way to give the girl your phone to put her number in, then get your goodbye kiss. False time constraints, everything.
My favorite read was Style"s book, about him and Mystery figuring everything out, and sarging all over Europe and no one knew who they were back then, sounds awesome.
Plus it"s fun when you"re on a roll, and can literally go from table to table sarging everyone there. My favorite night was the one I got the 3 phone numbers in 45 minutes. I went up to the first 4-set, opened with Cajun"s drug dealer, target was into me, escalated a little kino by putting my arm around her as I was sarging her, she put hers around me, told her I had to leave in a bit, handed her the phone, and she put the number in.
She went to the bathroom, and another girl immediately walked by, gave me a shitty look, so I called her out on it, she came over, I ran some different routines on her, told her she needed a shot, and got her to buy us both one, then told her I had to find my friend, but wanted to continue talking and got her to put her number in. I go to the bathroom cause my buddy was talking to a girl there, and a girl was standing next to us on her cell phone, I went up to her and started doing the drug dealer routine again (lol) and then the girl from the first set come out of the bathroom and busted up my set, and started saying that I looked like I had cat eyes, so the targets in set 1 and 3 were both analyzing my "cat" eyes and my buddy took target 3 off for a bit while I talked to one again, then buddy went off and I was back with 3, got her number, and then went outside to talk on the phone.
Dabamf said:
Little games like guessing 7 when you tell them to pick a # 1-10 don"t work on intelligent girls. Disqualifying yourself by telling a girl you don"t like pink hats and since she has a pink hat on "we are totally not gonna get along" does not work on girls with stronger senses of reality. I"ve followed these guys and their ideas for about a year now and these are some of the conclusions I"ve found.
How much have you field tested that? I think it depends on how you say it, if you"re playful enough. You may be right about it not working on stronger girls, because most girls I sarge I never call. I think that little phrase your talking about is good for things like helping the girl think in the relationship frame.
Dabamf said:
Anyway keep on chugging along aych. I used to go out with a guy I met online to pick up girls and it went ok but we just didn"t click all that well. My current friends are nothing like I am and therefore suck, so consider yourself lucky to have people you can do what you want with. It is fun.
Half of my friends won"t even leave the table. Last night was good because that group of friends loves vagina too. Wish you lived closer, we could go out sarging. I"ve never been out with anyone who actually knows what their doing, so it would be a lot of fun.