Remember the girl who named her daughter "Firiona Vie" and made sony news headlines, etc?
I dated her for over a year previous to that (~2002). We met in EQ, did stupid shit (we were young), she moved in with me and her like 9 month old son at the time. All was good for about a year until stuff changed (attitude, etc). Needless to say she was interested in someone else behind my back on the other side of the country. We went our separate ways from there, and I flew her back to her parents place.
Later that night I logged on EQ for the first time in months. Lo and behold as I logged in, a server wide broadcast that Stromm was open happened. I started my player there, and played hardcore in order to keep me sane over the extreme heart-break I felt after losing her.
It was the most I ever put into a relationship (She was really a great girl at the start), and my heart was broken for months. I don"t really regret meeting her, but of course wish things went better. We"re actually still friends today, but don"t talk much. Just the occasional email. *Shrug*
Lesson learned:
- Don"t date chicks you meet from EQ