Looking for some advice..
I"ve been kinda sorta courting a chick I work with(kind of a bad idea, I know, but she works in a different department, so it shouldn"t be that bad). I"m 24, she"s 19. Now, after about 2 months or so of obvious flirting, playful touching, etc. I ask her for her number and she gives it to me. I call her about 2 days later, get her voicemail, leave a short little message with my name and number. Meanwhile, she has no problem answering my texts. She"s never the one to start the convo, but she always responds. Soo...after about a week or so of texting, I try calling her again, voicemail, but this time I don"t leave a message. Texting goes on for another week or so, I playfully tease her about not answering and ask when she"s going to let me call her. She has some lame comeback akin to "LOL never!" I respond with a really gay.."Never, huh? Damn, that"s a long time to wait. Normally I wouldn"t, but for YOU I guess I can make an exception." She thinks it"s sweet and it"s one of the many sweet messages I"ve given her since we"ve been texting. So finally, last night, tired of beating around the bush, I straight up ask her if she"s interested and the conversation goes as follows..
Her: "...to be honest...Im not interested in a relationship let alone have time for friends or boyfriends...im sorry if I gave the wrong impression.."
Me: "If you don"t mind me asking, why is that?"
Her: "Why what?"
Me: "Why are you not interested? Are you afraid of getting hurt or something? As far as the time thing goes, I"m a pretty low-maintenance guy "
Her: "No it"s not about me getting hurt... I just enjoy being single..."
Me: "So is it a me thing? I understand the single life thing. It is great..for a time, but I was pretty sure you were interested..giving me your number and all?"
Her: "No, it"s a ME thing."
Her: "I"m just not ready to get involved with anyone. I don"t need a guy in my life"
Me: "Well, technically, I don"t NEED a girl in my life, but everybody wants to share life with somebody "
Her: "Relationships are too big of a gamble"
Then I go into some stuff about the gamble possibly paying off. Or if you look at every possible relationship as a big gamble, of course they all will be. Yadda yadda. She doesn"t really respond, except that she"s going to bed and wishes me "good night."
So today I text her thanking her for her honesty, asking her if we can at least still be friends. She doesn"t respond, but today at work she"s her normal flirty self. She isn"t doing the long stares and smiles at me like she used to, but she"s still joking around, light touching, etc.
So..I guess my question is, what"s the deal with this chick? Is she just young and inexperienced with relationships? She hasn"t dated in 2 years and I think she got royally hurt, so now she"s in the "ALL MEN ARE PIGS!" phase of her life. A guy I work with is convinced she"s a lesbian. Am I playing this right or am I being a complete moron and barking up the wrong tree? Appreciate any advice you guys/gals might have, especially if any women want to weigh in on what might be going through her head. She genuinely seems interested and I thought it was a sure thing when she gave me her number..