Honestly I think you"re interpreting malice where there likely is none. Just because we overanalyze everything here doesn"t mean most people do. Most people just follow their desires without evaluating why they have them. I know so little info here but I have a strong intuition that you had her interest at first. It makes more sense that way, that she was initially intrigued, lost most of that interest eventually, but enough remained that she still enjoys flirting with you. Ever had a girl that you like to flirt with but wouldn"t date? I"m sure you do, and I"d wager there is no malice or thoughts of "I"m gonna fuck with this girl and string her along." The only alternative that makes sense is that she is an attention whore who flirts with everyone just for their attention, but if that was true you would notice it easily. Girls like that rarely hide it well.Kirun said:Thanks for the advice and the honesty. So at this point, I"ve likely screwed the pooch, eh? With her still being flirty, I"m taking that as just a stupid mind game that she"s using because I"m letting her? I"m assuming it"s best to just ignore her now?
I LOLd.Brad2770 said:Just being me almost always guarantees a fail. .
For grob and whoever else talkin about pretending to be a person we are not - the thread has been dedicated to improving skills with women for months now, why are you here if that is your interpretation of what we are doing? I can say with 100% certainty that if you practice these concepts and follow the "rules" they will eventually become internalized and a true, natural part of your personality. Learning how to lead, being non-reactive, etc are not changing who you are; they are taking who you are and making it better.
And you"re talkin about people"s ages, saying if this shit worked why are people almost 30, 40, whatever age and still having difficulties? The frequent posters here have *just* started getting into it. The thread hasn"t existed in its current form for even a year. It"s actually a testament to the fact that "being yourself" (in the way you guys mean it, aka not trying to change your approach to women) doesnotwork because we have 30- and 40-year olds coming for help after "being themselves" has failed.
And to anyone doubting it, feeling the frustration of having rules to follow and whatnot: that goes away over time and you start to understand more, and more and more you find yourself not playing games, not following rules, because eventually your natural personality exudes what you have been spending so much conscious effort trying to fake. You still fuck up a lot, but more and more frequently you come away from a conversation, or a date, or a chance encounter just feeling natural and thinking "man, I love being me." It"s a fucking amazing feeling, and it starts to happen more and more. That"s the end goal of all this, and itdoeshappen. Just don"t despair while you are still learning and give up. Results will come with time. But do yourself a favor and read some books on social dynamics and attracting women. I wouldn"t be where I am without having done that.
And you don"t lose your personality. You may feel like you are selling out, being fake, whatever, because when you are learning you do naturally repress some of your personality. But when you emerge, so to speak, and start naturally being the man you were pretending to be before, your personality is right there waiting. This is a discovery I only very recently had the incredible relief of making. You will never change the core of your person, nor should you want to. But you can and should improve how that person interacts with the world.
Story time, sorta. Started talkin to a new Korean girl after she hit on me at her work weeks ago (I"ve mentioned it previously). Turns out she owns the place (I"m impressed) and is 7 years older than me. In the culture age is hugely important so I quietly expected her to instantly change her interaction with me, but she didn"t care at all. Incredibly sexy, and definitely gonna see more of her. This one"s a winner, and I learned enough last time around to have a better understanding of how to interpret uniquely-Korean-woman behavior. I"ve never dated anyone more than 2 years older than me (I"m 24) so I"m kinda excited. Maybe there will be less frustration? Haha I"m sure Eomer and Brad and some of you others would punch me for even entertaining that hope.