I"ve followed this thread all the way through and even though I"m older than most of you, I have felt that my advice would be decidedly inadequate compared to a lot of the good posters. But in this case, mainly because of what I"ve read here, I feel the need to back up and add to what Tarrant said to Brad.
The key (apparently anyway, since I continually fail at it) to getting a woman interested in you is to not only be interesting yourself, but to be happy and confident with who you are no matter what else is going on around you. Tarrant basically said that"s what he"s doing. So when your ex "plays games" with you, letting them affect you in any way at all hurts your overall status. You might think that ignoring her isn"t affecting you, but it is. You"re showing her that it bothers you enough, or something else she did previously bothers you enough instead, that you aren"t going to react to her actions no matter what they are.
You need to defuse the situation in such a way that not only do you retain the upper hand, but she stops doing whatever the action is that"s annoying you. I don"t know you or your ex, so I can"t say what is really appropriate, but if it were me I"d let her flick my ear a couple times, maybe assume an air of obvious "I"m not paying attention to you" so she knows I"m joking, and then if she does it again, nonchalantly put my finger in my mouth for a wet willy, and casually start to put my around around behind her like I"m going to stick it in her ear. Given the right woman and the obvious fact that she was trying to "play" (even if she"s heartless and evil and just plays to fuck with you), you trumped her by taking that "play" to the next level of irritation/grossness. You don"t have to actually follow through with it, but just make it clear that you"re ready to do it and she"ll probably go "Oh gross!" or something and promise to stop flicking your ear.
That"s just an example that I thought of quickly, but I"m sure there are other ways. You need to not only come out on top, but come out in such a way that gave absolutely no indication that she pushed your buttons. Because she"s pushing them now, and even no reaction is a reaction. The only way you "win" is by making it seem like it didn"t bother you.
Also, it makes you a fuckload more fun to be around, and much more likely to keep your weiner happy. That is, of course, from the perspective that you said you actually want to get back together with her despite her silly little games. If it weren"t for your kid and your desire to get back together, my advice would have been drastically different. But from the perspective of actually wanting to, I think you"re really screwing the pooch here by pointedly ignoring her.
Along those lines, while listening to a woman is always a good thing, not having any input at all is the same error as ignoring the ear flicks. You don"t have to emotionally invest yourself in what she"s saying or anything, but being a mannequin shows you are either totally uninteresting or purposely ignoring her. Neither of those are attractive, as I"m sure you"ll agree. Come up with something to say, no matter how meaningless or trivial. Don"t take the attitude of "If it isn"t positive or about my son, I have nothing to say."
Again, just my opinion, and for that matter the opinion of an older single guy with no prospects at the moment, so take it as you will. I think I"m good at taking advice though, so I feel I"ve learned a ton just reading this thread alone.
The key (apparently anyway, since I continually fail at it) to getting a woman interested in you is to not only be interesting yourself, but to be happy and confident with who you are no matter what else is going on around you. Tarrant basically said that"s what he"s doing. So when your ex "plays games" with you, letting them affect you in any way at all hurts your overall status. You might think that ignoring her isn"t affecting you, but it is. You"re showing her that it bothers you enough, or something else she did previously bothers you enough instead, that you aren"t going to react to her actions no matter what they are.
You need to defuse the situation in such a way that not only do you retain the upper hand, but she stops doing whatever the action is that"s annoying you. I don"t know you or your ex, so I can"t say what is really appropriate, but if it were me I"d let her flick my ear a couple times, maybe assume an air of obvious "I"m not paying attention to you" so she knows I"m joking, and then if she does it again, nonchalantly put my finger in my mouth for a wet willy, and casually start to put my around around behind her like I"m going to stick it in her ear. Given the right woman and the obvious fact that she was trying to "play" (even if she"s heartless and evil and just plays to fuck with you), you trumped her by taking that "play" to the next level of irritation/grossness. You don"t have to actually follow through with it, but just make it clear that you"re ready to do it and she"ll probably go "Oh gross!" or something and promise to stop flicking your ear.
That"s just an example that I thought of quickly, but I"m sure there are other ways. You need to not only come out on top, but come out in such a way that gave absolutely no indication that she pushed your buttons. Because she"s pushing them now, and even no reaction is a reaction. The only way you "win" is by making it seem like it didn"t bother you.
Also, it makes you a fuckload more fun to be around, and much more likely to keep your weiner happy. That is, of course, from the perspective that you said you actually want to get back together with her despite her silly little games. If it weren"t for your kid and your desire to get back together, my advice would have been drastically different. But from the perspective of actually wanting to, I think you"re really screwing the pooch here by pointedly ignoring her.
Along those lines, while listening to a woman is always a good thing, not having any input at all is the same error as ignoring the ear flicks. You don"t have to emotionally invest yourself in what she"s saying or anything, but being a mannequin shows you are either totally uninteresting or purposely ignoring her. Neither of those are attractive, as I"m sure you"ll agree. Come up with something to say, no matter how meaningless or trivial. Don"t take the attitude of "If it isn"t positive or about my son, I have nothing to say."
Again, just my opinion, and for that matter the opinion of an older single guy with no prospects at the moment, so take it as you will. I think I"m good at taking advice though, so I feel I"ve learned a ton just reading this thread alone.