Alcestis said:
Chiming in here: if I were the ex-girlfriend in Tarrant"s situation, I"d think the gift was sweet... BUT I"d be unsure of how to take it as. That uncertainty may push it over into the "this is really strange" mode, especially if it was a "crate" of the stuff, as initially suggested (they sell whole FLATS of ramen at our Costco, no smaller xD). After all, I have said many times (as Tarrant"s ex) that I like the way he"s turned back into the Tarrant of when we first met, instead of the blubbering pussy he morphed into at the end of the relationship. If he wouldn"t send me ramen at the beginning, why on earth would he send me ramen now? If he isn"t the type, it comes across as contrived and possibly ripped off some How-To-Get-Her-Back site off the internet. Also, it puts the ball squarely back into my court as the chick. Clearly, I"d like Tarrant to have a little control over himself. I like myself a manly Tarrant. Allowing me to bring up the gift, acknowledge the note, suggest a date, etc., is him forfeiting a lot of that control I seem to enjoy in him.
I see both sides, and yes, it was initially a LTR, but it going south means that it should be reset back to the time before that. When it was stillgood. Unfortunately, when it was still good just happens to be the time around they first met. That"s when "the game" is in full swing. He should do/act how he did back then. If he"d come up with the initial idea and give something like a box of ramen, go for it. It just doesn"t appear that way here, from what he"s said.
My perspective, anyway.
Haha, how suspicious. Arealnice guy would replace those flowers with a luscious steak or lunch for two at our favorite all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet. Beats the heck out of flowers any day, in my opinion. Mmm.
Great advice, I just got off the phone with her, here are some small updates from last night and today.
So last night she dropped by, she got off class early and called as I was getting home from work. I missed the call as I was in the shower but the girl knows my schedule so she popped by.
So we chill for a few and I make myself some dinner, which we share....oddly enough I was planning on making something she enjoyed, which I in no way planned. We ate and talked about somethings, how our week was going, played a card game we bought when we were together and then she was off and on her way home. It was enjoyable, there was zero signs though of anything brewing under the surface of things this time around though. Which I will admit worried me a bit.
After she left I jumped onto facebook and a mutual friend was on who started talking to me. Told her my ex was just over and she started in on how for me to make sure I take it slow. I told her I was, she also mentioned Sunday and how I am not to push anything Sunday, my ex is still it would seem very skittish about whether or not the emo bitch in me is gone for good or not....but also told me my ex is loving being around me again so just go with the flow on Sunday, don"t expect anything and just have a nice evening.....which I"m going to do.
Ex called me this afternoon as she got off class, we talked about dinner last night and possible changes we can make to the dish, we both love to talk food. I mentioned dinner on Sunday and asked if she had any ideas, she said "nope, I want you to surprise me"
Before I woulda been like "well fuck I don"t know...." This time I was like "Hey you got it, I already know what I"m making you then.."
She seemed to like that idea and seemed excited, promised to make cupcakes for desert and then she had to go as she was on her way to her next class.
In the mean time, I have a date Friday night with different girl who I was kinda seeing before this one. She"s was kinda cool before, though a bit self absorbed, we"ll see if she"s changed. I love my ex and want us to work out but I"m not putting my life on hold.