Yes, that is what i have been saying earlier in this thread.
All this fluff, openings, negs, etc, all this system really does not work for me.
I am not a monster, i am just really thin. I am really communicative and i"ve got verbal skills, i work as a translator, for fucks sake ! I"ve done translations in business meetings, live, with no prior script, so i think fast and i can verbalize my thoughts.
But all this is for naught. I get the girls that are desperate to the extent that they would sleep with me even if i were a mute or a mime.
The girls that don"t like thin nerds, they will not sleep with me even if i wrote the book on the pick-ups game. And trust me, thats a lot of them.
Anyway, my point is that i call bullshit on all this "Game". I learned on my own skin that looks are a condition sine-qua-non. The cover is more important than the book. And the material the cover is made of is more important than the words on that cover.
I will die alone.