Girls who broke your heart thread

The Ancient_sl

Doctors and lawyers usually marry late too because of the amount of time they have to invest in their professional lives ESPECIALLY early on. But, yeah the average first marriage age is 26. Why anyone would argue the statistic is beyond me.

Edit: Whoa, it"s actually 30 in Canada. You fucking bastards.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Eomer said:
Most of my friends are young professionals (doctors, lawyers, engineers, nurses etc) and like I said, the vast majority are not married or with children. Some are in long term relationships or living with their partner, sure, but like I said the average age for marriage these days is up in the high 20"s. Meaning that if you"re in your late 20"s, there"s still a majority of people within your dating range (25-35) that are unmarried. Shit, I just read a stat the other day that in Canada, roughly 50-55% of people 20-29 still live with their parents.

Saying that there"s no decent dating prospects that aren"t single moms or divorcees at 30ish is ridiculous in today"s day and age. Yes it"s on the downslope, no question. But guys in their 30"s can date girls in their mid to late 20"s just fine, and the majority of them have not been married or cranked out kids, at least around here. I"m not concerned in the slightest that I"m running out of time or something.
Well, that"s fucking Canada dude. And also, saying that young professionals who"ve spent the last 8 years in school and working their career aren"t married yet is a no brainer. They"ve obviously chosen their career over their personal life. For the vast majority of people (and oddly enough, the vast majority of people aren"t doctors, lawyers, engineers, nurses, etc) that"s not really the case.

It sure ain"t the fucking case in America, at least not around these parts. Fuck, I know people that are in their 40"s that have been divorced twice already and have kids in their 20"s and kid"s in their teens. Normal people, not fucking Larry King. I"m not saying there aren"t any prospects for reasonably intelligent, well adjusted, no baggage, not divorced and no kids, but they dwindle pretty fucking rapidly man, especially since women have to take a whole fucking slew of extra tests post 30 when they"re pregnant. There"s a biological clock ticking for them. Guys are good for a long while after that, but young women need to get the ball rolling on kids or it"s a huge pain in the ass to have them later. That"s not a societal norm or a professional choice or anything, it"s straight biology.

The Ancient said:
Doctors and lawyers usually marry late too because of the amount of time they have to invest in their professional lives ESPECIALLY early on. But, yeah the average first marriage age is 26. Why anyone would argue the statistic is beyond me.

Edit: Whoa, it"s actually 30 in Canada. You fucking bastards.
Edit : well, since we found that out, then yeah, go ahead and shift everything I said up by 5 years if you live in Canada and we can stop arguing about it. It"s spot on for America though.


Trakanon Raider
The Ancient said:
Doctors and lawyers usually marry late too because of the amount of time they have to invest in their professional lives ESPECIALLY early on. But, yeah the average first marriage age is 26. Why anyone would argue the statistic is beyond me.

Edit: Whoa, it"s actually 30 in Canada. You fucking bastards.
Yeah, Quebec probably skews that a lot higher. Shit, they just flat out don"t get married at all there anymore. I think the majority of kids there are being raised in non-married households. Quiet Revolution and all that.


I"m not saying there aren"t any prospects for reasonably intelligent, well adjusted, no baggage, not divorced and no kids, but they dwindle pretty fucking rapidly man, especially since women have to take a whole fucking slew of extra tests post 30 when they"re pregnant.
Well sure just by math as we age more and more women will have children. Id say marriage would draw most of the mentally fucked up and unintelligent ones, the statistics seem to agree.

But to claim its rare or even vaguely difficult to find such chicks as one gets into their 30"s if nonsense. As long as you are not fat and old looking you can rail the 21-29 age bracket with impunity. If anything your options for potential "relationship" material increases as one nears 30. Certain demographics tend to skew the averages as well. If you have all of your teeth and are white and associate predominantly with similar people it is more the norm to be 30 without spawn.

If you are 30 and hanging out at top 40 clubs and trashy bars then I can understand this perspective.


Trakanon Raider
^while I don"t make a habit of hitting up nightclubs, I"ve actually found that on the rare occasion when I do pussy pretty much throws itself at me now that I"m 29 and bald, as opposed to being 21 with a full head of hair. Also keep in mind drinking age is 18 here. I don"t quite get it myself. Daddy issues maybe?


Not having furniture composed of empty milk crates tends to help. Money,stability and experience are a bit of an advantage. Again assuming you are not instantly noticeable as "The Old Guy". If you are then you must compensate with drugs or something.


Dindu Nuffin
Ah what the hell why not. (Sorry about the novel)

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:So I"ve been friends with this girl for 6 years, we"ve pretty much been best friends for the last 4. We both worked at bars so a lot of our time spent together involved heavy amounts of alcohol, which usually lead to us eating each other"s faces at some point in the night. Normally that would be weird but I tend to do that to every girl I"m friends with and we laugh about it the next day. We are great wingmen for each other and its all around a perfect team. Problem is about 2 years ago I started realizing that I didn"t like going our separate ways at the end of the night, but suppressed the feelings since we were most definitely just friends.

I was deployed last year, and during that time I realized that out of all my family and friends she was the only one I truly missed being around, the feelings were not going to go away, and decided "fuck it might as well tell her when I get back and see wtf happens." After deciding this and a few months before I get home, I get an email from her telling me she"s been dating some guy from work for a few months and they"re engaged.

I finally get home and not wanting to cause problems keep my mouth shut and just hang out normally, though only when the fiance is around because I don"t fully trust myself heh. We start hanging out less and less because she refuses to take down old facebook pictures of us out on the town, and find out he doesn"t like her being around me because of "how she acts towards me."

2 months ago we go out with her sister and brother-in-law, and the 4 of us proceed to get wrecked and of course next thing I realize me and her are going at it like we used to. I stopped as soon as I realized what we were doing and told her we couldn"t do that, and she proceeds to break down telling me she doesn"t want to be with her fiancee and she likes me but she"s confused. The sister is trying to get me to take the girl home, since apparently no one in the family likes the fiancee and she was hoping this would happen. They end up leaving while I stay and sober up until my buddy gets off work.

She comes out a week later acting like nothing happened, I ask her if everything is ok, and apparently she was so hammered she doesn"t remember anything. So she leaves abruptly after being told what went down that night, goes home and tells the fiancee and texts me that we can"t ever hang out again.

I don"t see her or hear from her for 2 months until 4 days ago she shows up when a bunch of us friends were out at dinner, apologizes to me, and informs us her engagement is over due to "all the stuff that has happened recently" and doesn"t want to lose her friends too. We"ve hung out every day since then, its close to normal but definitely a little awkwardness.

I really do consider her my best friend, and would just leave things the way they were if I knew my sanity wouldn"t crack without saying something. I"m fully aware this will most likely end our friendship, but its going to happen at some point and I"d rather do it on my own terms and not because I"m falling over at the bar. I don"t want to say anything now though because I feel like its unfair to pile anything else on her while she"s going through the whole ending of an engagement.

I should add that I get the impression she was able to use what we did as her excuse to get out of an engagement she didn"t want to be in, not out of some actual want or need to be with me. So I guess, should I wait a while or should I just get it over with now so I can post what a train wreck this will be before the weekend is over?


Leadaas said:
Ah what the hell why not. (Sorry about the novel)

If you can get time where you know neither of you will be rushed, talk to her and ask howshefeels. Tell her you just want to be able to understand what she"s going through right now.

Sure I know fuckall about chicks sometimes, but as a whole, people like to talk about themselves. She can"t really play the "how do you know something is wrong?" card considering you"ve been friends for that long.

Don"t make it all about you. Don"t go in demanding to know anything or pushing super hard. Most of all, be sincere.


Leadaas said:
Ah what the hell why not. (Sorry about the novel)

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:So I"ve been friends with this girl for 6 years, we"ve pretty much been best friends for the last 4. We both worked at bars so a lot of our time spent together involved heavy amounts of alcohol, which usually lead to us eating each other"s faces at some point in the night. Normally that would be weird but I tend to do that to every girl I"m friends with and we laugh about it the next day. We are great wingmen for each other and its all around a perfect team. Problem is about 2 years ago I started realizing that I didn"t like going our separate ways at the end of the night, but suppressed the feelings since we were most definitely just friends.

I was deployed last year, and during that time I realized that out of all my family and friends she was the only one I truly missed being around, the feelings were not going to go away, and decided "fuck it might as well tell her when I get back and see wtf happens." After deciding this and a few months before I get home, I get an email from her telling me she"s been dating some guy from work for a few months and they"re engaged.

I finally get home and not wanting to cause problems keep my mouth shut and just hang out normally, though only when the fiance is around because I don"t fully trust myself heh. We start hanging out less and less because she refuses to take down old facebook pictures of us out on the town, and find out he doesn"t like her being around me because of "how she acts towards me."

2 months ago we go out with her sister and brother-in-law, and the 4 of us proceed to get wrecked and of course next thing I realize me and her are going at it like we used to. I stopped as soon as I realized what we were doing and told her we couldn"t do that, and she proceeds to break down telling me she doesn"t want to be with her fiancee and she likes me but she"s confused. The sister is trying to get me to take the girl home, since apparently no one in the family likes the fiancee and she was hoping this would happen. They end up leaving while I stay and sober up until my buddy gets off work.

She comes out a week later acting like nothing happened, I ask her if everything is ok, and apparently she was so hammered she doesn"t remember anything. So she leaves abruptly after being told what went down that night, goes home and tells the fiancee and texts me that we can"t ever hang out again.

I don"t see her or hear from her for 2 months until 4 days ago she shows up when a bunch of us friends were out at dinner, apologizes to me, and informs us her engagement is over due to "all the stuff that has happened recently" and doesn"t want to lose her friends too. We"ve hung out every day since then, its close to normal but definitely a little awkwardness.

I really do consider her my best friend, and would just leave things the way they were if I knew my sanity wouldn"t crack without saying something. I"m fully aware this will most likely end our friendship, but its going to happen at some point and I"d rather do it on my own terms and not because I"m falling over at the bar. I don"t want to say anything now though because I feel like its unfair to pile anything else on her while she"s going through the whole ending of an engagement.

I should add that I get the impression she was able to use what we did as her excuse to get out of an engagement she didn"t want to be in, not out of some actual want or need to be with me. So I guess, should I wait a while or should I just get it over with now so I can post what a train wreck this will be before the weekend is over?
I"m not sure which path you were choosing to take at the end of your sounded like she just wanted to be friends, but you were thinking about letting her know how you feel?

I also believe in life that you can"t truly regret any decision you make, since at the time you make the decision, you cannot ever truly know whether or not that decision will turn out to be "right" or "wrong" in the long-term. The only true regret you can have is not making the decision. And it would be worse, imo, to never tell her how you really feel about her, and always wonder the rest of your life whether or not you guys could have made it work long-term.

So *if* your post means you want to tell her you care for her a lot and you want to be in a relationship with her, then by all means tell her. The worst that can happen is she says no, she just wants to be friends, in which case you don"t have to wonder the rest of your life if you should have asked her out or not, and you can move on, stay friends or not, doesn"t matter. Also, the "future" burden will be on her, because if she ever ends up in a bad relationship, she will always be the one wondering if she should have taken you up on your offer. If she says yes, then either it works out or not, either way you got to experience it.

One other piece of advice I would have for you is - stop hooking up when you guys are drunk. I know you didn"t get in depth about all aspects of your relationship, but if you guys are getting the most intimate when you are drunk, then both of you are using alcohol as a crutch and an excuse. If you truly want to make it work, you need to both be sober when deciding if you want to take this relationship to the next level without the easy out of "oh I didn"t know what I was doing, I was drunk". You need to find out if you both can maintain an attraction with each other without the presence of alcohol.


If you"ve already crossed that line of wanting to date her, the friendship is over anyway. The only real question is when and how to tell her. That"s not an area I know anything about though.

dy fey_foh

commit or go home. if you approach it all "bleh bleh hurr what do you think" she"ll fucking talk for hours, and those hours are simply better spent shooting people online.


Molten Core Raider
Leadaas said:
Ah what the hell why not. (Sorry about the novel)

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:So I"ve been friends with this girl for 6 years, we"ve pretty much been best friends for the last 4. We both worked at bars so a lot of our time spent together involved heavy amounts of alcohol, which usually lead to us eating each other"s faces at some point in the night. Normally that would be weird but I tend to do that to every girl I"m friends with and we laugh about it the next day. We are great wingmen for each other and its all around a perfect team. Problem is about 2 years ago I started realizing that I didn"t like going our separate ways at the end of the night, but suppressed the feelings since we were most definitely just friends.

I was deployed last year, and during that time I realized that out of all my family and friends she was the only one I truly missed being around, the feelings were not going to go away, and decided "fuck it might as well tell her when I get back and see wtf happens." After deciding this and a few months before I get home, I get an email from her telling me she"s been dating some guy from work for a few months and they"re engaged.

I finally get home and not wanting to cause problems keep my mouth shut and just hang out normally, though only when the fiance is around because I don"t fully trust myself heh. We start hanging out less and less because she refuses to take down old facebook pictures of us out on the town, and find out he doesn"t like her being around me because of "how she acts towards me."

2 months ago we go out with her sister and brother-in-law, and the 4 of us proceed to get wrecked and of course next thing I realize me and her are going at it like we used to. I stopped as soon as I realized what we were doing and told her we couldn"t do that, and she proceeds to break down telling me she doesn"t want to be with her fiancee and she likes me but she"s confused. The sister is trying to get me to take the girl home, since apparently no one in the family likes the fiancee and she was hoping this would happen. They end up leaving while I stay and sober up until my buddy gets off work.

She comes out a week later acting like nothing happened, I ask her if everything is ok, and apparently she was so hammered she doesn"t remember anything. So she leaves abruptly after being told what went down that night, goes home and tells the fiancee and texts me that we can"t ever hang out again.

I don"t see her or hear from her for 2 months until 4 days ago she shows up when a bunch of us friends were out at dinner, apologizes to me, and informs us her engagement is over due to "all the stuff that has happened recently" and doesn"t want to lose her friends too. We"ve hung out every day since then, its close to normal but definitely a little awkwardness.

I really do consider her my best friend, and would just leave things the way they were if I knew my sanity wouldn"t crack without saying something. I"m fully aware this will most likely end our friendship, but its going to happen at some point and I"d rather do it on my own terms and not because I"m falling over at the bar. I don"t want to say anything now though because I feel like its unfair to pile anything else on her while she"s going through the whole ending of an engagement.

I should add that I get the impression she was able to use what we did as her excuse to get out of an engagement she didn"t want to be in, not out of some actual want or need to be with me. So I guess, should I wait a while or should I just get it over with now so I can post what a train wreck this will be before the weekend is over?
Check your PM"s.


<Bronze Donator>
Leadaas said:
Ah what the hell why not. (Sorry about the novel)

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:So I"ve been friends with this girl for 6 years, we"ve pretty much been best friends for the last 4. We both worked at bars so a lot of our time spent together involved heavy amounts of alcohol, which usually lead to us eating each other"s faces at some point in the night. Normally that would be weird but I tend to do that to every girl I"m friends with and we laugh about it the next day. We are great wingmen for each other and its all around a perfect team. Problem is about 2 years ago I started realizing that I didn"t like going our separate ways at the end of the night, but suppressed the feelings since we were most definitely just friends.

I was deployed last year, and during that time I realized that out of all my family and friends she was the only one I truly missed being around, the feelings were not going to go away, and decided "fuck it might as well tell her when I get back and see wtf happens." After deciding this and a few months before I get home, I get an email from her telling me she"s been dating some guy from work for a few months and they"re engaged.

I finally get home and not wanting to cause problems keep my mouth shut and just hang out normally, though only when the fiance is around because I don"t fully trust myself heh. We start hanging out less and less because she refuses to take down old facebook pictures of us out on the town, and find out he doesn"t like her being around me because of "how she acts towards me."

2 months ago we go out with her sister and brother-in-law, and the 4 of us proceed to get wrecked and of course next thing I realize me and her are going at it like we used to. I stopped as soon as I realized what we were doing and told her we couldn"t do that, and she proceeds to break down telling me she doesn"t want to be with her fiancee and she likes me but she"s confused. The sister is trying to get me to take the girl home, since apparently no one in the family likes the fiancee and she was hoping this would happen. They end up leaving while I stay and sober up until my buddy gets off work.

She comes out a week later acting like nothing happened, I ask her if everything is ok, and apparently she was so hammered she doesn"t remember anything. So she leaves abruptly after being told what went down that night, goes home and tells the fiancee and texts me that we can"t ever hang out again.

I don"t see her or hear from her for 2 months until 4 days ago she shows up when a bunch of us friends were out at dinner, apologizes to me, and informs us her engagement is over due to "all the stuff that has happened recently" and doesn"t want to lose her friends too. We"ve hung out every day since then, its close to normal but definitely a little awkwardness.

I really do consider her my best friend, and would just leave things the way they were if I knew my sanity wouldn"t crack without saying something. I"m fully aware this will most likely end our friendship, but its going to happen at some point and I"d rather do it on my own terms and not because I"m falling over at the bar. I don"t want to say anything now though because I feel like its unfair to pile anything else on her while she"s going through the whole ending of an engagement.

I should add that I get the impression she was able to use what we did as her excuse to get out of an engagement she didn"t want to be in, not out of some actual want or need to be with me. So I guess, should I wait a while or should I just get it over with now so I can post what a train wreck this will be before the weekend is over?
Well shit, I was expecting a happy ending:

guy likes girl
guy goes away
guy comes back girls engaged to diff guy
girl cheats on fiance with guy and confesses her feelings (maybe love)
girl dumps fiance
?? <-- shouldnt that be girl and guy live happily ever after?

Sounds like a movie. I dont know why you"re not pursuing her, she broke down drunk and said she wanted to be with you and not her fiance, who does that if it wasnt true? i mean what "friends" hook up when they"re drunk? i thought every girl told their guy friends that it was platonic, not hooking up drunk.. that should have been enough to tell her hey i have feelings for u, cause HELLO we hook up all the time and get along really well ontop of being so close.

Doesnt that make sense? hooking up, spending time together a lot, close, miss each other.. seems logical to like each other.

yes ive hooked up with girl "friends" but that was my intentions in the first place, ha


act like a man, grab your balls and go for it. You"ll just regret it forever if you don"t. Act like a man tho, don"t talk with that pansy bullshit, walk up to her and kiss her. Like a boss.
intelnavi said:
act like a man, grab your balls and go for it. You"ll just regret it forever if you don"t. Act like a man tho, don"t talk with that pansy bullshit, walk up to her and kiss her. Like a boss.
This, pretty much.

Basically you need to give her the important informationen (example: "I want to be with you.") and then you should not give her a chance to talk about it or look at her with big eyes full of expectations. Kissing works fine, hopefully makes her feel better while avoiding to directly talk about it. Eventually she will say something ("Me, too." / "Fuck Off."), but really no reason to discuss a topic like this.

And dont act like an emotional pussy, be a man about it. Yea.


Avatar of War Slayer
And if she needs to think about it, once you tell her, she doesnt want you like that. She already knows if she does.


Trakanon Raider
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
, you pussy.


Not heart broken, but still sort of an entertaining story...

Been dating this girl for about a month now. We hang out once or twice a week, got along well, good chemistry, good sex...things were going pretty good. Until this weekend...

We hung out at her place Friday, had some dinner, watch some movies, had long sex and I went home at about 3am. Saturday I headed off on a ten hour drive to pick up my daughter for the week, we text back and forth on the road, when I get there my phone is about to die and I tell her, "my phone is about to die and I just realized I didn"t pack my charger...I"ll text ya tomorrow as soon as I can find a walmart or something to buy one". Sunday, I head home, stop at the first Target I see and pick up a charger and text her...never heard anything back. Well, today my phone gets blown up with this long ass text about how she didn"t believe that I would forget my charger and she just knew that I still had feelings for my ex, and she should have seen it coming and how she"s been cheated on before and doesn"t want to deal with it.


As much as it pissed me off to get told off and for her to be so incredibly off base on her "facts" as she saw them, I really didn"t put up much of a fight other than to make reinterate that what I told her was in fact the truth. (I hate my integrity being questioned).

Anyways, my lesson here...and I was prepared for this going into it, I figured it was just a matter of time...don"t fucking date girls that have been: in a bad marriage, abused as a kid, or have any sort of "daddy issue". For the most part, these girls just expect to be treated like shit and can only handle so much good before their mind starts making shit up to compensate for the lack of abuse.