Girls who broke your heart thread


Haylel said:
If nothing else, it ends with me knowing that I did my best, and I"m worth more than the way I was treated. So that"s that.
Sounds like she"s immature and completely unready for any type of serious commitment. At least you found out now rather than later, and now you"ll also be better equipped to spot that type of behavior in the future.

Saidin said:
So what is everyones approach to getting a steady relationship with a "good" girl ?
Simple: don"t be needy, don"t be boring and don"t be dirty. Also, don"t sell yourself short. If she"s playing games, cut her loose and move on (this is where not being needy really helps).


I can"t really make much sense of this, so I"ll just type it out as I think of things.

I met a girl on Facebook quite a while back, probably close to a year. We both knew some of the same people, but had never personally met or been at the same parties. Neither one of us really initiated anything, and we just kind of texted back and forth for a few months.

She told me that her last sexing was when she was in her long term relationship; 9 months at the time. She said she hasn"t dated much, and is kind of awkward. I wasn"t sure how much of that I could believe, but whatever. We met one day, by accident, and it turns out she"s like 5"10, perfect body, and a great sense of humor, but quite shy. So now I"m interested (a bit shallow, I know).

She starts messaging me more and more, telling me she really likes me a lot. I return similar messages, but none of them were on the phone. Like before, she hates anything but text, and I can"t stand texting all the time. If I call her, she lets it go to voicemail, and then listens to the voicemail. It"s pretty retarded, but I figure she just has an aversion to talking on the phone. A lot of girls do now, and I"m not sure why.

It starts to get a little frustrating here. She continues to ignore calls, randomly text me back at odd hours, and then sometimes not reply all day. I never, at any point, became needy or creepy. I just kept it casual and tried to set up dates. She would willingly agree to something, and then as the time came, she wouldn"t reply or answer her phone. She would profusely apologize and tell me she is just scared of seeing me, because she likes me so much.
Add to this that I"ve driven to her area, and I told her I was going to. This was a test, and I knew what was going to happen. I waited an hour, and then told her I left, because she didn"t reply. Immediately she replies "FUCK, I"m so sorry" though I can"t remember if she gave an excuse with that one.

At this point, my bullshit flag is raised, and I tell her in a voicemail that I"m tired of talking to her voicemail, and that texting only is lame. I broke off any contact, and she sent me an email telling me she misses me, and can"t stop thinking about me. I ask her if she wants a real relationship, because I won"t do text only anymore. This was about 3 weeks ago. She says yes and agrees we should really start seeing each other. I was so enthralled by her when I first met her, that I was willing to put up with it for a while; that"s my excuse.

I planned some stuff with her while on vacation, and when I tell her I"m driving up she replies "wait, don"t drive yet... shit." I"m like what"s wrong? I can"t remember verbatim what she said, but it was something lame like, she was scared and freaking out, and being too emotional about it. So I didn"t end up going that day, but she continually had other shit going on that week, or didnt reply all day until it was too late. Par for the course.

The last weekend of my vacation, I decided to say fuck it, and went to the dunes with my friends. I ended up in an accident when some kid with his teenage girlfriend on the back, went counter-clockwise in a sandbowl, where I was going clockwise in 5th gear. I was already in the bowl, he had no right to jump in. Sadly, he was one of the people in the group I was with. I ended up being thrown from my quad at 45 mph or so. He ended up with a concussion and face stitches. I just had a sore arm and sciatic nerve pain at first.

I call her while in the ER, and she doesn"t answer, so I left a message and then texted her my phone was going to die. I plug the phone in the next day and I had a lot of texts back from her. Once I told her I was ok (in text again) she said something, and I asked her a question. She didn"t reply, and after an hour, I wrote something like "this shit is lame, I just got out of the ER and I can"t walk, and you still won"t call me. I"m not texting anymore, goodnight." She immediately calls me, and this is the first call in 2 months.

Fast forward to this last Saturday, we had plans to go out, and this is the nth time (I can"t even count) that we"ve made plans. I call her on Saturday morning, no answer, I text once an hour casually, no answer. As it gets later into the day, I just write that I"m going to do something else. Predictably, 30 mins from the time she was supposed to go to a bachelorette party, she replies "that"s ok, Kelsey want"s me over there at 5-6 anyway." I said "whatever you say" so she gets that I"m pissed and says "well I woke up to you saying you were doing something else, so I figured I missed my chance with you." All I could say was "shock shock", because I wanted to lay into her for being a fucking flake.

Yesterday I had just had too much, I asked her if she was still going to the show in Denver. It"s a valid question, because taking a road trip with my friends, when she barely knows me, is going to be awkward for her. She said she planned on seeing me before then, and I said "Are we just friends?" she of course says no and that she likes me more than that. I said "I don"t think it"s going to happen, Vanessa." and from that point on, she hasn"t said a word to me.

I"m both relieved and annoyed at this point. I have a feeling she will contact me again, but I"m not doing this shit anymore.

Does anyone else have experience with girls doing shit like this?

One of my friends thinks that she is just stringing me along because she has no self-esteem. I said that you have to meet someone to really get the benefit of stringing someone along. Dates, sex, emotional support etc. Maybe this a new type of feedback for some girls?

I think she has to have a husband or boyfriend, because I"ve never had a girl do this to me. I"m not heartbroken, but I really did like her.

So there it is, more stupid stories to read while at work, or what have you. Parts of it are pathetic, but I put up with it for so long because I really believed she would come around. Discuss!


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Move on. Nothing will ever come of it. No point in devoting any more time or thought to it. If a girl wants to spend time with you, she will. If she constantly makes up excuses, she doesn"t. Doesn"t really matter why, that"s just the way it is.


TheCutlery said:
Move on. Nothing will ever come of it. No point in devoting any more time or thought to it. If a girl wants to spend time with you, she will. If she constantly makes up excuses, she doesn"t. Doesn"t really matter why, that"s just the way it is.
I know I made the right decision, I just wanted to post this here to make myself feel better about telling her to piss off. If that makes any sense?


Trakanon Raider
Dro said:
I know I made the right decision, I just wanted to post this here to make myself feel better about telling her to piss off. If that makes any sense?
Damn right it does. That"s why we all do it.
Dro said:
And again we learn: Stay away from the crazy!

Personally I think it was a mistake letting her get away with that much bullshit. I mean seriously, if a girl refuses to talk to you on the phone, ignores your calls and yet says she is interested... dont put up with that shit. Even if you actually want her you have a higher chance by calling her out on her bullshit.


tbh I can"t really tell you why I put up with it, maybe it was time invested; that"s about as good of a reason as any I can think of.

I"m not sure what I"ll say when she writes me. I have a hard time believing she will just stay quiet.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Dro said:
tbh I can"t really tell you why I put up with it, maybe it was time invested; that"s about as good of a reason as any I can think of.

I"m not sure what I"ll say when she writes me. I have a hard time believing she will just stay quiet.
Tell her you shut off texting on your phone. If she wants to call she knows the number.
Ultimatums are, ultimately, not a very good thing, but maybe you need to force her hand. Tell her its now or never, etc....It"s not a healthy thing to do, but maybe after all this bs, you need to do it.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
projectoffset said:
Ultimatums are, ultimately, not a very good thing, but maybe you need to force her hand. Tell her its now or never, etc....It"s not a healthy thing to do, but maybe after all this bs, you need to do it.
The answer is pretty damn obvious from the outside looking in, but for him to have the easiest time letting go a simple ultimatum will answer his question in a hurry, and then he can move on.
You put the ball in her court then let her return. Maybe do it twice just in case. A third time if she"s extremely hot. No more than three times. If she doesn"t return your serve by three tries, there are others who will. Don"t waste your time.

The Ancient_sl

Ultimatum advice is no good. That"s trying to solve a problem that shouldn"t require solving. Just say goodbye to the girl unless she changes ways on her own.


Trakanon Raider
I"m having a hard time doing exactly that. Feeling a lot better than yesterday, but I can"t escape that nagging feeling that I need to understand what went wrong. I want her to give me an explanation, even though I know there probably isn"t one.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Heylel Teomim said:
I"m having a hard time doing exactly that. Feeling a lot better than yesterday, but I can"t escape that nagging feeling that I need to understand what went wrong. I want her to give me an explanation, even though I know there probably isn"t one.
Ugh, this is the fucking worst. There"s no shittier feeling than sitting down after she breaks it off for apparently no goddamned reason and wondering where in the fuck you went wrong. Wallowing in your own pity for being a dumbass is all fine and dandy, but if you don"t even know at which point in your career of dumbassery was the problem, it just eats you up.

I got nothing for that one, other than time does eventually help. I can also say that trying to get an explanation out of her is a waste of time, and makes you feel like a jackass down the road.

The Ancient_sl

Heylel Teomim said:
I"m having a hard time doing exactly that. Feeling a lot better than yesterday, but I can"t escape that nagging feeling that I need to understand what went wrong.
Heylel Teomim said:
I got told about a month ago at a wedding by one of her close friends that I probably shouldn"t bother. More have said the same since. She"s just got an attention span problem. She *craves* male attention, but she gets bored.
You"ve already stated what went wrong, you just need to accept it.


Heylel Teomim said:
I"m having a hard time doing exactly that. Feeling a lot better than yesterday, but I can"t escape that nagging feeling that I need to understand what went wrong. I want her to give me an explanation, even though I know there probably isn"t one.
How old is this one?


Trakanon Raider
25, which is old enough to know better. Thinking about it over the last day or so has given me some hindsight. Her dad was apparently pretty absentee growing up despite being around more now, but I do notice that her attention with other men mirrors that relationship. Ignore her and she"s underfoot, but pay any attention and she starts wandering off. For a self described "daddy"s girl" she only cares about talking to him when she wants or needs something. She"s been the same way with me.

I was planning to break it off anyway, which is largely what happened last Saturday. What made me feel like I had my guts ripped out was her roommate saying she had some other guy at her house the next day. She"s got a lot of male friends and I"ve never cared because I"ve always known where they stand and she"s always open about who she"s with etc. Hearing that the way her roommate said it just tore me up.

I actually sorta went fishing last night. I know I shouldn"t, but she called after I texted her to sort some things out (or try anyway). I asked what she got up to on Halloween, and she never mentioned anyone being there. She"s a chatty girl, never avoided telling me about her friends in the past. Saturday a mutual friend told us she mentioned swapping numbers with some guy last Thursday, so of course in my head I just assume it was him.

It shouldn"t surprise me that she"d jump to a new guy. She and I met barely two weeks after her previous break up. I have no doubt at all she"ll be with someone else very soon, and it"s going to be hard. We have several mutual friends, hang out at the same bar, and so forth. Hell, one of my best friends and her best friends met through us and have really hit it off. If for no other reason than to not screw that up, I"ve got no choice but to be friends.

edit: The reason I know about this stuff is that I"ve become good friends with her roommate and roommate"s boyfriend. I actually hung out with them last night to watch Walking Dead. They really don"t like how she"s acted, and more or less told me flat out it"s affected their friendship, and they"re on my side. My own friends" opinion is that the girl"s social circle is a lot more fun than she is herself. I tend to agree.


Heylel Teomim said:
25, which is old enough to know better. Thinking about it over the last day or so has given me some hindsight. Her dad was apparently pretty absentee growing up despite being around more now, but I do notice that her attention with other men mirrors that relationship. Ignore her and she"s underfoot, but pay any attention and she starts wandering off. For a self described "daddy"s girl" she only cares about talking to him when she wants or needs something. She"s been the same way with me.
To be quite honest with you, I think that"s bullshit. Acting out as a child over your parents being shitty is one thing. Once you"re an adult it is on you to take control of your behavior. If you"re unable to do so, get some therapy until you can. "Daddy issues" shouldn"t be used as some scapegoat your entire life, it is merely an excuse for being a selfish bitch. Don"t make excuses for her. She"s an attention whore slut, it"s her fault - not her fathers.

I actually sorta went fishing last night. I know I shouldn"t, but she called after I texted her to sort some things out (or try anyway). I asked what she got up to on Halloween, and she never mentioned anyone being there. She"s a chatty girl, never avoided telling me about her friends in the past. Saturday a mutual friend told us she mentioned swapping numbers with some guy last Thursday, so of course in my head I just assume it was him.
This makes me think you probably weren"t going to break things off. Don"t go fishing, you"ll end up feeling worse after you find out she cheated on you more than a few times.

It shouldn"t surprise me that she"d jump to a new guy. She and I met barely two weeks after her previous break up. I have no doubt at all she"ll be with someone else very soon, and it"s going to be hard. We have several mutual friends, hang out at the same bar, and so forth. Hell, one of my best friends and her best friends met through us and have really hit it off. If for no other reason than to not screw that up, I"ve got no choice but to be friends.
Take the high road. Don"t text her, don"t talk to her, you"re broken up and have NO REASON AT ALL to continue a friendship / relationship -all you need to do is treat her just like you would a stranger. Don"t make excuses to be around her. You don"t have to be friends with her. You don"t have to hang out with your mutual friends only when she does. I am willing to bet there"s more than one bar where you live, too.


Trakanon Raider
Oh totally, but I"m not giving up my bar. I"ll get over it, I"m just venting because it happened this weekend. The logical part of me understands all of that. It just doesn"t make it hurt less. That"ll take time.

Well, time and a random hookup. That usually chops off a few weeks.


Yeah, if I had anything I could do to make it feel better I"d do that instead. Want a hug?!

Why not tell her? It"s a break-up rule anyway, if it was your hangout first she can"t have it. Just text heronce, "The bar is mine according to the break-up rulebook, stay out of it. Thanks in advance for your cooperation."