Girls who broke your heart thread


Blackwing Lair Raider
Kuriin said:
I"m confused. Do menSTILLnot realize or understand that, yet?
It"s not that we don"t realize or understand it, it" just we see the world in a different way. Men don"t really need to be complimented or told they"re loved or be reassured of these things. So they don"t think it means much to the women they"re with to do it. But every now and then something comes a long (in this case Ravvenn) to remind them that women are completely different from them.
Ravvenn said:
As far as this "shit test", what the fuck are you even talking about? Most of us put so much effort into getting ready in order to look good for our man. You"re absolutely insane if you think there"s some type of a game or test being carried out. Girls spend a lot of time getting ready to look good, not to see what kind of a tantrum you"re capable of throwing.
I don"t agree with it being an intentional test. And taking a long time to get ready is really not something I have a problem with other than when it gets in the way of spontaneity. It"sknowingthat it takes you 45 minutes to get ready and waiting until you"re supposed to be there in 30 to start, because you"re too busy with XBox/Chatting/Cell Phone/Some Other Nonsense. And I certainly hope you"re not disputing that women play games. I just don"t think this is one of them. My stance on the issue is that it"s inconsiderate when avoidable and if your female is made aware of this and doesn"t care, she"s not worth it.


Confirmed Male
Most of us put so much effort into getting ready in order to look good for our man.
OK this is a lie. I have been told by multiple ex-girlfriends plus my wife that they dont care what I think they look like, they were more concerned about what other women would think.

That kind of confirmed the whole, "you look great babe, I swear", "no I look *insert negative phrase*". Doesn"t matter what men say, it only matters what other women think.

Edit - The compliments part of your story is true. I am way less forthcoming of the "i love you" /kisses /hugs random or not. I try to be cognizant of that fact, but sometimes I forget to think about remembering to show affection. Sounds kinda dumb, but true. It can work both ways though. I have had arguments about the wife taking for granted the actions I do around the house and for her. I have always chalked it up as most men show affection by doing things for their spouse or significant other, women show affection per what you said. I just would like that fact recognized when I get griped at for the lack of affection verbally etc.

My friend put it best, his wife was griping at him that they never do stuff together (specifically watch TV together). He put his hand up to a vent in their house as they had been having AC problems recently. He asked her after she had ended her gripe session at him, "does it feel cold to you in here?". She responded, "yes it feels much better now". He said, "yeah thats right, I fixed that shit", and proceeded to go to his XBOX room.


Not my fault you date people who cant take compliments or say "Thanks!" instead of fishing for more compliments by ripping on themselves.

They should have told you the full truth. They don"t care what women think, they care that they look better than the other women so your eyes don"t stray. So in the end, it is for you. They want women to be jealous of them, and men to be jealous of you.


Confirmed Male
Ravvenn said:
Not my fault you date people who cant take compliments or say "Thanks!" instead of fishing for more compliments by ripping on themselves.

They should have told you the full truth. They don"t care what women think, they care that they look better than the other women so your eyes don"t stray. So in the end, it is for you. They want women to be jealous of them, and men to be jealous of you.
god dammit, fooled again by you devil women. I am confronting the wife tonight!


<Prior Amod>
I know I polish my bald spot to make it look more shiny and impressive for the benifit of my woman, I assume women who take 45min to get ready are doing the same.


So since it"s getting to that time of the year, who has any good ideas on where to go for New Years eve with a girlfriend ? Bonus points if you"re from North Carolina. We"re both under 21 so bars are out, but drinking is still fair game if we go get a hotel somewhere.
Whyme said:
Ravvenn, I would + you more if I could. Thanks for the insight. I think I"m going to go out today and do something special for the lady.

My observations are in line with her great text, so I think its accurate enough. Of course she does not mention the subconscious stuff that goes on and is also important.
I find this video to be appropriate from many angles ATT.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


Molten Core Raider
Busted out my Red Green DVD"s to bring you some relevant advice.

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>


FoghornDeadhorn, I thought it was about women taking a long time in general and running late because they"re having a bad hair day (or whatever). If they are getting ready at the last minute because they were screwing around, well, I think that"s inconsiderate.

Inconsiderable said:

My observations are in line with her great text, so I think its accurate enough. Of course she does not mention the subconscious stuff that goes on and is also important.
Could you be a little more specific and I"ll try and get that one if I get stuck in the waiting room at my elbow surgeons office? I"m not intentionally leaving stuff out.
Saidin said:
So since it"s getting to that time of the year, who has any good ideas on where to go for New Years eve with a girlfriend ? Bonus points if you"re from North Carolina. We"re both under 21 so bars are out, but drinking is still fair game if we go get a hotel somewhere.
Fly to Europe. My flight to london was a few bucks, np.
Spam, spam, spam.

Ravvenn said:
Could you be a little more specific and I"ll try and get that one if I get stuck in the waiting room at my elbow surgeons office? I"m not intentionally leaving stuff out.
Sexual tension for example. Just saying I-love-you every once in a while and getting a few flowers is not really what keeps it going, even if they need that stuff too. The easiest way to create it is conflict. Tease her, make her jealous, etc. You might not want it, but its good for you.

The alpha male stuff is also something that simplyisimportant if you want to be attractive, but it is not only about being a canadian lumberjack and burping around. Raoul Schindler for example defined the roles within groups as alpha (leader), beta (specialist), gamma (worker) and omega (scapegoat). I, for example, are not a super-alphamale in person, as my voice is not very deep, I am slim but I dont look like I work out, I even look a few years younger than I am. Usually I can only be bothered to act as "leader" if I think the others are incompetent around me; far too lazy otherwise (still happens more than I want it to happen, people ARE stupid). Right now I am fighting social akwardness, as I dont like stupid people or many strangers around me... (of course the beautiful vodka always helps me change and adjust).
BUT... what I was going to say, I am still alpha. The traits for (group dynamics) alpha pretty much sum me up. For example: I am outspoken, I have no problem disagreeing with anymore. I call my profs at university out if I think they talk shit, if I dont agree with a group I stand against a dozen people and refuse to give in unless they can come up with arguments why, etc.

Being within a group kinda fucks with peoples head. They made alot of tests, you all know The Lucifer Effect / The Prison Experiment that escalated. Then there is stuff like they put people in a room and make smoke in a corner. A single person will report the Smoke ("might be a fire") with a nearly 100% chance. If there are three people in the room, the chance that someone reports the fire is down to 37%. If two of those three persons are part of the experiment and supposed to not report it, there is only a 10% chance!
It is natural not to act different than your group. Stuff like this is the reason why VANGUARD and other big projects failed. People not raising their voice (or it being ignored^^). Same is if you are chased by.. lets say an attacker. You can take two paths.. one is a sideway with a single person, the other one is a street with two dozens people. Of course you turn towards the single person, because the chance that this person might help you is higher than one of those two dozen helping you.

But.. back to what I was talking about: Stuff like that is also alpha behaviour that doesnt need rudeness or assholery to work. Main reason that being an asshole works so well is that its a mix of a) alpha male and b) most woman being crazy fuckups that need someone to treat them like shit because they dont know better and would make shit up to compensate for the lack of abuse otherwise.

Thats why I think the Mmmsomethingguy is right. His opinion might sound extreme, but the basics are right:
- You visit your date, she tells you to come in and needs another 45 minutes to get ready. You sit down and wait like a obedient little puppy. First you dont deserve your balls and second you tell her thats its okay to let your wait and show no respect.
- You visit your date, she tells you to come in and needs another 45 minutes to get ready. You tell her she got 15 minutes tops or find another way to make sure you dont play games and/or dont take her shit. Now you deserve your balls and her subconcious gives you a couple of bonus points without her known why.

Thats why I dont expect you to explain it. How would you? What you will do is find reasons and problem is, if you are looking for a reason WHY women behave like that or that you will find one (that is prolly not 100% correct) because our brains work by connecting dots. We make shit up to close gaps. "I dont know X, but I know Y and Z. Maybe it could be ..." Its a maybe that we often dont realize.

If you meet a strange creature you dont know if it is hostile or likes eating humans. But the spikes on its back, the large fangs and the sharp teeth make you RUN IN TERROR and think "OMG ITS DANGEROUS". You dont know, you just made that part up because finding out means being dinner for some animal with a good chance.

Shit tests. Of course you dont do them on purpose. You do something without really thinking about it and dont actually want to test anymore. We either accept it or stand against it. If we accept it, we say "its okay for you to do that". Its like having a girl cheat on her boyfriend and then start a relationship with her. You TAUGHT her that cheating is okay if you upgrade later!
If we stand against it, we pass the shit test and take some subconscious bonus points for being a man.
Its really simple.. you take 45 minutes longer to dress up and we are going to be late for something. If I watch TV and play little puppy .. I tell you "its okay for you to do that" (and "I have no balls"). If I stand against it (even Mmsomethingguy"s extreme method of simply leaving), I tell you "No, I do not accept this behaviour". And standing up for yourself is alpha.
=> I just got more attractive and you dont even know why.

You dont run around thinking "Boah! That guy is so manly, he showed showed me that I cannot play games!", because you dont realize that he just became a little bit more attractive to you.
If you are talking to a man in a club and an attractive girl walks by you also speak louder (to keep his attention) and prolly never realized it and for sure didnt do it on purpose. Yet you are doing it.

Your main point is right, just like Mmsomethingguy"s main point (dont take shit, be a man). Some of the details might not be 100% correct, but as long as we are aware a women wrote it about women, we should be able to process it just fine. (And again, thank you, great posting that reminded me to pay more attention to those little things!)

ps: I gotta sleep and have no time to proofread my wall of text or add a structure... sorry. And will prolly be without a computer the next days, leaving country.
Inconsiderable"s not wildly off the mark. Here"s another anecdote, I hope it"s instructive:

Started dating a girl a good while after just hanging out with her quite a bit. I have body language which is often difficult to read. This particular female was specifically trained to read body language, any natural ability to do so and consciously interpret it correctly set aside.

One of these traits of mine is the fact that when I"m having conversations with people, I have a tendency to look elsewhere more often than not. This is normally interpreted as a partial disinterest, but my management of the conversation made it obvious that she had my attention while my body language said something else. This was fascinating to her while she was unsure if I was actually interested in her (and, in fact, part of the reason she was unsure).

Once we started seeing each other, this set of quirks started being a bit more of an issue for her, rather than a source of attraction.

On those stupid "Learn2beAPlaya" shows/guides whatever, they call this "negging." I don"t believe in doing it intentionally because I think that"s fucking manipulative. But it certainly does "work." Really I hate games in general, but they"re based on a psychology it"s good to understand.


He"s not far off base at all, although his "methods", in my opinion, apply more toward a younger couple. I give my opinions as an older person, a parent, and someone very committed to her relationship/family.

I do agree (to an extent) with the alpha male thing. But as far as "games", it"s fair to say you have your own games as well, if that"s how they"re going to be labeled.

Women are NO different than men in the way we love "the chase" as much as men do. I think what keeps the "heavy" interest (for lack of a better word) is a certain level of fear that he may/will walk if you pull any shit, if you"re jealous, psycho, etc. I have been called out on being insecure and too quiet in my past and I respected that. I appreciated the option to work on myself rather than get ditched or given up on.

So I do agree it"s good to keep us on our toes, but I don"t agree with teasing. It"s very easy to go overboard and have her ending up insecure and wondering if you meant what you joked about.

Also, I don"t think what I gave insight on ALONE will keep your relationship solid, it"s more like monthly maintenance. ;p
I thought it was pretty common sense stuff but you know what they say about common sense.

Definitely if you think you can ride indefinitely on random hugs, compliments, and acknowledgements of her in various ways you"re not going very far.

[Edit] Ravv post, common sense, for clarity.