Girls who broke your heart thread

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I"m really not a fan of this movie but every man should watch this scene. Women too, so they understand how fucking crazy this shit is and maybe try to avoid it.

[Edit] Also according to hip hop I"m not supposed to like Rosie Perez.
I say "That sucks" and "Holy shit, really?" and "The fuck he did?" and "I hate that shit" and such. Then again, I"m one of those rare idiots that actually listens when his girl rants, so I can actually relate or pretend like I"m relating. It helps that my girlfriend isn"t actually crazy and when she rants about stuff, she actually has good shit to rant about. And she loves to hear me curse when she"s pissed off.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah my current GF doesn"t rant that often but I still feel like I"m not sure what to do when she does. I listen to what she says but I"m also a fixer. I offer solutions and counterpoints; none of which she seems to want. Maybe she really does just want the "Oh yea, that sucks." "Uh huh" "What a bitch!" responses. She even called me back (she was waiting for maintainence at her apartment -- she called me after he came) saying thanks for just letting her vent.


Trakanon Raider
So, in retrospect, pretty much the end of my friendship (and benefits) with my closest friend over the last few years came because of that "calling to bitch" crap. She was visiting family in New York and had told me before that she hated translating for her family all the time (they"re hispanic). Yeah, well, one night before she came back, there was some domestic problem involving cops and she called me up stressed out..."and guess who had to do all the translating?"

In this situation, apparently the correct thing to say is NOT "They should really learn English, huh?" I don"t know if it was a straw that broke the camel"s back, but we"ve never been the same since. It took forever to figure out what her problem was after she got back from New York, but I eventually traced it back to that stupid little comment from me trying to empathise.

So, NOT try to fix their problems unless they specifically ask you for help. "I don"t know what to do" and "What should I do?" do not count as them asking. They"re saying that more to themselves and don"t actually want an answer in that moment.
I"m horrible with this because I have this innate need to fix anything broken. The things that make you great at problem solving (i.e. deductive reasoning) in school and work make you absolutely horrendous with relationships.
Women just need to realize that men are like dogs: we"re most happy when we"re being useful. Presenting us with problems we"re not allowed to solve in any way is doing the opposite of that.

Best bet as a man is to show sympathy and only then apply either fixes or just talk her through it. Then you get to be helpful and not mess with crazy female psychology. Of course, if you have one of those girls who"s just going nuts talking about her catty girlfriends, consider where you might have gone wrong in life.

[Edit] Also recognize "just venting" time. People of both genders do this and the approach is pretty easy: listen in an engaged fashion and you"ve done your job.
Reminds me: I dated a girl who would write things on her hands throughout the day. One hand was just general notes. The other hand was the hate list. People who pissed her off went on the left hand. So in afternoons/evenings when I got to talk to her, I"d ask her about her left hand. If nothing went on there, she had a pretty good day. Otherwise I"d get to hear about evil people. Was convenient and easy for me to be proactive about and really minimized the whole thing.

Of course, she was great in that, if I told her about someone who was pissing me off, she"d immediately start asking about their psychological weaknesses and how she might assist in attacking them, especially if it was a female. I really appreciate that kind of feral loyalty.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Djaypally said:
In this situation, apparently the correct thing to say is NOT "They should really learn English, huh?" I don"t know if it was a straw that broke the camel"s back, but we"ve never been the same since. It took forever to figure out what her problem was after she got back from New York, but I eventually traced it back to that stupid little comment from me trying to empathise.
Here"s a hint. Trying to empathize was the not the problem with that statement.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Ravvenn said:
She knows all of that. They even provide him with extra money and a small place to stay in the event of marital problems / divorce. She wouldn"t tell on him, I"m pretty sure he"s put fear into her to prevent that from ever happening. He drives a brand new Hummer. She has an older VW bug that has a broken heater, this is what she takes her kids to school in (they"re in the Midwest). She asked to use his car the other day to take one kid to the doctor, he told her to fix the heater herself. :O I know he"s a Sergeant, and he has some important ranking. I"m kind of a military retard, though. She"d mentioned having to leave out details in counseling, like when he pushed her, because since it"s the therapist provided through the military, they"d have to report it which would get him in big trouble for any type of physical violence so she never told them.
Adultery is illegal in the military, but so is domestic violence.


Older Korean girl backstory:
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:Here"s a question in return Ravvenn (and Alcestis if she"s still alive), though I certainly contributed nothing to your dilemma besides "I won"t judge if you just abandon her":

I met this Korean girl on a hike about a month ago who is, based on estimates of work and travel history, somewhere between 32 and 36 years old. I"m 26. She"s SUPER sexy, fun, etc, and quite a bit younger acting than her age. She knew my friend so I ended up talking to her quite a lot and had no actual thoughts about getting together because of the large age difference. But recently I"m starting to think it might be worth my while to make something happen based on her actions.

Brief history/reasoning for my consideration:
-after the trip (~1 month ago) we were parting ways with everyone, me leaving before her, and she ran up to me 5 min later to make sure we exchange fb info, in way that seemed so eager and essential that it really caught my eye
-I sort of dropped her some bait about a fake promise she made to me to teach me to make some specific Korean food. I presented it jokingly and made no request for her #. At the end I said, "There"s no purpose for the msg, just saying hi." Her response was "you are so funny, blah blah blah, here is my cell #, call me."
-I called her 4 days later, chit chatted for under 10 min, said bye. She called me 3 times in the following days, the first 2 I missed, but in the last I said lets get dinner. and she agreed.
-2 days before the time, the group we are both a part of had a small dinner, so she suggested we go to that, but meet early so we can hang out beforehand.
-When we met, she wrapped her arm through mine as we walked, and did a lot of touching and slapping when I teased her.
-She continues to call or txt me much more than I do her.

-She"s anywhere from 6-9 years older than me, based on estimates. I generally assume a girl is never interested in younger guys, but my history here has sorta proven otherwise
-While my ex is 32 and the last Korean I hooked up with was 31, I got overcocky with older girls, then got brutally shot down by the 30yr old Korean teacher I had. That really made me check whether I was way overcocky about being able to land older girls.
-She"s very playful with all people. This is why I ignored most of the things you"d normally take as signs that a girl is attracted to you. She"s a girl who will give most guys the wrong impression that they have a chance with her. This is probably the most important factor.

However, for the reason of the last hestitation listed, I had no real thoughts of trying to make something happen or think of her as anything more than a fun girl that would be good to see on future trips. Yet some of the things stick out like sore thumbs to me and make me think I should move on them. Ordinarily I wouldn"t trust my judgment because men are always biased to think a girl is into them, but I have one other girl I"m talking to also and have no real investment into trying to make something of this situation other than "if it is possible, it would be good."

So the question for the girls is, what might this girl actually be thinking in regards to me, and more importantly (because, as a guy I will try regardless of the answer to question #1), how do I go about making a move on someone significantly older than me? Most importantly and related to both questions: assuming she"s attracted, what role does she best want me to fill? Cocky young guy (established that quite strongly so far) to satisfy her carnal desires while she tries without success yet to find a husband? haha I"m being facetious.....but somewhat serious

I"ve been talking to the older Korean girl quite a bit lately. We"ll call her Demi for reasons that should be obvious. I set up something for Thursday, but I ended up bumping into her Tuesday.

Tuesday is sort of a guy"s night for a couple friends and me where we eat Korean BBQ and drink. This week my friend wanted to go to this wing place that has a special on Tuesday. The place also happens to be the same place this hiking group I"m in meets every Tuesday, so we bump into a few other guys I know. Demi had plans to meet them that night, so she showed up, so we had a pretty coincidental bump-in. We talked between groups a bit, but we were at adjacent tables so we spent most of the time talking within our respective groups.

After eating and a few beers, it"s time to go to my friend"s house to finish Bubble Bobble, the dumbest regular NES game ever. We wanted to just chill. But on the way out we bumped into Demi coming back from the bathroom and she asked where we were going. We told her, and she was really disappointed that I was leaving. Then she asked if she could come over (bold move, also slightly off-putting). I flat out told her no, because it was guy"s night, plus my friend is married and I didn"t wanna disturb his wife more. But she kept asking and asking so my friend decided to invite her over. So we left right away, and told her to call me when she was ready to come over (she couldn"t leave right away because it woulda been rude to her group).

(It is really strange to invite yourself over, but she is really assertive and always says what she wants, so it wasn"t that weird. Still slightly annoying, but given her personality and the fact that she WAS being straightforward, I can"t complain too much. )

Anyway, feeling that I pushed her away a bit too much, while we were in the cab to my friend"s place I sent her a text asking if she was coming over. I wanted to give her a little encouragement since I had basically told her she wasn"t welcome at my friend"s place. But then she called and said she can"t come anymore, for various reasons, so I said simply, "ok no problem, I"ll see you Thursday. Have a good night."

10 minutes later she called saying she"s on her way over.

For about the next hour we were all just drinking while my friend and I played Bubble Bobble and she watched. It"s kinda weird, because I really wanted this chick, but I couldn"t possibly have cared less that she was there. Tuesdays are sacred.

Around 11 we left, both quite drunk. I hadn"t made any kind of move besides some periodic touching that over time progressed to more intimate areas (start at forearm, move to upper arm, then back) while talking and joking. When we got in the stairwell I did my patented I"m-drunk-so-I-ignore-subtlety-and-caveman-push-her-against-the-wall-with-my-body-and-kiss-her. It worked magnificently and also got her really riled up. On the walk to get a cab I held her hand, and when we were getting in the cab I said "lets go to my place."

She obliged, and we got to my place and had sex. Drunk, dysfunctional, liquor-dick sex. I woke up in the morning to hungover, dysfunctional, hangover-dick sex. But it was good, and despite being mid-30s (I"m guessing 35), her body is fantastic.

It occured to me today that, at 26, the only Korean girls I"ve slept with are over 30.

I"m addicted to older girls now. I LOOOVE older girls. Everything has been simple and easy. The games are fewer, there is no battle between her conscience and her body in which you are the collateral damage ("oh yes, oh yes, OH WE HAVE TO STOP"), and they have been 100x more interesting than girls my age or younger.

The end.

And here"s a ridiculous thing: she told me she was so surprised when I kissed her. She"s basically been pursuing ME heavily, and she"s surprised when I reciprocate? Is this just a bold face lie, or is it, as I am slowly starting to believe, that I and most men actually understand women better than they understand themselves.

So many times I wonder "does she want me to kiss her?" yet is it true that she hasn"t even considered the possibility, even if she would happily kiss back?

Tenks said:
I"m not sure how to do exactly the opposite of this

In response to your question, when a girl is ranting you should, as everyone else said, be empathetic and don"t offer advice unless requested (regarding someone else"s statement, "what do you think?" IS the time you should offer advice...she should learn not to ask that if she doesn"t actually want advice, or else you"re enabling dumb female double-meanings).

I don"t think you should agree with her or give support unless you actually do agree. The best empathy is just restating what she said. "I hate my boss. I did all this work and x,y,z, and made him look good and he never mentioned my name to his boss" --> "It sounds like you are mad that he is taking credit for your work." Etc.

On the other hand, if she is complaining constantly and it is annoying or childish, simply being less involved in the conversation may be enough to hint about what you are thinking. Disagreeing with someone when they are mad or frustrated about the topic you disagree about is the absolute worst response you could possibly give, so using fewer words is a better way to convey your opinion.
When my girl starts complaining on the phone and I am bored by it, I just say "Ah" "Hmm" "Okay.." every minute or so, so she thinks im listening. If she stops talking I say something that fits in with whatever she said "Those idiots" "So unfair" and if I have really no clue at all what she was talking about I go with "And what happened next?"

Took me some time to get it right, but it works like a charm. The most important thing is to make noises like "Hmm" and "Ahh" so she thinks you are listening. If you stay silent while she talks, she will go "What did I just say?" and you are in trouble.

The Ancient_sl

It"s important toactuallylisten a reasonable portion of the time. Your woman probably isn"t stupid enough to think you are actuallylisteninglistening to her even when you are making those type of noises, but she"s sure to appreciate the effort if she knows that sometimes you do listen and engage to her pointless chatter(Yeah, she also probably knows that she"s ranting about shit that is completely uninteresting to you, that"s why you are winning points for your effort).


Why even talk on the phone at all ? I don"t think I"ve called my girlfriend once this entire month, but we send an ass load of texts.


I specifically remember the post he"s referring to. It"s actually a good idea. Why would I approve of this? This is why. It feels like complete shit when you"re trying to talk to the person you love and they"re blatantly ignoring you. They"re on the computer, saying "uh huh" and "yeah" to everything you say. You ask a question, that wasn"t yes or no and they STILL say, "yeah". That causes some massive problems and if it is a continuous problem, don"t end up surprised when she no longer visits you in the office or wants to talk to you anymore. Use the last few words, repeat them, whatever it takes to make her think you"re listening. It would be nice if you could take away the whole 3 minutes to listen and look at her and....actually listen, but that"s not likely - so fake it, I guess.

Regarding how to react to phone venting. I don"t know. I don"t do that, actually. I know I"ve tried to share things like a spat with another mom in our carpool and he basically took her side because I retorted to telling her to stfu. Mind you, for 2 months I"ve calmly put up with this lady always calling me and speaking down to me, bossing me around, and then bitching about my son "dissing" (her words) her son (her son is kind of obnoxious and my son doesn"t particularly enjoy hanging out with him). On this particular day, she called me saying something totally off base over a message her son relayed incorrectly. I"d asked him to tell the other kid that my son wouldn"t be home after school because they do homework at my house. Her son turned around and said I wanted her (his mom) to call the other persons house for me, and tell the other mom that my son wouldn"t be home.

She calls me going all psycho, "Am I your secretary now?" and then relays that message to me, so I told her, "Oh no, it wasn"t that at all. I just knew they"d ride together and thought he could let him know". She ignores that and keeps going off on me, how she has her own kids and makes her own calls, etc. Again, I"m like "I did not want anyone to call anyone. I just thought he could let him know in the car on the way to school, no big deal". She ignores what I said about ten more times and finally I snap and basically raised my voice saying, "COULD YOU PLEASE SHUT UP FOR A MINUTE AND LISTEN TO ME SAYING YOU WERE GIVEN THE WRONG MESSAGE. JESUS CHRIST." Then I said, "I"m so sick of you calling here nagging, I always do shit for you, I always drive on days you"re suppose to, I"ve been nothing but nice to you and you always talk to me like crap. I"m sick of it. Learn how to talk to people a little more kinder or don"t call my house again."

He basically said I was wrong to get angry and pretty much took the condescending chicks side.

She later apologized and then sent me all kinds of soup and medicine and stuff when I was sick to make up for it. So I got her a gift basket to say thanks for that stuff, and all"s well now. She"s never used that tone with me again, so something worked.

She"s one of those hyper-strict moms, the kids have to ask for drinks of water. I"m not that kind of a mom, I let the kids listen to their dirty ass rap songs in the car while she grounds her son for 4 weeks if she catches him listening to rap. I think it was her talking to me how she"s used to talking to her husband and children, and I don"t like being treated that way when it"s someone I"ve done tons of things for (when she"s sick, I demand to drive on her days and I took her to her PT after her surgery, I"ve kept her kids overnight when they go out although one time I needed a sitter she refused because her floors were dirty).

I realize that"s stupid, but I just wanted to vent. All you have to do is shut up and listen. Maybe we are being irrational, but if it"s enough to upset us, let us get it out and move on.

They like you enough and feel comfortable enough with you to share these stupid things with you. They picked you over their girlfriends, take it as a compliment.

I personally just share with girlfriends now, it"s clear he"s never going to take my side or NOT tell me I"m being dramatic, irrational, whatever.

I guess what I"m saying is you"re all fucked.


Trakanon Raider
arkk123 said:
Eomer why didn"t you tell anyone you were going to be on national tv?

Hulu - The Millionaire Matchmaker: Another Millionaire Kicked Out

What a creeper.
Hulu be all banned in Canada and shit. Cole"s Notes version?

Ravvenn said:
I guess what I"m saying is you"re all fucked.
Nah, I think it"s pretty simple. As half a dozen guys have said, just listen and make appropriate "uh-huh" sounds and if she specifically requests your opinion, give it. Otherwise just listen. I can get a good rant and rave up from time to time, and all I"m looking for is someone to listen to it and if not outright agree with me, at least give the impression they understand the situation or where I"m coming from.

Being that it"s coming from a female though, there"s a very high probability that whatever she"s ranting about is incredibly inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, even if it seems like it"s the end of the world to her. However pointing that out is a good way to get your eyes clawed out.

If anyone gives a shit (probability low?), met several pretty cool girls on my first ski bus trip last weekend. Unfortunately one isn"t from Edmonton, so no potential there. She did however manage to track me down on Facebook, so who knows. Another is one I"ve met before and had texted and not heard back from. As it turned out I"d had her wrong number, so we got that straightened out, will keep it around for future use. I"ve actually known her on and off for nearly 4 years now as she was on the first bus I did.

Third girl I did my usual dinner and a hockey game (fucking Leafs...) last night, and things went really well. Seems like a really cool chick, has her shit together, just finished nursing, and is cute as a button. Only downside is she talked a couple times about going traveling and/or not staying in Edmonton, but worrying about that kind of thing is a ways down the road. We"re separately going to the Banff/Canmore area this weekend with our own friends coincidentally, so we may meet up, otherwise I said we"d hang out next week. And actually I"m going to Canmore with Diane, but I think we"re just back to being friends again. Who knows.

Praise be unto the ski season!


Confirmed Male
Ravvenn said:
I specifically remember the post he"s referring to. It"s actually a good idea. Why would I approve of this? This is why. It feels like complete shit when you"re trying to talk to the person you love and they"re blatantly ignoring you. They"re on the computer, saying "uh huh" and "yeah" to everything you say. You ask a question, that wasn"t yes or no and they STILL say, "yeah". That causes some massive problems and if it is a continuous problem, don"t end up surprised when she no longer visits you in the office or wants to talk to you anymore. Use the last few words, repeat them, whatever it takes to make her think you"re listening. It would be nice if you could take away the whole 3 minutes to listen and look at her and....actually listen, but that"s not likely - so fake it, I guess.

Regarding how to react to phone venting. I don"t know. I don"t do that, actually. I know I"ve tried to share things like a spat with another mom in our carpool and he basically took her side because I retorted to telling her to stfu. Mind you, for 2 months I"ve calmly put up with this lady always calling me and speaking down to me, bossing me around, and then bitching about my son "dissing" (her words) her son (her son is kind of obnoxious and my son doesn"t particularly enjoy hanging out with him). On this particular day, she called me saying something totally off base over a message her son relayed incorrectly. I"d asked him to tell the other kid that my son wouldn"t be home after school because they do homework at my house. Her son turned around and said I wanted her (his mom) to call the other persons house for me, and tell the other mom that my son wouldn"t be home.

She calls me going all psycho, "Am I your secretary now?" and then relays that message to me, so I told her, "Oh no, it wasn"t that at all. I just knew they"d ride together and thought he could let him know". She ignores that and keeps going off on me, how she has her own kids and makes her own calls, etc. Again, I"m like "I did not want anyone to call anyone. I just thought he could let him know in the car on the way to school, no big deal". She ignores what I said about ten more times and finally I snap and basically raised my voice saying, "COULD YOU PLEASE SHUT UP FOR A MINUTE AND LISTEN TO ME SAYING YOU WERE GIVEN THE WRONG MESSAGE. JESUS CHRIST." Then I said, "I"m so sick of you calling here nagging, I always do shit for you, I always drive on days you"re suppose to, I"ve been nothing but nice to you and you always talk to me like crap. I"m sick of it. Learn how to talk to people a little more kinder or don"t call my house again."

He basically said I was wrong to get angry and pretty much took the condescending chicks side.

She later apologized and then sent me all kinds of soup and medicine and stuff when I was sick to make up for it. So I got her a gift basket to say thanks for that stuff, and all"s well now. She"s never used that tone with me again, so something worked.

She"s one of those hyper-strict moms, the kids have to ask for drinks of water. I"m not that kind of a mom, I let the kids listen to their dirty ass rap songs in the car while she grounds her son for 4 weeks if she catches him listening to rap. I think it was her talking to me how she"s used to talking to her husband and children, and I don"t like being treated that way when it"s someone I"ve done tons of things for (when she"s sick, I demand to drive on her days and I took her to her PT after her surgery, I"ve kept her kids overnight when they go out although one time I needed a sitter she refused because her floors were dirty).

I realize that"s stupid, but I just wanted to vent. All you have to do is shut up and listen. Maybe we are being irrational, but if it"s enough to upset us, let us get it out and move on.

They like you enough and feel comfortable enough with you to share these stupid things with you. They picked you over their girlfriends, take it as a compliment.

I personally just share with girlfriends now, it"s clear he"s never going to take my side or NOT tell me I"m being dramatic, irrational, whatever.

I guess what I"m saying is you"re all fucked.
My wife and I talk on the phone everyday on the way home from work, traffic tends to make it about a 90ish minute drive, so we talks for about 50 minutes or so. She vents on the phone then, because when we get home I want to relax watching Seinfeld or whatever, not listen to how something sucks for 50 minutes. It works out, I listen to her, she feels better, and I get to sit on my recliner when I get home and relax watching a few minutes of TV.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Holy crap you talk on the phone for almost an hour every day to your wife? You"re a better man than me I hate even talking on the phone to my GF for longer than 15 minutes.