Girls who broke your heart thread


Eomer said:
This will not work. If females can make a huge deal for a week out of not telling you that they"re pissed you left the toilet seat up or looked too long at a girl"s tits as she walked by, what makes you think they"ll be direct and up front about what"s wrong in a relationship? What makes you think that THEY even know what"s wrong?

I dunno, maybe that"s just been my personal experience in a similar situation and his girl will see the light and spill the beans. But what"s far more likely is that a) she herself hasn"t even consciously admitted to herself what"s wrong or b) even if she has, won"t be up front about it for god knows what reasoning.
You"re not guaranteed to get a response. You ARE guaranteed to get to say your peace (but don"t say it exactly like this...):
1) "despite your attempt to hide it/despite the fact that you"re unaware, I know something is wrong"
2) "by not telling me, you"re stringing me along and hurting me for your own personal gain. Ie, you want me in your life still for selfish reasons which is why you don"t want to make me think it"s over."

So even if you don"t get the truth, at least you get to call her out for being manipulative, even if it"s arguably subconscious. It"s nice for yourself to be able to say it aloud to her, and letting her know what your perspective on the situation is might lead to her stop being manipulative in regards to withholding information without clearly ending it.


Potato del Grande
Etwynn said:
You"re not guaranteed to get a response. You ARE guaranteed to get to say your peace (but don"t say it exactly like this...):
1) "despite your attempt to hide it/despite the fact that you"re unaware, I know something is wrong"
2) "by not telling me, you"re stringing me along and hurting me for your own personal gain. Ie, you want me in your life still for selfish reasons which is why you don"t want to make me think it"s over."

So even if you don"t get the truth, at least you get to call her out for being manipulative, even if it"s arguably subconscious. It"s nice for yourself to be able to say it aloud to her, and letting her know what your perspective on the situation is might lead to her stop being manipulative in regards to withholding information without clearly ending it.
Just stop posting bro. All your advice will do is make him sound like a clingy/whiny/desperate loser who doesn"t want to accept the fact that it"s over.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Wizardhawk said:
Just stop posting bro. All your advice will do is make him sound like a clingy/whiny/desperate loser who doesn"t want to accept the fact that it"s over.
You"re about the last person that should be telling anyone else to stop posting.


Eomer said:
This will not work. If females can make a huge deal for a week out of not telling you that they"re pissed you left the toilet seat up or looked too long at a girl"s tits as she walked by, what makes you think they"ll be direct and up front about what"s wrong in a relationship? What makes you think that THEY even know what"s wrong?

I dunno, maybe that"s just been my personal experience in a similar situation and his girl will see the light and spill the beans. But what"s far more likely is that a) she herself hasn"t even consciously admitted to herself what"s wrong or b) even if she has, won"t be up front about it for god knows what reasoning.
Pretty much this. Unless you require the emotional validation of closure by confronting her, its time to move on. "Break" for men is code for either 1) I am sick of dealing with your bullshit, but I want to come back once my bullshit stress system has had time to purge -OR- 2) I want to bang this other chick and come back to you afterwards without outright cheating on you. With women, its always code for "I want to trade up, but I prefer to keep you around as an emotional tampon/safety net until I am sure the new model pans out.", whether you can face that or not. The nicest girl in the world will rationalize this cruel calculous in her mind as your fault while she is stringing you along until she finds someone better. Worse, you will never get so much as an explanation or even conversation when the transition is complete and she is getting railed by her new boyfriend. You already have another woman in this thread telling you the exact same thing. Its over and the sooner you accept that, the sooner the healing can begin.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Drinsic said:
Tripamang, you told this cunt to shut the fuck up yet?
I confronted her Sunday night and she broke down saying that "break" wasn"t really the right word for what she wanted. She just wants space to figure out whats up with herself, I asked her specifically what that meant and what "space" would entail and she just said she didn"t know. I told her that wasn"t a fair thing to ask of me, and she needed to figure that out. I gave her two days to think about it then get back to me.

That"s basically tomorrow, so either we come to some sort of understanding that I don"t feel is me getting jerked around for nothing or we call it off. Since then she"s been the one initiating contact, so I kind of see that as this as potentially having a positive ending.

There really is more her to story that I haven"t been saying, she got out of an abusive relationship a few months before we met. She had been that in a couple years, and I had doubts about whether she was really ready to date again.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Fair warning, ultimatums don"t usually go over well with girls.

Especially if she was previously in an abusive relationship, it can come off very forceful.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
brekk said:
Fair warning, ultimatums don"t usually go over well with girls.

Especially if she was previously in an abusive relationship, it can come off very forceful.
I didn"t give her one, I just asked her to take a couple days to think about it and let me know.


The Big Mod
that was stupid, your chances of keeping her around would be a lot higher if you told her go fuck herself.

i can tell you"re a real clingy beta male type, girls are turned off by that pussy shit, that"s the reason she wants to be away from you.


privileged excrementlord
Haha, how the fuckdidhe manage that? Seriously though, this shit was at page 1424 on default settings, and now it"s 1422. wat


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Drinsic said:
Haha, how the fuckdidhe manage that? Seriously though, this shit was at page 1424 on default settings, and now it"s 1422. wat
Who uses default page settings? WAT


Bronze Knight of the Realm
A "break" is always code word for "I"m going to break up with you but I"m going to slowly pull off the band-aid."