GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


<Gold Donor>
If HBO is only making a couple mill profit off of their most popular series EVER, they should just hang it up. Seriously, if they aren't making money hand over fist off this series then what the fuck are they even doing.

They have also repeatedly stated 8 seasons, or 80 hours. None of us really know what they are going to do.
You think 200mil is a couple million?

200 mil a year is what it would take to pay the key actors 10x their current salary(a piddly 1-1.5mil per episode, far less than sitcom stars like seinfeld, friends, or BBT were/are bringing in for a far less demanding 30min per episode filming schedule) bringing the total cost to 260mil a season.

I don't know how much you think HBO makes or how much of that subscription revenue correlates from GoT but 260mil for 10 hours of television isn't going to happen ever. Fucking ever, ever. Sorry you are bad at math and finance and shit but give it up.


Buzzfeed Editor
I never said they should get paid 10 times what they make. You are very hostile and kind of a smarmy cocksucker, has anyone ever told you that?


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Extended debates about things that neither party has any way to know one way or the other are the dumbest kind of internet arguments.


<WoW Guild Officer>
You think 200mil is a couple million?

200 mil a year is what it would take to pay the key actors 10x their current salary(a piddly 1-1.5mil per episode, far less than sitcom stars like seinfeld, friends, or BBT were/are bringing in for a far less demanding 30min per episode filming schedule) bringing the total cost to 260mil a season.

I don't know how much you think HBO makes or how much of that subscription revenue correlates from GoT but 260mil for 10 hours of television isn't going to happen ever. Fucking ever, ever. Sorry you are bad at math and finance and shit but give it up.
$10m/epi, 20 shows at 30min each (22min each) $200m for 10 hours (7 1/3rd hours) seems about on par. That's for Friends though, not GoT.

Fuck, didn't ER cost like $12m during it's peak to shoot? 20 shows at 1hr (44min).

I can't imagine what Band of Brothers ($12.5m) or the Pacific ($18.5-$27m) had to do to get made... by HBO.

Extended debates about things that neither party has any way to know one way or the other are the dumbest kind of internet arguments.
This guy seems on the level.


Buzzfeed Editor
Extended debates about things that neither party has any way to know one way or the other are the dumbest kind of internet arguments.
No doubt. Beyond "none of us know what they are going to do" there is nothing to really say on the issue. Nothing of substance, anyway. But substance doesn't make a message board!


Murder Apologist
Filming has started with the Ireland unit, Melisandre has already tweeted a few pics out there from Ireland too (where the wall scenes have been shot). Some redditors have posted pics of an unarmored woman and man being escorted by Knights of the Vale, could be Darth Sansa and littlefinger or Brienne and Pod.

No word on Iceland or spanish scenes but the producers are super secretive about everything now since reddit sleuths are watching hotel bookings to see which actors are at which locations to dig up spoilers now. Specifically seeing Stannis in Iceland would mean a lot of ADWD scenes etc.



Nobody makes 1million per episode anymore. Only handful of actors have ever made that much and that was on extremely popular sitcoms that had tiny production budgets. They could afford to pay actors that much because they didn't need to spend money on anything else. A actor on GoT would be stupid to ask for that, especially since its an ensemble cast with a relatively short shooting schedule.


<Gold Donor>
$10m/epi, 20 shows at 30min each (22min each) $200m for 10 hours (7 1/3rd hours) seems about on par. That's for Friends though, not GoT.

Fuck, didn't ER cost like $12m during it's peak to shoot? 20 shows at 1hr (44min).
the final season(s) after multiple contract extensions for network TV shows with ad and syndication revenue. different all together. also about ER, that was the licensing cost not production cost.

I can't imagine what Band of Brothers ($12.5m) or the Pacific ($18.5-$27m) had to do to get made... by HBO.
Most expensive shows ever made. They were Mini-series co-financed by various production studios not just HBO. They also didn't only air on HBO.

If you think HBO is basically going to pay what it cost to to produce the pacific every year (after the 7th season) so some booknerds can get some extraneous characters and sub-plot arcs that only detract from the story then I don't know what to say.

edit: whatevs i'm done with this argument. I have to explain things to retards all day at work i'm not trying to bring my work home with me. You guys have fun, keep hope alive, shit in one hand wish in the other, etc.

I'm pretty sure I recall the showrunners saying they weren't going to be filming in Iceland this year. If they were it was just a few outdoor landscape style shots, so I don't think you'll see any actors in iceland and it doesn't mean shit about what the season has in store (hint: they aren't going to actually film combat scenes in 80' snow drifts, it'll be cgi). Iceland has historically been used for "north of the wall" scenes and we won't see any of that until season 6 when they do Winds of Winter.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I'm sure they all make it back easily with DVD sales for life, + whatever streaming royalties.

HBO also gets the majority cut of Game of Thrones merchandise from what I've read.
If I recall Rome got cancelled after 2 seasons because of production costs once the BBC pulled out. And because people are dopes and didn't deliver the huge ratings the show clearly deserved. Bitter? Yeah.

I'm still holding out hope that Big Vic Greyjoy isn't cut and that Ray Stevenson will get the part and will basically be Titus Pullo again.


Murder Apologist
Adaptation screenwriting at it's finest: how do you adapt hundreds of pages involving a marauding Greyjoy badass and his fleet of viking longships?

With 30 seconds of dialog...

bleh that's the only clip i can find...but they go on to discuss how they can cram all the unsullied and dothraki in the "stolen" mereenese ships.

Anyways, kinda waiting to see all those house greyjoy shirts reprinted with their new words, "I herd u liek ships".


Buzzfeed Editor
You think 200mil is a couple million?

200 mil a year is what it would take to pay the key actors 10x their current salary(a piddly 1-1.5mil per episode, far less than sitcom stars like seinfeld, friends, or BBT were/are bringing in for a far less demanding 30min per episode filming schedule) bringing the total cost to 260mil a season.

I don't know how much you think HBO makes or how much of that subscription revenue correlates from GoT but 260mil for 10 hours of television isn't going to happen ever. Fucking ever, ever. Sorry you are bad at math and finance and shit but give it up.
Warner was highly illustrative this year in their release in order to show up Netflix, the Economist had a ton of great articles on it. (Most expensive show, btw, was Rome--10 million an episode)

HBO made 4.2 Billion in Sub revenue (70% domestic), and 658 Million in DVD/Licensing sales (This is BEFORE their Amazon Prime deal, I expect this to jump significantly). Their total outlays for costs were 2.3 Billion--but of that, 856 Million came from original shows (produced by them, they also made several purchases listed separately) and sports licensing/broadcast fees. Now, I didn't dig too heavily into the report; just the articles, but I believe it's estimated that a large portion of their content revenue is from GoT sales on DVD; somewhere up around 30%, or more, which is crazy considering it's competing with ALL other HBO DVD sales.

I wouldn't be SO quick to discount 260 Million for a single year, they might lay it out if they can promote it correctly; the series is almost undoubtedly making much more money thanthatfor them. The big hurdle here would be if it's MORE than a year; if they have to invest 3 years in contracts, then that is a massive risk--even excellent projections can be completely wrong in terms of Sub numbers or viewership. Committing that much beyond one season could be disasterous if year 1 of 3 turns out to lampoon the next two. But a one yearspecialpromotion? It's possible. Likely? I'm not sure; HBO has been furiously diversifying its content preparing for the end of this meal ticket, so a lot of signs point to them wanting 7 (But again, if they can do a one season contract; even for that amount? You might be surprised.)...This all relies on a huge amount of factors, like how much viewership will go up, if subscription rates will continue to grow their 4% per year without their other primary Dramas (Boardwalk/True Blood, both ending this year). If it does, then, aside from Comedies and Sports, most of their sub weight, they will know, comes from GoT and that will be a no brainer for them.

Long and short, it's pretty silly to completely discount a Season 8; if 5 and 6 get more viewership,andSub revenue grows another 4% per year (Despite the loss of major brands)? Well, then a specially promoted "Series Finale" could be in the cards. But who knows, I just love to read about Hollywood accounting in my papers :p


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If I recall Rome got cancelled after 2 seasons because of production costs once the BBC pulled out..
Blame Doctor Who. Apparently the fire that killed a bunch of the Rome set was caused by the crew of Doctor Who filming there.

Long and short, it's pretty silly to completely discount a Season 8
Folks here are all about declarations about what absolutely will happen 100% for definite sure in and around this show and books. It's pretty much made these threads unreadable. You can't discuss things with these folks, they've decided their predictions are fact so there's no wiggle room. I barely skim now, and we all know my opinion is all that matters.

Running Dog_sl

Blame Doctor Who. Apparently the fire that killed a bunch of the Rome set was caused by the crew of Doctor Who filming there.
Nope, Rome had finished by that point, the BBC was just using the sets that they had helped pay for. Rome was cancelled purely because of the cost, it was one of the most expensive shows ever made, and the BBC was coming under increasing pressure to justify every penny it spent (so if you want to blame anyone, blame Rupert Murdoch who was trying to shut down the BBC website as competition for his paywall news plans


Musty Nester
Wait. Rome cost 10 millionan episode? HOLY SHITBALLS. I like me some Rome, but jesus christ I'm amazed that it lasted 2 entire seasons.

That's $10,000,000.00 or I guess for our BBC buddies ?3.000.000,00per. episode.

Our dollar is worthless. May God save the Queen. Cause he sure ain't doin shit for us.


Murder Apologist
More importantly Rome had ended on a better place than a third season would've done anyway. A third season was supposedly going to center on the Jewish uprising in Judea (they set this up in s2 with Timon's brother and the jewish rioting). Presumably we'd get also get Livia vs. Atia cat fights and Agrippa burgling Octavia's cervix on the side.

It would've been great fan service but it would've just been a half-assed intro to I, Claudius anyway, which Rome was basically a prequel to.