GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Wait. Rome cost 10 millionan episode? HOLY SHITBALLS. I like me some Rome, but jesus christ I'm amazed that it lasted 2 entire seasons.

That's $10,000,000.00 or I guess for our BBC buddies ?3.000.000,00per. episode.

Our dollar is worthless. May God save the Queen. Cause he sure ain't doin shit for us.
It's actually 5.940 Million in pounds sterling. The exchange rate is hovering around 1.7 USD to 1 GPB. Still crazy, but not the 3.3 USD to 1 GPB ratio you have
. I'm not trying to be an ass, I have had to study up on the exchange rate since I'm going to be trying to import board games to the EU through .

EDIT: Fuck the VAT. That is all.

Mudcrush Durtfeet

Hungry Ogre
Not all the actors started with season one, they could do an eight season more easily than later ones because of this. And a fair number of the season one actors' characters are deceased.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
All the major actor roles in the show have been there since S1: Stark kids (except Rickon, but who gives a shit), Jaime+Cersei, Dany, Tyrion. Heck, even the supporting stuff (Jorah, Varys, Littlefinger, Theon, HODOR).

Tiny role #10 isn't what gets the money, it's the major characters who are completely integral to the story. You can't recast Arya or Jaime or Tyrion without people flipping their shit.


Trakanon Raider
More importantly Rome had ended on a better place than a third season would've done anyway. A third season was supposedly going to center on the Jewish uprising in Judea (they set this up in s2 with Timon's brother and the jewish rioting). Presumably we'd get also get Livia vs. Atia cat fights and Agrippa burgling Octavia's cervix on the side.

It would've been great fan service but it would've just been a half-assed intro to I, Claudius anyway, which Rome was basically a prequel to.
Well, season 2 was very obviously compressed (see Pullo's wife being pregnant for years). It should have been split into two seasons, with a proper season 2 dealing with the fallout of Caesar's death and the war vs. Brutus and Cassius, and then season 3 being the schism between Octavian and Mark Antony.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I wonder how strong HBO's negotiating position would be since each character gets such little actual screentime per season. Season 3 Tyrion was on screen the most by a wide margin and he was only there1 hour and 10 minutes 38 seconds total. Next highest was Dany at 50 minutes.

Season 4 it's even less,56 minutes total for Tyrion as the highest and only 7 characters over a half hour total(2 of them now dead).As integral as all these characters are it's got to hurt your position a bit to have such low screentime. It's got to be easy to argue someone down from a million+ an episode when they are on screen for less than 6 minutes a week.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm sure they could take that stance, but at the end of the day it comes down to "If you don't play ball, I walk...and recasting isn't going to fly".

This show doesn't go past 7 seasons. Besides, do we REALLY want it to? If you chop the fat from Martin's books, the core story isn't that sweeping. People need to understand that cutting in adaptations isn't a bad thing, otherwise you get stuff like the new Hobbit trilogy.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Whats wrong with 7 seasons of GoT? Maybe it'll move the story along to a conclusion rather than foundering for 2 whole fucking books of no action. Yea, yea, some things have happened. But all the big families are in basically the same shape they were at the end of SoS.


Trakanon Raider
People need to understand that cutting in adaptations isn't a bad thing, otherwise you get stuff like the new Hobbit trilogy.
That is a terrible example. The hobbit is like 80 pages long and would easily make one movie with no cuts. The fiasco of the trilogy is pure greed, they have been inventing shitloads of filler to pad it out.

GoT is more like deciding to do Lord of the rings and then after the first movie wrap it up in single one hour movie because most of the second and third book is boring anyway.

It might be awesome anyway, seems a shame though. Of course lots of TV series outstay their welcome and ruin their legacy ( see heroes ) so you never can tell for sure I guess.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Point being is that if you stretch for the sake of stretching (ie, for the money), your story suffers. Martin himself is guilty of this...books 4 and 5 are chock full of filler. I don't want GoT to go away, heck if they could go forever that would be awesome. But I would rather see it have solid season after solid season vs. degenerating into mediocre shit that virtually every TV series that goes on too long becomes.

To ironically quote~



<Gold Donor>
Why on earth anyone would want this to go more than 7 seasons is beyond me. Say they find the money to make it happen, the show sits on the edge of profitability, they start filming the extraneous filler, viewership tanks and it gets cancelled. Grats you never get the ending. Maybe HBO out of the goodness of their hearts gives them half a season "miniseries" to rush an ending out.

I mean, I dunno about you but im not exactly betting on a 300+ lb 4'11" 60+ year old to make it to 80 so he has enough time to finish the novels.


Millie's Staff Member
I mean, I dunno about you but im not exactly betting on a 300+ lb 4'11" 60+ year old to make it to 80 so he has enough time to finish the novels.
its best to just not think about the next book taking forever. this way when/if this series ever gets completed you wont be so agitated it took so long. when stephen king started his Dark Tower series i had to wait some godawfully long time for the next book to come out.
The Gunslinger (1982)
The Drawing of the Three (1987)
The Waste Lands (1991)
Wizard and Glass (1997)
Wolves of the Calla (2003)
Song of Susannah (2004)
The Dark Tower (2004)
and keep in mind that wizard and glass was mostly prequel and the story barely moved an inch along.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
George Lopez explained the seven seasons thing on Howard stern earlier this year and it has everything to do with syndication. The actors know after that the studio will make money hand over fist so everyone renegotiates their contracts and goes for as much money as they can. He said something like everyone hires an accountant to go through he shows numbers and figure out how much the show will make in syndication and then just demand a huge amount and it usually works when all the actors holdout together.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
it usually works when all the actors holdout together.
According to the experts at it never works because the studios always just cancel the show when this happens, making it a totally awesome strategy for the actors to all be out of a job.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There's literally never been a show that went more than 7 seasons. Except for7th Heaven, but they only managed that because they held the entire cast's families hostage and killed their dogs.

edit: I oops a word


privileged excrementlord
Leak transcripts of the contract negotiations and let the nerd threats do your work for you.


Musty Nester
There's literally never been a show that went more than 7 seasons. Except for7th Heaven, but they only managed that because they replaced held the entire cast's families hostage and killed their dogs.
7th Heaven best show ever.

When I see their smiling faces, looking up at me!