GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Yeah mist is right here. Danny was a bitch from get go and some people here made some good criticism of her about that. There is literally zero decision that she makes which leads to positive outcome. Danny has some of the best plot armour in the series like...I dunno...dragons...
Danny wins with magic 100% of the time.

I dunno where this myth of Dany being a good queen comes from. She is a terrible ruler.
Books are also much clearer about Dany being at best a brat, at worst evil.

Battle of the Bastards is the pivotal episode of the entire series. In it, we see Jon, literally being buried alive under a pile of bodies, deep in the trenches fighting for the North. In the exact same episode, Dany is a Disney princess who rides around on a dragon that magically burns away all of her problems and destroys the Masters' fleet.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Except he didn't get dumber. The writers just arbitrarily decided his shit would start going wrong, and also start blaming him for shit that clearly wasn't his fault (like Olenna being betrayed by her bannermen, or Euron's teleporting fleet)
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Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I think the show is actually staying pretty true to the characters, it's just that the plot sequencing leaves little room for surprises or interesting plot. They're doing a very fast color-by-numbers job at this point, and rushing characters to the end of their arcs, which aren't really arcs at all, since almost no one really changed through the entire series, except Tyrion who just somehow got dumber over 8 seasons.

I agree with this, and you are right that Dany was never wise. She was innocent and good at the beginning, but she's gotten more and more ruthless and power hungry as the series progressed. Jorah telling her "I can't believe that you're real" might have been a clue way back when that she really wasn't.

This story is just way too complicated to tie up all the plotlines in six episodes. Especially when we're all expecting at least half of them to be crazy visual spectacles. They had a hell of a lot of boxes to check in a short period of time.
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Canuckistani Terrorist
Stolen off reddit, title of post and giphy, laughed cause it's true:

Cersi All Season:
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I agree with this, and you are right that Dany was never wise. She was innocent and good at the beginning, but she's gotten more and more ruthless and power hungry as the series progressed. Jorah telling her "I can't believe that you're real" might have been a clue way back when that she really wasn't.

This story is just way too complicated to tie up all the plotlines in six episodes. Especially when we're all expecting at least half of them to be crazy visual spectacles. They had a hell of a lot of boxes to check in a short period of time.
It is very interesting that in the show, in Essos, we see Dany almost entirely through Jorah's eyes. She seems as magical as he believes her to be, and though him we believe his mythology about her. As soon as she gets to Westeros she becomes more and more of a Targaryen.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I agree with this, and you are right that Dany was never wise. She was innocent and good at the beginning, but she's gotten more and more ruthless and power hungry as the series progressed. Jorah telling her "I can't believe that you're real" might have been a clue way back when that she really wasn't.

This story is just way too complicated to tie up all the plotlines in six episodes. Especially when we're all expecting at least half of them to be crazy visual spectacles. They had a hell of a lot of boxes to check in a short period of time.
she was "innocent and good" for like 1/3 of the first episode. her own brother tells her that he'd let the entire dothroki run a train on her if it meant he would get his kingdom back. which leads to dany being pretty ruthless pretty quickly. honestly, up until she gets married off, she had NO ONE but her brother her entire life. they were running around essos, just the two of them. homeless, begging for scraps... i'm not saying viserys didn't deserve it, he did. but dany had NO remorse about killing her childhood.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Do you even remember what Viserys did that got him killed?
honestly, only vaguely. like i said, he definitely deserved it. my point isn't that he did or didn't deserve it. my point is that she wasn't "a young and innocent girl"


Mr. Poopybutthole
honestly, only vaguely. like i said, he definitely deserved it. my point isn't that he did or didn't deserve it. my point is that she wasn't "a young and innocent girl"

What exactly did she do to Viserys after he threatened to murder her and her unborn son other than stand back and let Drogo kill him?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
It is very interesting that in the show, in Essos, we see Dany almost entirely through Jorah's eyes. She seems as magical as he believes her to be, and though him we believe his mythology about her. As soon as she gets to Westeros she becomes more and more of a Targaryen.

one of the things that really frustrated me about the show is that there just hasn't been given any time for these characters to breath. like, no one has the time to sit down with dany and be like, listen... here's the problem... in essos everyone loved you because you were promising all these down and out people a place in your new kingdom. you were going to sail across the ocean and march across westeros and displace everyone that doesn't swear fealty and replace them with all your new essos friends. OF COURSE they love you.

but now you come over here and are surprised when the people you are making demands and threats to don't immediately fall in love with you? like, has NO ONE taught you foreign policy?


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
she was "innocent and good" for like 1/3 of the first episode. her own brother tells her that he'd let the entire dothroki run a train on her if it meant he would get his kingdom back. which leads to dany being pretty ruthless pretty quickly. honestly, up until she gets married off, she had NO ONE but her brother her entire life. they were running around essos, just the two of them. homeless, begging for scraps... i'm not saying viserys didn't deserve it, he did. but dany had NO remorse about killing her childhood.

There was some of it left when she was freeing the slaves but it's true that she was capable of or at least learning how to be a cold blooded killer even early in the series. I wonder if she's going to burn Tyrion now for letting Jamie go.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
What exactly did she do to Viserys after he threatened to murder her and her unborn son other than stand back and let Drogo kill him?

like i said, i don't remember exactly what happened because that was 8 years ago. that being said, there was a pretty dramatic power shift where viserys was the one who had the power, then dany becomes khaleesi, and when viserys tries to demonstrate his power, she humiliates him. "next time you raise a hand against me will be the last time you have hands." then she (or someone, i don't remember) makes viserys walk everywhere when everyone else is on horseback, equating him to the authority level of a slave. they called him khal of the carts or something like that.

again. viserys absolutely deserved it. that's not what this is about. it's about dany becoming ruthless at a very young age. we've basically always known her to be ruthless.
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Trakanon Raider
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
All of you trying to justify Danys actions but they still make no fucking sense. Even if she is a bad ruler you don’t go apeshit after you finally win the throne you have longed for your entire life. Shit is dumb, those of you trying to warp your minds to make it fit need to accept it’s shitty writing.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
All of you trying to justify Danys actions but they still make no fucking sense. Even if she is a bad ruler you don’t go apeshit after you finally win the throne you have longed for your entire life. Shit is dumb, those of you trying to warp your minds to make it fit need to accept it’s shitty writing.

it's hilarious people debating character motives as if there's any sort of actual writing on this show
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
There was some of it left when she was freeing the slaves but it's true that she was capable of or at least learning how to be a cold blooded killer even early in the series. I wonder if she's going to burn Tyrion now for letting Jamie go.

i would have REALLY liked more nuance with her character. she's the breaker of chains, but why. i mean we can infer a whole lot about why she hates slavery so much but i don't actually remember being told BY HER why she's so against it. i'm totally okay with some inconsistencies here and there because in real life, people are inconsistent. but the show always felt like it was being heavy handed about dany's violence being warranted. what she did to the guy selling her the unsullied is a perfect example and i've brought it up before.

the unsullied are basically slave labor. they were "programmed" through torture and all that to obey their master at all cost. this is extremely problematic, obviously. so we don't feel BAD when dany kills the salesman. that being said, what she didn't wasn't morally acceptable either. it was just MORE acceptable because the dude was a sleazy car salesman of people.

dany operates in shades of grey and that's fine if she and the people around her are aware of it. i mean, ned being UNWILLING to operate in any gray areas is basically what started this whole thing. but like mist pointed out, everything happening in essos is almost through the lens of people who love her, so everything she does is absolutely justified regardless of the fallout that would ACTUALLY occur (and probably has in mereen. if you kill the people in power, the power doesn't just spread around evenly. it creates a vacuum and creates more violence from people scrambling to fill that void before someone else does).

i would TOTALLY be okay with dany and her crew KNOWING that's what she does and being happy with it. but they all think she's just been peachy all these years


Potato del Grande
At least her opinion is completely accurate.

Except it's not. Last I checked Game of Thrones was not a social commentary on how all women behave and/or think. Nor was it meant to be a representation of what Women Sexuality means, or how a person responds to being raped (in the case of Sansa).

People need to grow tf up and realize this is a television and its a story. These characters can make mistakes, have bad beliefs, say/do dumb shit, and it doesn't mean its suddenly looked at as Moses come down the mountain with Stone tablets of what is right/wrong and who you are are a person.

Can we fucking stop using movies, TV, music, etc to define who we are? This generation is the most offended, whiney, politically correect bunch of pansies I've ever seen.

No. Game of thrones is not responsible for defining your gender or who you are as a person. If you need validation from TV for what is right and wrong, you need therapy.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
All of you trying to justify Danys actions but they still make no fucking sense. Even if she is a bad ruler you don’t go apeshit after you finally win the throne you have longed for your entire life. Shit is dumb, those of you trying to warp your minds to make it fit need to accept it’s shitty writing.

is anyone trying to justify anyone's motives anymore? there were obviously a few characters that were going one way, then seemed to change direction sort of out of nowhere, and before we knew what was really going on, i think certain ideas were interesting in how they could be legitimately explained...

but now it's pretty clear that the writers put the ending together first, then just had to force everyone into whatever final position they needed to be in to make that ending work


Silver Baronet of the Realm
We all know the majority of posters here have read the spoilers and know how this ends, given that this has been hot garbage, it's going to be hard to figure out how to handle spoilers on posts here. It's going to generate a lot of reports and already is. At this point I really don't want to go edit 20 of your posts. Please let's chill on predictions in general, at this point it makes you no more prophetic than guessing which number the count on sesame street was going to say next.
three. he was going to say three. ah ah ahhhh
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