Gravy's Cooking Thread


<Silver Donator>
Lanx Lanx behold my non-plating power!

Ended up making palomillia. Cuban fish of marinated steak, with lots of lime, cumin, garlic, oregano.grilled onions, and rice & beans. Haven't made it in a long time, but still have the marinade down.




First time I've grilled anything in a few weeks due to stomach issues, but it was a nice treat, even if the price of skirt steak will want to make you puke.
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A solid answer to most vegetables is steamer basket + instant pot + 0-3 minute pressure cook (depending on the vegetable and where on the soft/crunchy spectrum you're aiming for) followed by a quick steam release. A bit on the plain side compared to other ways of cooking but it's really quick and simple. I think I normally do 2 minutes for brussels sprouts and they come out great. Roasting them with olive oil and seasoning/toppings is tastier but a fair bit more work.

I always roast them with a soy/honey/sriracha/etc. glaze. Shits great.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Was at a farm market that is a ways away from home, but they usually have deals on fish. Meat and veg that if your stocking up - save.

Was there is re-try a prime rib roast… i was not satisfied with my last, they had bone in ribeye 9.99lb, so that was my goal…

Once there, they had “local Wagyu strip - 18.99” so besides a chuck roast, chicken breast and thighs and some ground beef 80-20 for 4$ i got 2 of these “Wagyu” NY Strips.

I have had Kobe and Wagyu before… never any of the A5 crazy insane stuff though… but this was the first time it had that more than normal buttery beef flavor - was impressed and happy. Was a basic 5min per side on the grill. Nice rare plus, wife i did additional 2-3 side flips after the 5 and it was perfect medium.

Where in Florida are they breeding these cows lol
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<Silver Donator>
Was at a farm market that is a ways away from home, but they usually have deals on fish. Meat and veg that if your stocking up - save.

Was there is re-try a prime rib roast… i was not satisfied with my last, they had bone in ribeye 9.99lb, so that was my goal…

Once there, they had “local Wagyu strip - 18.99” so besides a chuck roast, chicken breast and thighs and some ground beef 80-20 for 4$ i got 2 of these “Wagyu” NY Strips.

I have had Kobe and Wagyu before… never any of the A5 crazy insane stuff though… but this was the first time it had that more than normal buttery beef flavor - was impressed and happy. Was a basic 5min per side on the grill. Nice rare plus, wife i did additional 2-3 side flips after the 5 and it was perfect medium.

Where in Florida are they breeding these cows lol
Got to remember to share photos with us. That way we can live vicariously through other people eating nice meals, Plus I might learn how to make a better dish for our loved ones.


Avatar of War Slayer
I dont photo food well…

I dont live in an instagram house…

So like, yeah I usually dont take food pictures that anyone wants to see lol.

There is the roast that was over done… the steak does not look like the done-ness of what it was.

Of the two strips, this one had the “segments” while the other was all “one”

Again just normal plates… normal eating, i dont plate or picture well


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<Silver Donator>
I dont photo food well…

I dont live in an instagram house…

So like, yeah I usually dont take food pictures that anyone wants to see lol.

There is the roast that was over done… the steak does not look like the done-ness of what it was.

Of the two strips, this one had the “segments” while the other was all “one”

Again just normal plates… normal eating, i dont plate or picture well
Prime rib wise, I'm looking at the first photo, and looks pretty good to me. Looks like you got a good crust too.

What did you eat with it? I think I only ever get to enjoying prime rib once a year during the holidays or something.
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My mother in law makes prime rib at Christmas so i was wanting that…

We used her dry brine, seasoning- thyme - garlic - salt -pepper in olive oil - all around - then wrapped and sit in the fridge a day.

She then pointed us to roast perfect app.

But it just didn’t hit like hers…

Steak today was with sea scallops and asparagus - the rib roast will be with baked potatoes and a little wine sauce for shrooms and onions.
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<Silver Donator>
My mother in law makes prime rib at Christmas so i was wanting that…

We used her dry brine, seasoning- thyme - garlic - salt -pepper in olive oil - all around - then wrapped and sit in the fridge a day.

She then pointed us to roast perfect app.

But it just didn’t hit like hers…

Steak today was with sea scallops and asparagus - the rib roast will be with baked potatoes and a little wine sauce for shrooms and onions.
Hard to beat a little surf and turf. I don't think I've had scallops on a good while. I think I might need to see if I can find them on sale.

I've been wanting boiled shrimp or shrimp scampi or something of shrimps lately. I just don't think we've done any seafood in a long time, and I think that's suspended because my stomach has been home screwed up.

If I could do I need seafood every week.
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Avatar of War Slayer
I love seafood, but 1lb of seafood does not fill me up like 1lb of red meat… chicken and others are in the middle.

So, I like seafood as a “side” and just enjoy it, not for it to be the filling thing…

I can also eat less lol
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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I love seafood, but 1lb of seafood does not fill me up like 1lb of red meat… chicken and others are in the middle.

So, I like seafood as a “side” and just enjoy it, not for it to be the filling thing…

I can also eat less lol
Any seafood? shellfish vs crustacean vs fish? A nice salmon fillet can be quite filling. Mackerel is also awesome.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Just had Salmon last night, baked salmon with lemon pepper- squash and zucchini. It was very good, but still not very filling overall. I just need ozempic or something lol

Haven’t had mackerel in a while.
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<Silver Donator>
Any seafood? shellfish vs crustacean vs fish? A nice salmon fillet can be quite filling. Mackerel is also awesome.
I don't think I've ever had mackerel. It's an oilier fish, right? I know it's pretty popular in Europe or at least the Mediterranean.


Avatar of War Slayer
Talking about mackerel triggered something and I didn’t remember until now…

There is this place where my parents took me once, during some trip- they smoked fish and their fish spread was the absolute best and it was mackerel.

They were on diners and dives once… fish spread was so good just saying mackerel pinged something that i just kinda recalled.

Edit: just googled diners and dives smoked fish -

Edit edit: maybe its trout… i thought mackerel - eh whatever it was awesome… wish i had a trip over there :(
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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I don't think I've ever had mackerel. It's an oilier fish, right? I know it's pretty popular in Europe or at least the Mediterranean.
Yes, mackerel is pretty oily. It's eaten in Asian countries as well. My mother in law will make some and send it over on occasion, little bit of salt and throw it on a pan. It's very rich, we typically eat it with a little rice and an easy salad. The kids with use the little seaweed sheets and make little wraps, adults will have kimchi on the side. Simple and delicious.
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<Silver Donator>
Yes, mackerel is pretty oily. It's eaten in Asian countries as well. My mother in law will make some and send it over on occasion, little bit of salt and throw it on a pan. It's very rich, we typically eat it with a little rice and an easy salad. The kids with use the little seaweed sheets and make little wraps, adults will have kimchi on the side. Simple and delicious.
Sounds like something I'd enjoy. There's not a lot of different fish that I don't care for.

I wish I could still find shark. Growing up my mom used to buy it all the time because it was cheap but meaty like swordfish or tuna. I just haven't found it anywhere. Used to be able to get it for a couple bucks a pound at HEB, and I would buy it all the time to cook it for friends or family. I don't know what species it was maybe black tip.

I think the last time I had it was I had gone fishing in shore with my brother and we caught some bonnet heads along with a handful of other different fish, and out of everything the bonnet head was easily my favorite when throwing on the grill. Had almost a lemony taste, but the texture is wonderful. I think the one we cooked up was only two and a half 3 ft long, so nothing huge.

Were there a bunch of regulations or something that clamped down people selling shark? Last I heard is they're becoming a nuisance again.


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Two of the first things I made from Chef JP were desserts - the raspberry white chocolate crème brule is awesome - but i have had cream brule before- and while good … the Wnd was crème caramel - i had never had till i made them.

So, had some cream and other stuff that needed to be used…

So so good.

Edit: last time i made it i made the caramel to the darker mahagony he says - there was a slight burn flavor to me, so this time i did it lighter, and i liked it better.

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<Silver Donator>
Hardcore French compound butter, but used with bread for an accoutrement. Little surprised but if you had great bread, or homemade crackers, can't see why it wouldn't work.

All flavors that work together. Probably a very old recipe, and I think that's why I enjoy his channel so much.

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Mr. Poopybutthole
Hardcore French compound butter, but used with bread for an accoutrement. Little surprised but if you had great bread, or homemade crackers, can't see why it wouldn't work.

All flavors that work together. Probably a very old recipe, and I think that's why I enjoy his channel so much.

get out of here with that counterfeit JP
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<Silver Donator>
get out of here with that counterfeit JP
Hey now he's a legitimate badass French chef. I can have one of is cookbooks somewhere. I just enjoy his channel because it's super simple and quick, and he's normally just making a meal for himself and his wife for lunch or something.

I think some of the deals maybe clips though from old episodes that used to air on some TV show maybe, and they just get trickled out.

I guarantee you JP probably has the utmost respect for Pepin, and probably vice versa. I can enjoy multiple French culinary Masters, but I also know you're just trying to bust my balls...😉

I just haven't ever seen a big compound butter made like that and I used as an appetizer. I'm sure if I go into the Escoffier Bible, it's probably in there. Just thought it was something interesting to share. After all who doesn't like butter, unless you're a fag, but they probably use it for other purposes.