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Could make a pot of chicken and andouille gumbo, or a seafood gumbo, that would probably be a big hit.
My wife has been making a really great chicken noodle soup for when my stomach is screwed up. Just pick up a rotisserie chicken, or you can always grab chicken thighs and brown them.
Just a standard mirepoix, but we also add mushrooms and leeks. Bay leaf, do a bouquet garni or whatever herbs you like such as thyme rosemary, etc. could splash a little white wine if you have it. Parsley stems in the bouquet are also great. And throw some fresh parsley in towards the end.
We don't cook the noodles in there though. We cook those separate. I found that it gets too gummy, so just make a big bag, keep it separate and I'm just add to your bowl and ladle on your soup.
Beauty of it is you can add whatever other vegetables. Sometimes we'll put sugar snap peas or cut up green beans. You could also add things like cannellini beans or navy beans. Hell if you wanted cauliflower or broccoli, I'm sure you could do that. I don't know I just really enjoy it and it's something I make and eat when I'm not feeling well.
You could always do a baked potato soup as well. I'd like to try to recreate the old one from bennigan's from way back when.
A good bisque isn't too hard, just requires a good stock.
You should check out the French cooking Academy on YouTube. The guy does classic French cuisine, and has quite a bit of different soups on there. He did won the other day that was apparently the favorite soup of Louis the 15th I think.
Follow up post,
It was my turn to cook again and I went with your suggestion of checking out the French Cooking Academy. Made this one below and bought a loaf of sourdough the morning of that toasted well
It was appealing since it was simple to prepare, chop up and chuck in when required. No blending or sifting through strainers which seems to be a theme with French cooking.
Not normally big on veg only options but this was tasty and filling and I will definitely be making it again for home.
it was also my first go at preparing and cooking a leek, which probably sounds strange to some, but that’s how it goes when you’re raised on bangers and mash, silverside with white sauce, apricot chicken and lots of roasts.
I cooked the soup in my stockpot the night before, fridge overnight and transferred it to a multi cooker I recently bought since the other blokes have one. It’s a lot more convenient to press “keep warm” at the start of the day, get on with work and have everything be good to go when it’s time to serve up.
I had an old slow cooker in the cupboard but I didn’t think it was up to the task. This new one will serve me well going forward and trying new things.
Speaking of, I will be mining your post for future things to try. I had to look up a few terms you used, like gumbo and mirepoix, since we just don’t get that kind of cuisine over here. We do however like a good curry and a good stew, so if this is the Cajun/Creole version then that sounds good to me.
I’ve had a decent run of not getting sick or flu symptoms this year, but if I do i’ll give that chicken noodle soup a try.
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