Gun control


Not fully relevant but

Afaik all black people are 'recently' descended from africans. Humans evolved in africa, some later moved to europe and and asia. The people in europe and asia ended up white and the people who remained in africa ended up black. Since we only recently gained te ability to quickly travel large distances, humans tended to mate with other humans who lived close to them. For a long time, black people mostly mated with other black people etc, and very few people emigrated. Almost everyone who is black come from families who lived in africa within the last few hundred years.

The white africans in southern africa are all recent immigrants. The only non-black people whose families are historically african would be from the very north of africa.


Trakanon Raider
South Africans
And if they are from any country other than South Africa? Its not politically incorrect to call black people black, just like its okay to call white people white. Asian is different because their complexion varies from extremely pale to brown. And yes, my black friends get offended when people call them african americans, because they are black africans and are not american at all.


"African Americans" has always been pretty stupid. I guess it was a way to make the large population born from ex-slaves feel better or somthing. Everywhere else in the world, "blacks" are "black".
And if they are from any country other than South Africa? Its not politically incorrect to call black people black, just like its okay to call white people white. Asian is different because their complexion varies from extremely pale to brown. And yes, my black friends get offended when people call them african americans, because they are black africans and are not american at all.
That's hilarious, because there are a lot more shades of black than Asian. And the really funny thing is, anyone with an ounce of black in their immediate heritage is considered black.


Molten Core Raider
NRA calling for armed security officers at all schools and blames violent video games and films for portraying murder as a "way of life".

BBC News - Newtown shooting: Gun lobby defiant as US remembers

The US has observed a moment of silence for the 26 victims of the Connecticut school shooting, as a gun lobby group called for armed security at schools.

Bells in Newtown tolled 26 times, one week after 20 children and six adults died at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

In Washington, the National Rifle Association called for "good guys" to be armed for "absolute protection"....

Wayne LaPierre, chief executive of the NRA, criticised politicians who had "exploited" the tragedy in Newtown for "political gain" and took aim at laws designating schools as gun-free zones.

"They tell every insane killer in America that schools are the safest place to inflict maximum mayhem with minimum risk," he said.

Mr LaPierre called for a national database of the mentally ill andblamed violent video games and films for portraying murder as a "way of life".

He spoke out against the media for demonising lawful gun owners, and for suggesting a ban on certain types of weapon would be effective.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," Mr LaPierre told reporters.

Congress should authorise funding for armed security in every school in the country,he said, adding that an "extraordinary corps" of trained professionals could be drawn from active and retired police officers, security professionals and firefighters around the country.
Is this guy on crack?


Mr. Poopybutthole
You weren't able to use that word without risking an outright ban on FoH for years. Why are you angry or shocked to see that it still can't be used here?
Maybe a long ass time ago. For the last few years, you were more likely to get struck by lightning than get infracted or banned for saying American Inventor on FoH, you stupid honky.


Musty Nester
While I will say that the NRA press conference was a shameful display I also have to say that shit they pulled on the Diane Sawyer show with interviewing kids about the culture of violence was shameless.

When I asked earlier "So children have to die so you can be proud to be an American?" I was being intentionally hyperbolic in an attempt to cut through the emotional bullshit -- that argument is obviously absurd. But Holy shit, I just remembered why I don't watch Diane Sawyer. They just made that argument in all seriousness to the entire nation using children as props.



As much as I love my friend's Canadian girl friend, I think the discussion has left the rails of any value besides reaffirming the world populations' ignorance of itself.

A house with locked doors is by most counts considered "secure".
A gun in said house is thus considered "secure".
This changes with socioeconomic and geopolitical location of the house. Also, children/mentally disturbed.

As the article I linked already shows, Genetics can often override "good" parenting. Look at each situation and stop blanketing parents (yes, a great many are shit bags that shouldn't have bred).

In the US, African Americans have pretty much chosen the term for themselves as a point of cultural heritage and disassociation from other terms. Attempts to modernize the census classifications are mired in racial politics and political correctness.

Can we end the thread yet or is there more frothing retard that needs to escape? Before we move on to economical social and mental health reform?


<Prior Amod>
Maybe a long ass time ago. For the last few years, you were more likely to get struck by lightning than get infracted or banned for saying American Inventor on FoH, you stupid honky.
Except I recieved an infraction for calling Tristian one about 4 months ago. Also 4 other posters knew it was an infraction/ban worthy thing as they all replied telling me so until sure enough an infraction was given.

You're wrong. Deal with it.


Has there been a study showing that clinically mentally ill people are any more dangerous, statistically, than those classified as normal?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think the Huffington Post is trying to make a point...




Has there been a study showing that clinically mentally ill people are any more dangerous, statistically, than those classified as normal?
I think there is a certain amount of fear of releasing a study like this, due to a chance of a "omg all people diagnosed with X need to be locked up!" or whatever, which would lead to people avoiding getting help for psych issues even more than they do now, etc etc.


I hear what you're saying. Personally, I would bet that social issues (e.g. education, peers, family, etc.) are the basis for more violent acts than any sort of schizophrenia sufferer.


I hear what you're saying. Personally, I would bet that social issues (e.g. education, peers, family, etc.) are the basis for more violent acts than any sort of schizophrenia sufferer.
On a whole, yes. When you consider things like gang violence kill lots more than these mass shooting gunman things do.

But most of these gunman attacks are mental health related, combined with suicide being largely a mental health issue and the number #3 or 4 killer of Americans the number isn't insignifigant.

Then again, socio-economic issues touch both of those too, so once again we go back to issues like health care, mental health care, crushing poverty, etc.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I heard a commonwealth club lecture from a couple months ago where there was a mental health professional who said that people with mental illness are roughly twice as likely to be violent as those who are not mentally ill.

Something to consider when looking at policy is that mass shootings, as dramatic as they are, are an insignificant fraction of murders in the US. Depending on what you consider a mass shooting, they kill 50-100 people a year in the US over the last 30 years. Appendicitis kills like 425 people a year. The problem of drug related and crime related murders are hugely larger than that of mass shootings and those guys don't tend to use legal weapons OR assault rifles.


Trakanon Raider
I think there is a certain amount of fear of releasing a study like this, due to a chance of a "omg all people diagnosed with X need to be locked up!" or whatever, which would lead to people avoiding getting help for psych issues even more than they do now, etc etc.
The most violent people I know are those that don't have a mental disorder. These people perform actions that if caught, could result in long prison times. They are so scared of being caught, and being sent to jail for a long time that violence "might" prevent jail. On your accounts, all the dictators of the world who kill vast numbers of humans must be mentally unstable. In reality, they are so scared of their fellow men, they purge their ranks if they remotely think they will be back stabbed. Insert every drug lord/dictator/king/rogue general in history.

I have long wondered why people snap. Most of the time these random killers like Columbine, Mcveigh, and what happened here had people who felt slighted by their fellow peers. They want revenge and they deem violence is the only way to display their angry so people can hear. Sadly its just too easy to get the necessary weapons that can inflict this kind of damage. Its amazing how resistant to USA has become to change.

Maybe I'm just jaded because we Canadians were told we couldn't have legal pot because the USA would flip shit of us proving pot doesn't harm the populace like good ol Nixon said it would. Funny how things that cause happiness and pleasure like drugs, sex, alcohol, and freedom of expression are either illegal or poorly educated to the public. Guns are created for the sole purpose of killing. They are integrated so deeply into American culture that its acceptable to have children shoot and handle these dangerous weapons, yet smoking a native plant can land you in jail for 20 years.

Be less apprehensive of your fellow countrymen. Do small things for people like holding a door, and saying thank you to strangers when they do something nice for you. I don't hear compliments as much when I can to visit down here and it kinda bums be out. Hell I stood at a crosswalk for 5 minutes in the rain in SF waiting to cross when I had the right of way, nobody stopped.


The most violent people I know are those that don't have a mental disorder. These people perform actions that if caught, could result in long prison times. They are so scared of being caught, and being sent to jail for a long time that violence "might" prevent jail. On your accounts, all the dictators of the world who kill vast numbers of humans must be mentally unstable. In reality, they are so scared of their fellow men, they purge their ranks if they remotely think they will be back stabbed. Insert every drug lord/dictator/king/rogue general in history.

I have long wondered why people snap. Most of the time these random killers like Columbine, Mcveigh, and what happened here had people who felt slighted by their fellow peers. They want revenge and they deem violence is the only way to display their angry so people can hear. Sadly its just too easy to get the necessary weapons that can inflict this kind of damage. Its amazing how resistant to USA has become to change.

Maybe I'm just jaded because we Canadians were told we couldn't have legal pot because the USA would flip shit of us proving pot doesn't harm the populace like good ol Nixon said it would. Funny how things that cause happiness and pleasure like drugs, sex, alcohol, and freedom of expression are either illegal or poorly educated to the public. Guns are created for the sole purpose of killing. They are integrated so deeply into American culture that its acceptable to have children shoot and handle these dangerous weapons, yet smoking a native plant can land you in jail for 20 years.

Be less apprehensive of your fellow countrymen. Do small things for people like holding a door, and saying thank you to strangers when they do something nice for you. I don't hear compliments as much when I can to visit down here and it kinda bums be out. Hell I stood at a crosswalk for 5 minutes in the rain in SF waiting to cross when I had the right of way, nobody stopped.
By my account? The statement you quoted didn't say one way or another of my opinon on the matter.

Part of "they just want someone to hear them so they resort to violence" is a cultural issue. Too many feel that looking for help is weakness, or having feelings is weakness and so any kind of mental health is against our code of "manly, independant Americanness" or some shit. Hell too many don't believe these issues are "real problems", its absurd.


Shit Lord Supreme
Been taking the bus to and from work, save on money.

Other day guy on the street started yelling something like, white boy better keep running [me I guess] or he'd stick a gun in my mouth. I Turned around and started walking back the way he was when I saw my bus just drive off, but the guy didn't approach me.

I was the only one kinda running, see if I could catch up to my bus, so I figure he was shouting at me.

Don't think he was planning on escalating it, but it's fucked though. And it's entirely different thing than someone saying they're gonna beat your ass or some such bs, because than that's just some ass hole shit...but talking about killing?

Was right along a very busy street in Albany too [ny].-woops

Aychamo BanBan

I heard a commonwealth club lecture from a couple months ago where there was a mental health professional who said that people with mental illness are roughly twice as likely to be violent as those who are not mentally ill.

Something to consider when looking at policy is that mass shootings, as dramatic as they are, are an insignificant fraction of murders in the US. Depending on what you consider a mass shooting, they kill 50-100 people a year in the US over the last 30 years. Appendicitis kills like 425 people a year. The problem of drug related and crime related murders are hugely larger than that of mass shootings and those guys don't tend to use legal weapons OR assault rifles.