Aychamo BanBan
- 6,338
- 7,144
4 paragraphs of pure ignorance. Congratulations!The most violent people I know are those that don't have a mental disorder. These people perform actions that if caught, could result in long prison times. They are so scared of being caught, and being sent to jail for a long time that violence "might" prevent jail. On your accounts, all the dictators of the world who kill vast numbers of humans must be mentally unstable. In reality, they are so scared of their fellow men, they purge their ranks if they remotely think they will be back stabbed. Insert every drug lord/dictator/king/rogue general in history.
I have long wondered why people snap. Most of the time these random killers like Columbine, Mcveigh, and what happened here had people who felt slighted by their fellow peers. They want revenge and they deem violence is the only way to display their angry so people can hear. Sadly its just too easy to get the necessary weapons that can inflict this kind of damage. Its amazing how resistant to USA has become to change.
Maybe I'm just jaded because we Canadians were told we couldn't have legal pot because the USA would flip shit of us proving pot doesn't harm the populace like good ol Nixon said it would. Funny how things that cause happiness and pleasure like drugs, sex, alcohol, and freedom of expression are either illegal or poorly educated to the public. Guns are created for the sole purpose of killing. They are integrated so deeply into American culture that its acceptable to have children shoot and handle these dangerous weapons, yet smoking a native plant can land you in jail for 20 years.
Be less apprehensive of your fellow countrymen. Do small things for people like holding a door, and saying thank you to strangers when they do something nice for you. I don't hear compliments as much when I can to visit down here and it kinda bums be out. Hell I stood at a crosswalk for 5 minutes in the rain in SF waiting to cross when I had the right of way, nobody stopped.