Health Care Thread

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
Yea, thank god the government is in charge now. Because we all know, there is no waste and fraud in government run programs! I feel so much better.
It's in the private sector as well you ignorant welfare queen, those things happen not because of government but because of human nature. You are upset that humans are flawed and you are to stupid to fucking know better.


Vyemm Raider
'closing loopholes' is a fucking inside joke for politicians. When they say it, they are making fun of someone. Probably you and me.
Right up there with "Flat tax." Every time some non 1%er regurgitates that horseshit, they laugh themselves silly.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Side note: Had anyone EVER heard a 1%er rant about flat taxing? I swear its always bottom couple tiers where I hear it, the people that would get screwed the most.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I thought Republicans were all in favor of closing loopholes.

Oh, they just mean the ones that benefit everyone else?
Like the gunshow loop hole? That kind of loop hole?
Side note: Had anyone EVER heard a 1%er rant about flat taxing? I swear its always bottom couple tiers where I hear it, the people that would get screwed the most.
But the they couldpay their fair share!


Vyemm Raider
The flat tax bit actually came up because a high school dropout marine blue collar worker turned libertarian who according to his Facebook is running for Congress weighed in on a min wage thread with how the country is going to hell because the rich are taxed too much and a 20% flat tax would fix everything and we should end all government regulation, get rid of the minimum wage entirely, end all entitlements, require proof that you can pay before a hospital will treat you, impeach Obama, require military service, Reagan was the greatest President of all time, and so on. He frequently links things from and with gems like "Obama is going to change the law to give himself a third term" or how Obamacare violates the constitution and the usual TeaTard horseshit. Pointing out that we've had the lowest upper tax rate since the great depression for 30 years now and the country, in his own words, is "going to shit" does not, of course, sway his argument.

Basically, he is a poster child slack-jawed retard Tea Party dream voter. He's the kind of person that you wish was parody. A poorly educated yet highly opinionated political activist who campaigns against his own self interest so the rich can get richer and the rest of us can go poor making products that kill us. Someone with actual wealth would laugh themselves silly at this guy.

Probably my favorite line from him though was the bit about how experts and economists and such don't know anything because "common sense" says so and so is *obviously* right. So if you link any actual study, fact, or statistic, his rebuttal is "well, common sense says that is wrong." Every other thing he said was common sense this, common sense that. I wasn't even arguing with the guy because I smelled libertard right from the start but he kept injecting his stupid into what was mostly a half-serious debate between friends (once my friend understood that Obama wasn't actually calling for a $15 min wage)

That wasn't you was it, Merlin?


Elisha Dushku
It's in the private sector as well you ignorant welfare queen, those things happen not because of government but because of human nature. You are upset that humans are flawed and you are to stupid to fucking know better.
The critical difference being that fraud in the government is much more likely to go unmonitored or if caught, unpunished. Obamacare was sold on fraud ("You can keep your health plan/doctor") but no one from Obama on down will get punished for that lie.

Feel free to make a list of exactly how many people have been actually punished for the fraud, waste and mismanagement that has occurred under every administration since Clinton. It'd be a pretty short list. About the only thing the Obama administration goes after these days are DoD senior officials who may have been involved in sexual misconduct. Everybody and everything else gets a pass.

You of course are a true believer and will defend everything this corrupt administration has done, so I'm not writing this for you - but maybe Merlin will read it and realize exactly how far up your ass you stick your head on a daily basis.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think the driving force behind Obama being elected was mostly to avoid republican wack jobs from holding power, starting wars, and voting in line with whichever cult they happen to be part of.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I think the driving force behind Obama being elected was mostly to avoid republican wack jobs from holding power, starting wars, and voting in line with whichever cult they happen to be part of.
Boy, that sure backfired on you guys, didn't it?


Vyemm Raider
According to tad, fraud, waste and mismanagement didn't exist in government until Clinton.

Yeah, he said something that fucking retarded.


Musty Nester
I think the driving force behind Obama being elected was mostly to avoid republican wack jobs from holding power, starting wars, and voting in line with whichever cult they happen to be part of.
I think this was both the populist stance and the established power stance as well. I'm sorry, but Hillary was in all ways more qualified except two: her lack of a penis, and her last name. People just qualied at the thought of dynasty and having to actually work with that spiteful bitch.

But you know, after the national shitshow that has been the past 2 GOP primary cycles it's not like I'm throwing stones. Obama has been controllable. Hillary -- who knows what she'll do but whatever it is she'll be the one in control.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
The critical difference being that fraud in the government is much more likely to go unmonitored or if caught, unpunished. Obamacare was sold on fraud ("You can keep your health plan/doctor") but no one from Obama on down will get punished for that lie.

Feel free to make a list of exactly how many people have been actually punished for the fraud, waste and mismanagement that has occurred under every administration since Clinton. It'd be a pretty short list. About the only thing the Obama administration goes after these days are DoD senior officials who may have been involved in sexual misconduct. Everybody and everything else gets a pass.

You of course are a true believer and will defend everything this corrupt administration has done, so I'm not writing this for you - but maybe Merlin will read it and realize exactly how far up your ass you stick your head on a daily basis.
How many times does one have to criticize Obama before ignorant fucking twats like you will stop with that stupid argument that we are lock step with every single thing in favor of Obama? How fucking stupid do you actually have to be to continue ignoring the criticism and make such claims, for the first time you have ever made me feel stupid, I feel stupid because I can't wrap my mind around just how fucking retarded you are.

You throw around words like you know what they mean, Obamacare was sold on fraud is clear proof you do not understand the definition of fraud. You would think with all these clear cut illegal actions something would be done. Are the republicans being soft on the Democrats and not attacking all these laws that were broken, are they secretly in on the ACA with the Democrats? The shit you come up with doesn't hold up past 3 seconds of logic and reasoning, skills you apparently never developed.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
According to tad, fraud, waste and mismanagement didn't exist in government until Clinton.

Yeah, he said something that fucking retarded.
Fraud didn't exist until Limbaugh and FoxNews became popular. Coincidence?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
isnt tad a lawyer by profession?

how does he not know how fraud works and what it means?


Registered Hutt
I doubt he is a lawyer. Etoille and Cad are lawyers and they'll go all legal on you at the drop of a hat. Tad only ever regurgitates platitudes he heard on AM radio.