Health Care Thread

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I also am an Adjunct Scholar at American Enterprise Institute and Mercatus-Affiliated Senior Scholar.

The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI) is a private, conservative, partisan, not-for-profit institution dedicated to research and education on issues of government, politics, economics and social welfare think tank founded in 1938. Its stated mission is "to defend the principles and improve the institutions of American freedom and democratic capitalism-limited government, private enterprise, individual liberty and responsibility, vigilant and effective defense and foreign policies, political accountability, and open debate"
yes, he sounds like a very good source fanaskin



Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
what did you find factually incorrect?
I didnt personally because I just glanced at the article. But the fact that he had to make corrections to his numbers at the bottom of the article because 2 readers indicated that he screwed up, tells me that at least 2 people found something factually incorrect.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
How many of those that remain uninsured are in Texas? And why would so many remain uninsured in Texas? Might it be because so many people in TX can't qualify for Medicaid because the Republican governor, with the support of the overwhelmingly Republican government and voter base chose not to expand it? Please let us know how that's Obummer's fault.


Vyemm Raider
Use the Supreme Court to create a coverage gap in the law, causing the law to cover less people than originally projected. Turn around and point at the failure to meet those projections as proof that the law isn't working. Ta-da! Derp derp de doo.

I'm curious why they haven't done anything yet about the coverage gap. Or even talked much about it, really. Can they really do nothing about it as long as the GOP holds +1 seats in the house? It's not like they are going to fix something that they broke on purpose.

EDIT: Granted, it's "only" 5.2 million people.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
so why didn't they use the supreme court to not call obamacare a tax and avoid the law in the first place?


Ok so the math was too much for you, thanks again Merlin.
Yea, this is totally believable! Nothing to see here, move along now folks.

Seriously though dude, don't you know when your getting bullshit blasted up your ass with a fucking hose? Can't you smell the BS a mile away on this one? I'm gonna fucking bust out laughing when the real numbers are reported. A fucking month ago they had no idea what the actual numbers were but suddenly they are right on target? What about this administration gives you confidence they are telling the truththis time?



Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
in Massachusetts when a similar law was passed Merlin it was observed how a large part of the signups occurred right before the deadline.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Yea, this is totally believable! Nothing to see here, move along now folks.

Seriously though dude, don't you know when your getting bullshit blasted up your ass with a fucking hose? Can't you smell the BS a mile away on this one? I'm gonna fucking bust out laughing when the real numbers are reported. A fucking month ago they had no idea what the actual numbers were but suddenly they are right on target? What about this administration gives you confidence they are telling the truththis time?
Why would Obama make up fake numbers if he will have to report the "real numbers" anyways?


Yea, this is totally believable! Nothing to see here, move along now folks.

Seriously though dude, don't you know when your getting bullshit blasted up your ass with a fucking hose? Can't you smell the BS a mile away on this one? I'm gonna fucking bust out laughing when the real numbers are reported. A fucking month ago they had no idea what the actual numbers were but suddenly they are right on target? What about this administration gives you confidence they are telling the truththis time?

I enrolled 18 families in March, with an average of 2 people per household. Roughly 40% of my individual enrollments came in just that 1 month. Why is it hard to believe enrollments spiked at the deadline? I can tell you first hand they absolutely did, and this doesn't even include the 10-15 more people I saw in March that went directly through the state's Medi-Cal, or the group plans we set up that enrolled an additional 20-25 people.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I enrolled 18 families in March, with an average of 2 people per household. Roughly 40% of my individual enrollments came in just that 1 month. Why is it hard to believe enrollments spiked at the deadline? I can tell you first hand they absolutely did, and this doesn't even include the 10-15 more people I saw in March that went directly through the state's Medi-Cal, or the group plans we set up that enrolled an additional 20-25 people.
Yep, same reason people always put off doing anything until the deadline. paying bills, doing taxes, filling out applications, etc.

people are lazy