Health Care Thread


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
No. This country was founded on small and limited government. But we continue to hand them more power because it's so much easier to live on your knees.
Misquoted completely, small and limited Federal government is the factual version.

And the Fed has a habit of only stepping in when the states ignore an issue after repeated prodding. (i.e. recently healthcare reform, in distant history the military)

The Founders' ideal would be close to the EU for the Fed, which most people quoting"limited government" want nothing remotely close to due to the hypocrisy involved in being a modern Republican voter/supporter.


Gallup is part of the administration now?
Its in the article:
The White House last week reported a total of 7.1 million private insurance enrollments through the Affordable Care Act's health insurance exchanges, exceeding most expectations, despite a troubled rollout in October 2013.

An additional 3 million signed up for Medicaid, government-provided health insurance for low-income people, the administration said Friday, bringing the total number of sign-ups to over 10 million.
And you don't use Gallup to track official numbers anyway. The entire premise is ridiculous.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Well if the administration said it it must be true! I totally believe them!
Right, it makes a lot more sense to assume that Obama is lying 100% of the time. My only question is how he keeps getting away with it


Right, it makes a lot more sense to assume that Obama is lying 100% of the time. My only question is how he keeps getting away with it
So gallup polled all 300 million people in the country to arrive at those numbers? Or did they poll a thousand people and then reported these huge increases in covered individuals?

Found it:
The results from the first quarter are based on more than 43,500 interviews with U.S. adults from Jan. 2 to March 31, 2014, as part of the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index.
So they interviewed 43k people and then translated those numbers to a nation of 300 million.
That must be totally accurate. I wouldn't dare question the results. Nothing to see here, move along now.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Yes merlin. we can never have a poll ever again in this country unless we poll every single person. including kids and infants.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
So gallup polled all 300 million people in the country to arrive at those numbers? Or did they poll a thousand people and then reported these huge increases in covered individuals?

Found it:

So they interviewed 43k people and then translated those numbers to a nation of 300 million.
That must be totally accurate. I wouldn't dare question the results. Nothing to see here, move along now.
Merlin does not understand how statistics work. What a shocking revelation.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Claiming that any specialist in any field of study doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about if it conflicts with my worldview; the modus operandi of the modern day conservative.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
did the unskewed polls guy poll every person in america???? i dont remember.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Its in the article:

And you don't use Gallup to track official numbers anyway. The entire premise is ridiculous.
Might want to link the quote in the future, when you just quote the article link the general assumption is that you're challenging the premise of the article itself (that people polled felt it was 'accomplishing it's goal' - which is so open-ended of a question it's ridiculous IMO) not a minor quote that's actually tangential to the article's primary message.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So gallup polled all 300 million people in the country to arrive at those numbers? Or did they poll a thousand people and then reported these huge increases in covered individuals?

Found it:

So they interviewed 43k people and then translated those numbers to a nation of 300 million.
That must be totally accurate. I wouldn't dare question the results. Nothing to see here, move along now.
Not sure what the accuracy of a 43k person poll is, but a 3k person poll is enough to get a figure that is correct with a +/-3% deviation - I know it slows drastically past the 3k mark, but I'd assume it's in the +/-1.5 to 2% range - so it's not going to be very far off regardless because, of how statistics work when done by a valid polling organization. (And note, Gallup tends to lean a tad conservative with their methodology and calling areas... so if anything it's likely wrongly pointing AGAINST it)


Ssraeszha Raider
Merlin got bit hard by Unskewed Polls in the past. I don't expect him to trust statistics ever again.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Not sure what the accuracy of a 43k person poll is, but a 3k person poll is enough to get a figure that is correct with a +/-3% deviation - I know it slows drastically past the 3k mark, but I'd assume it's in the +/-1.5 to 2% range - so it's not going to be very far off regardless because, of how statistics work when done by a valid polling organization. (And note, Gallup tends to lean a tad conservative with their methodology and calling areas... so if anything it's likely wrongly pointing AGAINST it)
The article : "[...]according to the poll of 43,500 adult Americans between January and March. It has a margin of error of 1 percentage point."

Merlin is still figuring out how much -12-12 is, guys. Please give him some time to catch up on statistics.