Health Care Thread


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Link me to them.
Pussy. Pull yourself out of your basement shithole and do some actual work for once. Oh, that's right, you are one of "those" liberals who think everyone else should do your work for you. You are the exact type of person who destroyed the Democrat party. Fuck you loser.

If I thought you had a brain, then I would suspect you to be a secret Republican plant out to fuck with the Democrats. It's really hard to believe that human beings can be as stupid as you claim to be. But it turns out you can never underestimate the stupidity of Araysar.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
How about you start by addressing all the articles I have posted you fuckwit
Im not sure which right wing rag to start with, breitbart or townhall? gateway pundit or fox news? how do i decide?

Pussy. Pull yourself out of your basement shithole and do some actual work for once. Oh, that's right, you are one of "those" liberals who think everyone else should do your work for you. You are the exact type of person who destroyed the Democrat party. Fuck you loser.

If I thought you had a brain, then I would suspect you to be a secret Republican plant out to fuck with the Democrats. It's really hard to believe that human beings can be as stupid as you claim to be. But it turns out you can never underestimate the stupidity of Araysar.
Bro, why are you so afraid to actually discuss the subject and provide a link?

Why are you masking your ignorance with so many insults?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You are on one side of an argument and he is asking for evidence as to why you support that side, guy.
And I replied with an easily looked for solution, "guy". But Araysar has to have his hand held, he can't even wipe his own ass. Fuck that. I expect people to be capable of using at least two neurons and be able to do more than just breath. But Araysar isn't one of those. He's a leech. He doesn't deserve any help.


And I replied with an easily looked for solution, "guy". But Araysar has to have his hand held, he can't even wipe his own ass. Fuck that. I expect people to be capable of using at least two neurons and be able to do more than just breath. But Araysar isn't one of those. He's a leech. He doesn't deserve any help.
Takes an exponential more number of neurons to breathe than just two.


I'm taking a Republican approach to this: Obamacare works for me, so must be fine! If it's not working for other people it must be something wrong with them!

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
And I replied with an easily looked for solution, "guy". But Araysar has to have his hand held, he can't even wipe his own ass. Fuck that. I expect people to be capable of using at least two neurons and be able to do more than just breath. But Araysar isn't one of those. He's a leech. He doesn't deserve any help.
Work all your life since you were 13, never collect government assistance aside from pell grants and student loans, and then get called a leech.

Can't explain that.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
As a liberal who's displeased with the ACA I will play the part of a reasonable conservative since the conserve-a-tards in this thread are incapable.

Problem #1. People are being dropped from their insurance in droves. This is a problem for Obama because he made the promise that everyone can keep their current plans. Like that stupid "red line" he drew for Syria, he backed himself in a corner by making a promise that can't be kept. Dems will argue that the plans being dropped were shitty to begin with, but they should have anticipated the mass cancellations. Advantage - Republitards.

Problem #2. Costs are going up for the majority of middle class families that don't have pre-existing conditions. ObummerCare was billed as a fix to rising health care costs for the majority of Americans. This isn't happening. The Dems will argue that this is out of their control since healthcare is still in the hands of private insurance companies, not to mention businesses that are using ObummerCare as an easy excuse to further stick it to their workers by dropping healthcare and blaming it on the Black Prince. Advantage - neither.

Problem #3 Coverage gap in states that didn't expand Medicaid. Living in TX I see first hand how worthless the ACA is for people below the poverty line. It does jackshit. The Dems will argue that its not their fault the Rep governors refuse to implement it, but this should have been anticipated and accounted for when the law was written. Anyone with a pulse knew the GOP would fight this tooth and nail until the bitter end. Advantage - both sides suck equally

Problem #4 Website sucks huge, socialist, bloated government monkey balls. No doubt this is a huge Obama fuck up, he owns this one. No doubt. Advantage - Reps.

The problem is if the TeaTards actually cared about America they wouldn't be so gleeful that so many fellow Americans are experiencing hardships from this disaster and would work to fix it instead of standing around screaming "I told you so!". Its obvious they aren't patriots, they don't care about helping America, they only care about scoring points. It's fucking sad and pathetic.


Problem #2. Costs are going up for the majority of middle class families that don't have pre-existing conditions.
I can personally attest to the cash price of drugs going through all kinds of batshittery lately. Circlejerk about insurance all you want, but the actual cost of health care needs to be controlled somehow.


Ssraeszha Raider
First Blakkheim, now Grim1. Rustles... rustles everywhere.

It's gonna be okay, guys. Take a deep breath.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
The security of everybodies information i'd also call a legitimate universal concern considering how the website has turned out.

in the most extreme case an economic death spiral could theoretically happen as well.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
oh for christ's sake

can you literally go for a day without looking like an idiot?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Do you ever go a day without thinking you know everything?

Everything You Need to Know About Obamacare and 'Death Spirals'

if enough young people don't sign up like say the website is retarded and only the most determined people (the sick ones) try slamming their head into a brick wall to sign up, over a period of time it would make the system economically unfeasible. however it's unlikely it would take a couple years of young people deciding to pay the fine and only buying insurance when they needed it because the law states you can't be refused for any reason, and the penalty is very passively enforced.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
Do you ever go a day without thinking you know everything?

Everything You Need to Know About Obamacare and 'Death Spirals'

if enough young people don't sign up like say the website is retarded and only the most determined people (the sick ones) try to get in, over a period of time it would make the system economically unfeasible. however it's unlikely it would take a couple years of young people deciding to pay the fine and only buying insurance when they needed it because the law states you can't be refused for any reason, and the penalty is very passively enforced.'s awful website probably won't doom health-care reform. Why? Here's your super-explainer.
MATTHEW O'BRIEN NOV 12 2013, 11:41 AM ET

great article.