Health Care Thread


Yes. As did everyone one else on the group plan. And mental health benefits. And chiropractic. Tons of crap I don't personally use but that was and has been part of every employer policy I've ever had.
I did not, I will now though.

I don't care as long as my bottom line stays the same. It is a flaw though and poorly thought out. You can see the fallout building up to critical mass from ALL sides at this point.


Vyemm Raider
the catch is they say it will lower the premiums...what incentive do the HI carriers have to actually LOWER the premiums if they can since they "have" all these new paying customers?

they don't. at most the rates just won't climb as fast.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
the catch is they say it will lower the premiums...what incentive do the HI carriers have to actually LOWER the premiums if they can since they "have" all these new paying customers?

they don't. at most the rates just won't climb as fast.
I am presuming that the new rules mandating that at least 85% of the premium is to be actually spent on the healthcare itself, instead of administrative bullshit can in fact reduce premiums for a lot of plans


I am presuming that the new rules mandating that at least 85% of the premium is to be actually spent on the healthcare itself, instead of administrative bullshit can in fact reduce premiums for a lot of plans
We can hope. I think it will take a few years before we actually see what is going to be our bottom line as customers. This could be the most amazing thing that has ever happened to our wallet and health. Or we could solve some world overpopulation issues, we don't know right now.


Pelvic Sorcerer
<Silver Donator>
Bro, I'm on your side, but come on, those things don't happen in a vacuum. This is America, retards are allowed to vote and the pendulum always swings back. Obummer fucked it up for the rest of us. It sucks, but that's fact Jack. The quicker we face facts and deal with it, the less damage the Retard Brigade can do.
You already know that no one on your side is going to own up to this mess anytime soon, if ever. The same thing happened with Bush, he had his followers going down in a blaze of glory with him also, so it will be the same with Obama.

It's funny. I was just wondering how things were going to turn out next year for us conservatives, and boom,..... healthcare landmine! Thank you again liberals, I beginning to see another wave election for next year!

So much excitement in one place, I may have to grab me a beer out of the fridge.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
What mess is there to own up to?

A shitty website that is being fixed and one broken "promise" that no one cares about? Oh no, I wont be able to keep my shitty ripoff plan! Damn you, Obama!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What mess is there to own up to?

A shitty website that is being fixed and one broken "promise" that no one cares about? Oh no, I wont be able to keep my shitty ripoff plan! Damn you, Obama!
Lol, that made me spit my coffee out. Your willful ignorance is hilarious sometimes.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I imagine he meant PT never heard of insurance doing chiropractic personally since I've adult, although my parents did as a kid but that was Federal employee BCBS that was likely ancient.
If your doctor sends you for chiropractic care insurance will typically pay for it. It's palliative care no different than PT really.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
There are legitimate chiropractors and chiropractic work out there that helps shit like herniated discs and the like, but the guys popping necks and claiming to re align your vertebra and remove subluxations and shit are fucking quacks.

Chiropractic subluxation is a medical myth. They've been trying to prove that shit exists for over 100 years and failed, it does not fucking happen the way the chiropractic quacks think it does.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You have a better chance of getting Lumie to explain his lizard jew angels than Grim explaining what he doesn't like about the ACA.
Hah, I figured out why you are so pathetically stupid. You are incapable of remembering anything. I would suggest you stop hitting the bong so much son. There is a reason why they call it dope.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
Or you could go back and reread my posts to get your answer. Refresh your memory and save us all from your blundering ineptness.
Which arguments, the one where you compared the ACA to tidal waves of disaster, the death star destroying alderon, or where you compared the ACA to the holcaust?