Health Care Thread


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
the catch is they say it will lower the premiums...what incentive do the HI carriers have to actually LOWER the premiums if they can since they "have" all these new paying customers?

they don't. at most the rates just won't climb as fast.
the overall pattern is to make the premiums lower but raise the deductibles to discourage use.


Tranny Chaser
Pelosi is still dumb.
If you reduce your ideas down to a bumper sticker slogan (if you like your plan you can keep it) you don't get to then discuss the nuances of the program when it turns out your bumper sticker was 100% wrong. Don't give me that "well if you had your plan before 2010" bullshit. That wasn't on the bumper sticker so it's no good to you now.


EQOA Refugee
I imagine he meant PT never heard of insurance doing chiropractic personally since I've adult, although my parents did as a kid but that was Federal employee BCBS that was likely ancient.
No I meant chiropractic. We had limited amount of visits that they'd cover with a copay but it was chiropractic.


EQOA Refugee
But the point was my healthcare has always included shit I wouldn't personally use before this. I don't see the difference.


But the point was my healthcare has always included shit I wouldn't personally use before this. I don't see the difference.
The difference is every plan HAS to include it and cannot charge more for it.

Basically everyone has to have a woman's plan with no need for it and pay the higher price that used to be only for women. Sure some of the women will be happier but at what cost?

Right now the wording of the law makes it literally illegal to change these plans up to pay for only the things you need/want.

Just because you had a shitty insurance plan and put no effort into managing your healthcare doesn't mean other people do that nor should they.

What is your stance on dependents on your W-4? Do you think nobody should be able to change their amount of dependents to optimize their tax withdrawals because you don't?

You sound like you basically applaud laziness and stupidity. Are you a stupid and lazy person by nature?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You do realize they did the same thing for all policies that covered those things preACA, right?


You do realize they did the same thing for all policies that covered those things preACA, right?
Please explain this because maybe my reading comprehension is down right now but it doesn't make sense.

PreACA you chose what you wanted and didn't want, up to a point. You weren't going to get women's stuff as a man and vice versa.
PostACA everyone has to have the same set of EHB that cannot be adjusted and anything on the EHB cannot be dropped to save you or the company money.

They can't both be happening at the same time.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The requirements being universal is fact, but if you were part of a pool with even ONE WOMAN WITH MATERNITY benefits, the plan charged for it across the whole pool.

There was no a la carte I want this but not that within a plan. Some websites had tools that looked like they did because they guided you to the pool that fit your options, but within a pool - options weren't variable. So for an employer that runs a pool or even multiple pools the difference is elementary because they did it already.

And note very few plans without women's health actually had savings, generally male heavy pools are more expensive in the old method, since heart disease is such a common male risk with a ton of cost on it compared to most female complications.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Motion to RRP Grim1 unless he can outline what he doesn't like about ACA
Lol, you are desperate for anything to be positive at this point. Sucks to be you.

Everything about the ACA sucks. It was written by morons, implemented by impeciles and cheered on by losers.

Go back to licking your Obama poster and stop bothering the adults with your childish blathering.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Also add to that, had to check my files, that many states already required many/most of those benefits already. On maternity my three I've done employee plans for all require maternity coverage for example. And as stated once its in the plan, everyone in the pool is paying for it, not just those using it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
But the point was my healthcare has always included shit I wouldn't personally use before this. I don't see the difference.
We get it. You don't care if you are lied to by our leaders. When Bush lied you were ok with it. When Clinton lied you were ok with it. When Obama lied you were ok with it.

In fact, you like being lied to. You admit to it and you enjoy it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Also add to that, had to check my files, that many states already required many/most of those benefits already. On maternity my three I've done employee plans for all require maternity coverage for example. And as stated once its in the plan, everyone in the pool is paying for it, not just those using it.
.... ouch. The amount of pretzel logic you have to perform to maintain your love of Obama must be painful.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
.... ouch. The amount of pretzel logic you have to perform to maintain your love of Obama must be painful.
Clarifying that autoinclusion in everything is the issue since ala carte didn't exist in healthcare is apparently hearty love of Mr. O... Gotcha.

Couldn't be that I'm trying to clarify what's new and what the problem with it is....

I'd love to see ala carte insurance options myself. But only way to do that today is via secondary insurance - preACA or post for the nonACA items.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
The requirements being universal is fact, but if you were part of a pool with even ONE WOMAN WITH MATERNITY benefits, the plan charged for it across the whole pool.

There was no a la carte I want this but not that within a plan
What what about the individual market?